Old School Dimas Video

Wrecking Ball

Orange Belt
May 1, 2004
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Someone posted this on the Charlie Francis site. It's all Olympic lifting for those of you who don't know Dimas. Alon, I know you'll enjoy this if you havent seen it, the guy was just an absolute monster.

Dimas Video
What a beast, so damn fast under the bar, and his technique looks much better on those light weights too. For those of you who are impressed with his front squats, he's got a best of something like 290kg, and would probably be much stronger about 6 months ago in his strength cycle, by that point (I'm guessing he was leading up to a comp) he's just focusing on speed and accuracy in the lifts.
damn, the speed he gets on those clean and jerks is just scary
Alon said:
For those of you who are impressed with his front squats, he's got a best of something like 290kg, and would probably be much stronger about 6 months ago in his strength cycle, by that point (I'm guessing he was leading up to a comp) he's just focusing on speed and accuracy in the lifts.

are you kidding me? how much does he weigh? i remember seeing front squats by the one chinese lifter and being impressed by that.
the video won't open. how do you get around that?
cockysprinter said:
are you kidding me? how much does he weigh? i remember seeing front squats by the one chinese lifter and being impressed by that.
No jokes, to quote a top lifter I once spoke to, "the time for big squats is long before competition, now we are just fast". The guy could clean 215 damn easy, I know Grant Cavit of NZ front squats 250 for a double and "only" jerks 190, so I'm pretty certain it's for real.

In the video he's probably leading up to a comp, weighing maybe 85kg? Front squat also comes down to how you lock up your back and how you rack the bar, if you can find the right groove then you can make some big improvements in front squat. To summarise, Pyrros is a beast.
173cm (5'8"), I just checked, he did 175/202.5 that year in competition to win the world championships.
That was very cool! I really don't have much experience in watching Olympic lifting but that really opened my eyes.

Thanks for the vid!

Whats really impressive is how small of a dip he does on those cleans. If Demas was as good at passing drug tests as he is at lifting he would still have his medal from last year.
sambo fighter said:
Whats really impressive is how small of a dip he does on those cleans. If Demas was as good at passing drug tests as he is at lifting he would still have his medal from last year.
Thanks for the intelligent input, for the record those cleans were in 1993, it's hard staying at that level for 11 more years, and he still came 3rd anyways (although the field wasn't as good as it has been before).
If i didnt see the bar, i would think he does BW-Squats.