? on tools for the shoulder mobility and strength


Purple Belt
May 16, 2013
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Hi, I'm on a quest on improving shoulder strength and mobility and would like to hear your guy's feedback from those who had experience using maces, clubs, gada and sledgehammer. At this moment, I only have 2 questions. The first one is, with all the mobility tools out there, which one do you prefer using? Do you prefer using 2 lighter maces or clubs over 1 heavier club for mobility and strengthen the shoulder?

Thank you.
Start with 1lb club bells. With the longer lever that it creates, it is a good tool to start with, even with the low load.
I have recently been looking into this. The best place to look is on gymnastic type forums. From everything I have read, they're seems to be 2 that are always mentioned.

1. Dislocate drill (YouTube and Google it)
2. Dead hangs for time. Usually a few sets at around 1 minute each. Changing grips from Pronated (Palms away from you) to Supinated (Palms towards you)
Start with 1lb club bells. With the longer lever that it creates, it is a good tool to start with, even with the low load.
What advantage does this have vs a 1 lb weight on a stick? I have a homemade mace with 3.75lbs on a schedule 40 1.5" pvc pipe and a couple of hose clamps. Am I suffering for not getting a real club?
No. I use a 1kg dumbbell and it works just as well, although the handle is not as ergonomic, nor is majority of the weight at the other end of the handle.

You can use both. One is just made for the specific use, the other can be adapted.
I'm going to take a picture of my "club" when I get home... might save you a buck or two.


Basically it's made like i said. The collars are holding on six .625 lb plates in place at the end and are made of a 1/2" wide piece of 2" pvc with a 1/2" wide slit cut in it and a hose clamp. The collar on the far end could be replaced with a bolt so you never have to worry about the weights slipping off the end. The whole thing is either 18 or 24 inches long.
It's cheap, easy, resilient, and scaleable. If ever you're using so much weight you risk the integrity of the pvc (I'm guessing 6 5lb plates stacked on the end) you can always upgrade to a 1.5" ID black pipe or galvanized.
The thoracic bridge stretch workout from Gymnastic Bodies is hella wonderful for recovering mobility everywhere in your upper body, especially shoulders.

Their handstand series is good, too, but I've gotten more immediate results from the stretch series.
I'm a big fan of the crossover symmetry.
Diesel Crew shoulder rehab was the best shoulder health program I've used.
