Crime Ohio Haitian Migrants eating Local Geese, Ducks and Family Pets

The Canada Goose is a federally protected bird. And no. In civilized countries we shouldnt have to expect a cat is going to be eaten by a person. What sort of shit hole do you want to live in?
I'm allergic to cats. ;) Well, if the goose is protected then by all means sic the game wardens on them.
That comment isn't even a serious critique, its just shitposting that completely misses the overarching point on purpose. Why even dignify it with a response as if he will come back with something substantive instead of another shitpost?

Oh I know better than to expect honest discourse on an internet forum. But there are guests who read this.
not allowed? who's not allowing?

The US has been intervening in Haitian Governance since the Country's declaration of Independence from France. The most recent acting President (unelected) assumed leadership with US support after the assassination of their former President, and immediately expressed anti-democratic measures of Governance, and now when the people revolt against that we're over here calling them barbarians and voodoo cannibals.

Meanwhile the US itself AND the Dominican Republic have cities who have sections of their economies dependent on Haitian labor.
Ok. I'll let people think whatever they like before I let them just import a subclass of people like a tactical nuke designed to lower my quality of life under the guise of "aide"

Mike, i say with respect that you are arguing against history and making the EXACT same arguments that each and every single new wave of immigrants faced.

One after the another as the Irish, Italians, Roma, Jews, Russians, etc, etc came to America they came in mostly to the lowest paying jobs and faced scorn and derision, and called dirty and criminals, from those already here. Even those who just came in the prior wave, and faced similar derision.

Your repeated view that it cannot end well and harms America is PROVEN FALSE by each and every example in the history of America.

It is the #1 factor as to why America became the #1 world power and maintained and grew as the biggest economy, as wave after wave of immigrants flooded in and grew America.
my contribution to this discussion is that white people culturally appropriated accusing Haitians of being cat eaters from black people.

The first time I heard of that was in the YouTube comment section of a street fight video from North Miami (Haitian area) and some African-American left a comment to the effect of “look it’s a bunch of Haitians fighting for the last piece of cat leg”
It is just recycled hate, that the racist used to accuse the Asians of doing and now are recycling as a slur against brown people.

Fear and disgust over immigrant foods has a long history in America. Italians were once upon a time labeled as “garlic eaters”. Writer Gustavo Arellano has written about how the staple diet of beans led to a slur against Mexicans. The stereotype of the immigrant who eats cats and dogs is also storied, often lobbed against Asian Americans.

The dog-eating stereotype has historically been utilized to belittle Asians and Asian immigrants,” writes Jean Rachel Bahk in the Inlandia literary journal. “I was incessantly pestered about whether the meat in the side dishes I brought for lunch was dog meat” she recalls about her own childhood.

“Despite my persistent attempts to explain that dog-eating was not at all a common practice among Asians not to mention Asian Americans I started to beg my mom to stop packing me Korean dishes.”...

Mike, i say with respect that you are arguing against history and making the EXACT same arguments that each and every single new wave of immigrants faced.

One after the another as the Irish, Italians, Roma, Jews, Russians, etc, etc came to America they came in mostly to the lowest paying jobs and faced scorn and derision, and called dirty and criminals, from those already here. Even those who just came in the prior wave, and faced similar derision.

Your repeated view that it cannot end well and harms America is PROVEN FALSE by each and every example in the history of America.

It is the #1 factor as to why America became the #1 world power and maintained and grew as the biggest economy, as wave after wave of immigrants flooded in and grew America.

Schrodinger's immigrant. Lazily collecting all the welfare and public benefits, causing an economic drain on the taxpayer...simultaneously taking all the jobs. Cooking and eating all the pets in a City currently revering in their cuisine, in places where health inspectors are a thing.

The US political structure as a whole has always clung to power with weaponized Nationalism and xenophobia, as well as less overt racism. The important thing to remember here is that when a political party is espousing bullsh*t convictions against marginalized people with no political power, its just a way of controlling a narrative. Getting attention back on themselves.

JD Vance very stupidly let this slip on camera, admitting this is all fake and they're just using it to get attention back on them, and in a manner in which they dont have to talk about policies they dont have.
probably not, but since multiple people are saying it, I wouldn't rule it out and it should be investigated. I'm not one to completely dismiss what has happened, if multiple people see a UFO in the same area, it should be explained, if multiple people see any parts chopped off at the farm, it should be explained, etc.

now you answer:

Are random strangers making this up on the fly?

Can you accept that 'multi people' might be prone to believe the worst and also to make up stuff about people, if they are racist, xenophobic or otherwise hateful towards immigrant newcomers?

Would you ever say American society would have no one who would simply say the most stereotypical and hateful thing about Italians, Jews, Russians, etc who they see, even if only based in stereotype?

Would you agree those type of people could reach numbers of "multiple people".
Can you accept that 'multi people' might be prone to believe the worst and also to make up stuff about people, if they are racist, xenophobic or otherwise hateful towards immigrant newcomers?

Would you ever say American society would have no one who would simply say the most stereotypical and hateful thing about Italians, Jews, Russians, etc who they see, even if only based in stereotype?

Would you agree those type of people could reach numbers of "multiple people".
You don't even have to be that hateful or bigoted to buy into a dumb rumor. For most people this discourse has virtually no stakes and so they will be quick to believe something dumb. Its like believing in Bigfoot or aliens, if you're wrong who cares? Except in this case someone does ultimately suffer and that's the Haitians but the people spreading the rumors don't see that first hand.
Mike, i say with respect that you are arguing against history and making the EXACT same arguments that each and every single new wave of immigrants faced.

One after the another as the Irish, Italians, Roma, Jews, Russians, etc, etc came to America they came in mostly to the lowest paying jobs and faced scorn and derision, and called dirty and criminals, from those already here. Even those who just came in the prior wave, and faced similar derision.

Your repeated view that it cannot end well and harms America is PROVEN FALSE by each and every example in the history of America.

It is the #1 factor as to why America became the #1 world power and maintained and grew as the biggest economy, as wave after wave of immigrants flooded in and grew America.
They often were dirty and criminals and we wouldn’t have had all kinds of mafias without them. But I suppose if you give it 100 years without a constant replenishment of immigrants, they can Americanize and become respectable people.
They often were dirty and criminals and we wouldn’t have had all kinds of mafias without them. But I suppose if you give it 100 years without a constant replenishment of immigrants, they can Americanize and become respectable people.
A percent were, historically yes, as they are humans.

i am not sure of the data back then, when it was Russians, Irish, Italians, etc, but i do know now, that immigrants and migrants both, commits crimes at rates substantially lower than those born in America, so they bring the over crime rates down.

When do you think crime rates amongst native born Americans will be low enough for them to be considered "respectable people"?
while it's sad to hear a dead child's name brought out, the fact that the school bus was indeed hit by an immigrant haitian, amplifies the out of hand driving issues the residents face by the immigrants.

the dude is double downing on that narrative all by himself.
You know the difference between murder and manslaughter, right?
They often were dirty and criminals and we wouldn’t have had all kinds of mafias without them. But I suppose if you give it 100 years without a constant replenishment of immigrants, they can Americanize and become respectable people.

Eh no, many of them brought their Families over. So the immigration was pretty continuous. Americans just stopped being so vocal about it when they started voting in tandem with them.
It has been investigated. There's no proof to back up the claims. That should have been the end of it. But instead you've got a bunch of racist right wing morons elevating it to national news. Just because multiple people are spreading a rumor doesn't give it merit.

I just wanna say this exact thing, the more of us who say it, the higher chance @chardog believes it - Just because multiple people throw their hat in the ring regarding a rapidly spreading viral rumor, this doesn't validate the rumor.

People have all sorts of motivations to spread bullshit that don't relate to truth. Just look at televangelists. Or chiropractors.
It is just recycled hate, that the racist used to accuse the Asians of doing and now are recycling as a slur against brown people.

This is 100% true. My wife growing up had kids tell her she eats dogs. Her dad just told her to tell them that its the "Vietnamese that eat dogs, not the Chinese". He is probably one of the most racist person I know but it is funny sometimes. Like when he says that the three point line in the nba was created so white players could play in the nba.
The thing that is very bad about all this is that at some point someone is going to latch onto something and use an isolated cases to paint the community. This is already done with the haitian that got into an accident with a school bus. Republicans are just going to pick and claw to find an example of why the immigrants shouldn't be here, even though you always have issues with 50,000+ people living together. They will find something and it will be racist because they won't contextualize it with the fact that stuff will just happen if you have that many people together. They will ignore all the crimes by white junkies, which were there long before the Haitians moved in to prevent the city from dying.
So what do you guys think cat tastes like? I'm guessing there's some variety. I've seen some chonkers that would probably be tasty.