Movies Out of the IMDB top ranked films - Which 5 are the best? (Second Elimination Bracket)

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X-Men: Days of the Future Past

District 9

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Schindler's List

Black Hawk Down

The Last of the Mohicans

Mystic River

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

Iron Man
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@paddan @TheNinja @Doomer @TCE @Piperrr @ASUThermo @dc007 @Lovestorm
@ThinkGreen @Axefan4life @xHeadx @pv3Hpv3p @JinKazama @Screwtape @2DUM2TAP
@aldeniro78 @Starck @Anialater @TheRash @shunyata @Cyrano200 @Dizzy @squirrelynuts
@wigglestick @cowboyjunkie @empsim @I Am Legion @offshore33 @ripsta619 @Korben
@Mesos @Digital Fire @Shonuffbrad @Trill850 @rustledjimjams @MichiganMMA1978
@Iroh @SL1200 @wendelbudwhite @Korben @Sleestaxk @Brom Bones @sanfranpsycho
@Ares Black @Zookeeper Gabe @Excelsior @bubbleboyjones @Brandon Wilson @marioh
@SammyPops @BB in Crazy!!!! @method115 @Virginiatechmic @Simian Raticus @Lebnof
@Ablis89 @FortieSicks @IloveTHIS @Vigorelli @steeldragon @Dr Curtis Love @HUGHPHUG
@MilesAbove @Randlewand @Uncle J @SKYNET @CHUTE_BOXE78 @Tol @ASUThermo
@IndyCovaHart @Magooglie @BARNUM @Satanical Eve @D3THRONED @bosox32 @Kryptt
@ManCityFC9 @sleepwalk @Krimzon @MusterX @SuperHoss @Rob Battisti @tdluxon
@Ralph Wiggum @lifelessheap @newcastleman @elreece @ctm @RayA @VulcanNervPinch
@Streeter @LetThemBleed @Dr brakestick @MuayThaiSteve79 @jerzey devil @Beau Wring
@Oeshon @Rizzo @stanlee @BayAreaGuy @Spiffy @Morning Star @Rygu @RooseTrollton
@Mohawk Mauler @Tyrannosaurus rex @Rozko @Senzo Tanaka @Steve-French @Superbad
@Sano @i420KrYpT @EnthusiastCultivator @Heisenboom @ChickenBrother @RoñaCastroJr
@El Che @Shaungotti @genecop @Mikeydontgiva @Papachulu @horc00 @TheFakeMacoy
@Champagne @esotamoc @Plissken @Gomi1977 @HeLLMuTT @Talent @XmarkX @M4rk
@Uncommon Valor @Bobby 3 Sticks @scorpipede @ineverpost @aus101 @Blue_Ribbon
@Grassshoppa @97talon @Ezekiel 25:17 @Anung Un Rama @mmascene @MastiffMike
@Papasmurf45619 @dildos @xMsBarnez @Prutfis @Osiris007 @benebox @Dillydilly @SaiWa
@Damien Karras @Prologue @Jesus H. Sherdog @qw3rty @Highway99 @Krixes @90 50
@GolovKing @bowened @Aegon Spengler @SiKnSiN @RollSonnenRoll @tobiaswins @BFoe
@DiarrheaPerlmans @ALAN PARTRIDGE @Tone505 @TJ Dillashank @jx820 @Protegejoe296
@Nathan LaMontagne @mike1226 @Philadelphia Collins @cmw43 @MRDOG @RoxyBird
@MeatWagon06 @Nimrod @armbarforhire @paperclip101 @ICHEERTHEBULL @west42
@AZZA B @Luminosity @Kaybee @Tone C @Revolver @Chad The Limey @KotaroTheWolf
@Andrey Kamensky @FinalFight @zuffazombee @heloder @4daLuLZ @Simple Southerner
@JonnyBonesPharmacist @J0N0 @BisexualMMA @Dr Stoppage @Bonos @Brutus.......
@ZeroGravity @Carvaso @TheSauce @k1ngjester @Badoldman @burningspear @fingercuffs
@Squall Leonhart @Hellowhosthat @Mr. Fixit @deviake @Shroud of turinabol @EJRMAN513
@SwamiLeoni @lostdog000 @hohner @Mr. Shickadance @hwm52806 @Goon Dog @TapIt
@cheesus @Omegaboy13 @Washkev @eighterumg5 @CrimsonFan @freakroor @Zanderlini
@BUDDYLOVETT @Vergilius @WaylonMercy5150 @GergreG @Vegeta @TestosterOWN
@Xuh @eworden78 @ookii @Shael @DooHoChoi @weaselkenievil @jericksen5 @Fork
@houjebek @Reign Supreme @SilvaLegacy @Texan6533 @the muntjac @ThereIsNoSpoon
@Nightgunner05 @ModernMatt @struckus @GIBLERTBAPTISTA @DamianK1 @cooks1
@Jballer @The J0ker @Shogun515 @deucesarewild @dbo @TapIt @phightens19 @Zer
@Adrian Anis @Supasalta3000 @Escabar @ChuckSteak @Trainspotter @jan230 @Corona
@bufetadanacara @JoeyJoeJoeJr @TheWobbler @Sushi Fitness @Pankratios @Kraysla
@RemyR @fungi @fourtyounce48 @phoenixikki @-sin- @Cerberus87 @Kingz @Misfit23
@Misanthropist @Captain Sausage @yamahacrasher @Halge @JackWhite @Cuttyrock
@National Acrobat @PG29 red0 Jr @ThaiSexPills @HaggardSky @Rawex @Sunnyvale TP
@mangokush @websurfer @Ripp0ntare @CZMuayThai11 @Bargey @Kb7 @Michaelangelo
@Fijeeto @Candy Routure @oliviamung @Ali Tanveer @spamking @Diet Butcher @landon
@HardBoiled @Karl_Hungus @TonOdanK @ahme4 @Ghost Boner @mmamxfan @KoChang
@Two Crows @Striderxdj @milkmandanl @itrainufcbro @jnes @jojoRed @Thrawn33 @MDoza
@Preston Jarrett @Fake Doctor @jimjamjammer @TardStrong @HARRISON_3 @UncleJosh
@2fast2see @AbominableJoman @templewarrior @new_mexico1 @Prex32 @BroRogan
@LSXMMA @SilentFate @StonedLemur @hex @liner @Five Fingered Fresh Fist @west42
@ramsiN @Phlogiston @cincymma79 @Codpiece @-Magua- @xenomorph4prez @zapataxiv
@GirthBrooks @johnnystone @Speedy1 @Vapezilla @Oregonmma @Viking_Hammer
@FyrFytr998 @the gorilla @Rastas @Motleysubs @MLarson @Hollywood Jack @Pliny Pete
@biscuitsbrah @stalehotdog @Cold cash rip @Heavy Hands @revoltub @Otto! @LilMountain
@TheTickG @Ima5starman @boingyman @Pizza Werewolf @Sirwastealot @Long Dark Blues
@TheChance @SalsaDelMuerte @rivera @WarHawk @Matt4786 @HUNTERMANIA
District 9 has to be the most underrated film on any "greatest movies of all time" list.
This is a tough one.
I know what I'm supposed to say, but Mystic River is probably the best movie on this list.
Knives Out is brilliant, I’m surprised not getting much love in here. Blackhawk Down is another, one of the best representations of a military event ever. Last of The Mohicans and Schindlers lists are GOATs.
True Romance / Edge of Tomorrow / Return of the King / Iron Man / Pulp Fiction

I really enjoyed Knives Out but I'm surprised to see it on a list like this.

Although as I'm writing this I'm now noticing that Xmen and Guardians of the Galaxy 3 are on this too. I enjoyed Guardians 3, but just off the top of my head for what I saw in 2023, Godzilla Minus 1 and the new Spiderverse Movie were much better.

This list is getting some serious side-eye from me