Crime Ohio Haitian Migrants eating Local Geese, Ducks and Family Pets

Legal migrants saving a town by working jobs to save a local economy? Because that's all the story you have so far, despite trying to fabricate one.
Who cares what they are?!? Its quite clear the vast majority of Americans don't want them here and that's really all that matters at the end of the day. Some of these politicians seem to forget that they're servants to the American citizens and keeping us happy is quite literally their only job. The politicians that allowed this mass migration are treasonous and forcing these cities into economic distress. Forcing their constituents to compete with migrants for Housing, Jobs , public service access in communities that quite frankly are already struggling. All because what they wanted to abuse these people for cheap non union labor?? This is quite frankly treason and I for one am glad people have had enough of it! These people aren't Asylum seekers they're economic migrants who were aloud to abuse the system to come here. 70% of them are single military aged adults who should be fighting for their country anyway not sitting here living off of our tax payers.
The internet is full of videos of people doing the weirdest, most disgusting shit imaginable.

Let me guess, if an End Wokeness-type had the political inclination to pretend all white English-origin people rape and torture animals, you'd believe that too?

He's not the only white person into this rampant culture of animal torture.

As you can see, white people are doing this all over the world because it's their culture and just one of those things they naturally all do.

You missed the mark here. Zoosadism is a totally different..animal
Remember when 50 migrants got dropped off on Martha's Vinyard in front of Obama's house?!?!? They called in the National Guard and had them mfs forcefully sent to a military base <lmao> <lmao> <lmao> <lmao> <lmao> <lmao> <lmao> . Yet its okay to force the same people they refuse to live with on us!! .
Comprehension of what?

Remember when you claimed this earlier in the thread?

You want to address these posts?
What needs explaining? Someone can look Haitian the same way someone can look German. Man, you really are ignorant.
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Cat is going too far but duck and goose is delish.

Mashed duck and goose liver?? *chef's kiss*


Stupid Midwesterners are too dumb to appreciate sophisticated cuisine
I'm sure it is tasty but the presentation could use some improvement, I think.
When you are not in a cult you know when it’s time to take an L. The reason we see so many false stories still being put out about this is because the World laughed at some old man yelling they are eating the cats and the dogs. Then came about a weeks worth of fire memes mocking the old man.
The problem is the old man is a cult leader that some have invested so much time and emotion in, that they can’t stand that everyone including themselves are seeing their Emperor is not wearing any clothes. Trump could keep up his bullshit routine 4 years ago but now he is an old man who has lost at least 10 mph off his fastball and steadily getting worse.
Some have caught on and leaving his rallies. His town hall with Sarah Huckeebee was a boring low energy rambling mess and people were leaving.
What needs explaining? Someone can look Haitian the same way someone can look German. Man, you really are ignorant.

Sure buddy...


And what makes someone look Haitian? Since you're such an expert on this. Let's hear an answer this time instead of dick tucking and deflecting.
Sure buddy...


And what makes someone look Haitian? Since you're such an expert on this. Let's hear an answer this time instead of dick tucking and deflecting.
Good lord, you really are an ignorant fool. I suppose they all look like monkeys to you.
When you are not in a cult you know when it’s time to take an L. The reason we see so many false stories still being put out about this is because the World laughed at some old man yelling they are eating the cats and the dogs. Then came about a weeks worth of fire memes mocking the old man.
The problem is the old man is a cult leader that some have invested so much time and emotion in, that they can’t stand that everyone including themselves are seeing their Emperor is not wearing any clothes. Trump could keep up his bullshit routine 4 years ago but now he is an old man who has lost at least 10 mph off his fastball and steadily getting worse.
Some have caught on and leaving his rallies. His town hall with Sarah Huckeebee was a boring low energy rambling mess and people were leaving.
You realize the stories and videos of people eating Dogs, Cats and Geese in Springfield Ohio started coming out over a year ago right?? The videos of angry citizens at the town hall meetings started appearing in March 2023. This isn't just some ramblings of a senile old man. There are literally 18 monthly town hall meetings of local citizens complaining about this very issue
They claimed that there was no reports of pets being abducted at all. That was a lie. Why did they lie.

Now it’s they didn’t physically catch a Haitian with a cat in its mouth.

Next week it will be you’re racist if you don’t eat a cat every now and then.

Unless there’s actual video. They’ll deny it to the end. Fuck the local’s claims

This is Florida…
I think the issue with looking Haitian is that Haitians aren't indigenous to Haiti and are descendants of slaves from different parts of Africa so it's difficult to pin a look on them.
Right, the unique background of Black Caribbeans give them a particular appearance. This is no different than looking at a Black person with generational roots in American and being able to tell them apart from a Somalian.
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They claimed that there was no reports of pets being abducted at all. That was a lie. Why did they lie.

Now it’s they didn’t physically catch a Haitian with a cat in its mouth.

Next week it will be you’re racist if you don’t eat a cat every now and then.
The pet went missing and there's no evidence so support malicious action from a third party.
Right, the background of Black Caribbeans give them a unique appearance. This is no different than looking at a Black person with generational roots in American and being able to tell them apart from a Somalian.

I wouldn't say they look different from certain areas of Africa though. Yes they look different from Somalians but I can only assume that there wasn't much in the way of slave trade to those areas.

I wouldn't say a black American has a particularly specific look though. I don't think they look different to black English people really.