
D Train

Gold Belt
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
I'm a pretty strong guy for my size, but Monday night, I got completely overpowered. I'm not talking like he was just stronger than me. He was FAR stronger than me. This happens against bigger guys, but this cat was my own size. He's only been training for a a month or so and has no real technique. I found it easy to pass his guard and get dominate position, but he just powered out of nearly every sub I tried. Granted, I'm not Rickson, but I've been training considerably longer than him and I just found it frustrating. He even subbed me once. I don't mind gettng subbed through superior technique, but this guy just put me in some sort of modified gullitine (it wasn't even a real technique I don't think) and crushed my larnyx.
Next time I roll with him I suppose I'll try to be faster on my transitions and more conservative in my positions. This did give me an appreciation for how I tend to use my own strength against smaller (and believe me there aren't many) opponents. So that's something I need to work on.
I've been aggravated with myself all week over this and I just had to vent.
I know what you mean. I roll with guys all the time that are bigger and/or stronger than me. My technique is for the most part better than theirs, but I lose position alot when I go for a submission simply because they can muscle out of it. I just play top game once I get there and wait for them to tire out. Pass their guard, hang out in side control, spin around north/south to side control on the other side, knee on belly, back down to side control, repeat, etc.
You know what, that's not a bad idea. I could certainly use practice transitioning from one position to another. I still need to work on pulling off subs on guy that much stronger than me though.
Let it be a lesson to not use your strength as a crutch.
If hes powering out of dominant positions that means your positioning isn't very good. Say for example you are in side control. I take it that hes escaping by pushing you off like hes doing a bench press.

In cases like this I switch my hips which rotates my torso a little bit. This will break his hand positioning on you and you will be back in side control.
I can pretty much keep position, he just powers out of my subs: triangles, kimuras, armbars, guillitines, etc. I did get him with a RNC.
Start lifting up heavy objects and eating every mammal in sight.
No doubt this has pushed me harder in my workouts, but I already work out a lot (heavy lifting, plyos, the whole deal) and I'm stronger than most guys my size. An extra hour or two in the gym isn't going to help me out here. This dude is just a freak of nature. I'm not kidding, the first time I grabbed a hold of him, I thought, "Oh crap." Matching his strength isn't going to be an option for me. A man's got to know his limitations, after all.
Dude if someone powers out of a guillotine or armbar then you probably have sloppy technique. Drill the technique more. I've guillotined a lot of people bigger and stronger than me. They shouldn't be able to get out if you know how to apply it properly.
I don't have a problem with stronger guys, I even prefer them, it seems so easy to armdrag and take back because they are always pulling or pushing harder than needed.
I don't have a problem with stronger guys, I even prefer them, it seems so easy to armdrag and take back because they are always pulling or pushing harder than needed.

That's a strong guy with bad tech. When you roll with a powerhouse with good tech, you wont prefer strong guys any more.
You can't just power out of good technique. Your technique is sloppy. Case in point, Matt Hughes x Carlos Newton I. If anyone is going to power out of a triangle, I would think it would be Matt Hughes. Had Newton hooked the leg he would have won.

Work on your technique.
watch the Penn-Sherk fight coming up. You'll see how superior technique will beat Strenth
This happened to me the other day.

I had a white belt who is probably 20 lbs bigger than me in my guard, and I swear he had a fucking grip of steel. Normally I'm good at breaking grips in the guard, but nothing I did even budged this guys arm. I opened my guard on my own terms rather than wait for the inevitable break and pass on his part.

I wish I had remembered the wrist lock, but seeing as how I don't really practice the move, I completely forgot about it. Also, I'm not even sure I could bend his wrist because this guy was so strong.

This is why there are nifty things called weight classes.

A strong ass white belt with decent technique can give me fits sometimes.
Every once-in-a-while you will run into guys that are retard strong. People that haven't experiencied it can not understand. Scared the shit out of me the first time.

Just commit yourself to moving fast and good form.
I'm not kidding, the first time I grabbed a hold of him, I thought, "Oh crap." Matching his strength is going to be an option for me. A man's got to know his limitations, after all.
You hit the nail on the head here man. Use your technique, sharpen it and then slice him to bits with it. The extra hour you have in your week, we all got at least one right?, use it to get a private from your coach or from the purples and browns at your club. Work your subs and tighten them. There are holes in everyones game that allows stronger opponents to escape you, close these holes and sub out this monster!
Granted, I'm not Rickson, .

You answered your own question.
J/K, I dont know what to say about the power thing, Weaker people just have to have better technique.
I get over powered all the time, (I=185 lbs) by bigger people.
Even if they win by strength, they still win....
Eh, its annoying to me too.
Keep training with him. Getting out-muscled with everything will force you to be technical. Stop using strength and just work on perfecting technique.