One Arm Lift Sets


Blue Belt
Oct 13, 2007
Reaction score
When you guys do one arm lifts, like Dumbbell Snatches or Push Presses, do you guys take breaks between arms? Almost like Doing both arms = 2 sets?

I used to go right to the next arm when I was done but I find now that Im moving heavier weights than before I cant do that. I'll do one set with my right arm. Rest a minute or two, then do the set with my left arm. Is this o.k or should it be done back to back?
I usually take about 20-30 seconds after one arm to catch a breather.

There is nothing wrong with your method. In fact, it might be a good idea. Can't say it would work for me, though, as I rest too long anyway. Unilateral lifts would be a huge time sink for me.
Of course take a break. You've got two arms, but only one posterior chain.
Depends on the goal I suppose. If you want to develop a huge one armed snatch, then yeah, rest. In my experience, with reps totalling less than 10 bilaterally (5 on each side) it hasn't made a HUGE difference. You could aso consider alternating arms each rep... these are really small changes you can make when you stop making progress.
I usually do sets of 3 per arm. I dont take a huge rest like I would between sets of squats or dealifts. I never thought of alternating arms each rep. Thanks for the input.
I take rests between each arm when I do suitcase deadlifts. Granted its not over 2 minutes, but its not one after the other.