Crime Ohio Haitian Migrants eating Local Geese, Ducks and Family Pets

I'm as cynical about the values of Haitians as they come, am fully willing to call that country a shithole, and think our leaders need to stop importing mass migrants to solve "labor crisises", but this is a lot of unfair hate directed at that community.

They saved the town. It was dying. Yes, there are a lot of problems that come with suddenly importing a labor force that changes a town's demographics to effectively 1/3rd foreigner. But what do you expect? Domestic Americans weren't solving their own problem. They were leaving. They were abandoning Springfield.

So yes, with a bunch of poor migrant labor, you have overburdened hospitals, medical centers, schools, and social services. Everything is made worse because none of them speak our language, and not enough of us speak theirs. But a ton of what is being reported is apparently baseless. They are trying. They are working. They are legitimately asylum seekers who just didn't want to get eaten by the cannibal gangs. Is that not a valid reason to ask for help-- for shelter? Fucking cannibal gangs marauding the streets? A corrupt U.N. doing nothing to help you? For the love of God, they're sending Kenyan troops to stabilize the country. Kenyans! Does that sound like they're serious about imposing martial dominance to control the situation? The UN is utterly useless. We all know this.

The ire should be directed at the leaders who consistently resort to cheap migrant labor. Who does it help? I'm sure it helps the business owner of a large steel company that employs hundreds of people, yes, LOL. Isn't that the point? Isn't that why Bernie Sanders himself was calling the immigration strategies of both major parties a "Koch Brothers policy" over a decade ago before his party whipped him, told him to get in line, and that the angle was to impugn Republicans as "racist" for resisting mass southwestern border illegal immigration?

If they don't import cheap labor, the labor market must correct, and offer higher wages to attract domestic workers. If the wages required to attract those workers is too high to be feasible, in order for the business to run, then why aren't those workers taking the jobs? Are we so rich with jobs? Perhaps the solution is to allow another self-correcting force from the opposite side, and alleviate welfare services that enable those without jobs to throw up their nose at the only jobs available because they don't actually need them to subsist.

Just food for thought.
Whoever gives shelter to half of the 3rd world does not save the 3rd world, but sooner or later becomes the 3rd world himself. That goes for Europe and North America.

Lol, okay wise wizard of sherdog. Thank you for bestowing upon us your concentrated super knowledge of global comparative migration trends, delivered in pithy pseudo-biblical aphorism format. This helps greatly.
I'm as cynical about the values of Haitians as they come, am fully willing to call that country a shithole, and think our leaders need to stop importing mass migrants to solve "labor crisises", but this is a lot of unfair hate directed at that community.

They saved the town. It was dying. Yes, there are a lot of problems that come with suddenly importing a labor force that changes a town's demographics to effectively 1/3rd foreigner. But what do you expect? Domestic Americans weren't solving their own problem. They were leaving. They were abandoning Springfield.

So yes, with a bunch of poor migrant labor, you have overburdened hospitals, medical centers, schools, and social services. Everything is made worse because none of them speak our language, and not enough of us speak theirs. But a ton of what is being reported is apparently baseless. They are trying. They are working. They are legitimately asylum seekers who just didn't want to get eaten by the cannibal gangs. Is that not a valid reason to ask for help-- for shelter? Fucking cannibal gangs marauding the streets? A corrupt U.N. doing nothing to help you? For the love of God, they're sending Kenyan troops to stabilize the country. Kenyans! Does that sound like they're serious about imposing martial dominance to control the situation? The UN is utterly useless. We all know this.

The ire should be directed at the leaders who consistently resort to cheap migrant labor. Who does it help? I'm sure it helps the business owner of a large steel company that employs hundreds of people, yes, LOL. Isn't that the point? Isn't that why Bernie Sanders himself was calling the immigration strategies of both major parties a "Koch Brothers policy" over a decade ago before his party whipped him, told him to get in line, and that the angle was to impugn Republicans as "racist" for resisting mass southwestern border illegal immigration?

If they don't import cheap labor, the labor market must correct, and offer higher wages to attract domestic workers. If the wages required to attract those workers is too high to be feasible, in order for the business to run, then why aren't those workers taking the jobs? Are we so rich with jobs? Perhaps the solution is to allow another self-correcting force from the opposite side, and alleviate welfare services that enable those without jobs to throw up their nose at the only jobs available because they don't actually need them to subsist.

Just food for thought.

Good post, mate. I agree with much of it. I worry that the rot of global corporate capitalism runs a few levels deeper than the outsourcing of American jobs. For example, American interventionism and corporate market domination is directly related to the shitty state of Haiti in the first place.

Following this, I don't think the solution to these kinds of issues is to encourage some sort of cultural resistance to migrating out of your shitty town if you're American. All western countries need immigration because of demographic trends.

It's maybe a bit pie-eyed and a bit fanciful sounding but I really believe the answer to many of todays current and coming-down-the-pike problems relates more to supporting and bettering other countries more so than building walls and defensive cultural dictates internally. It's only going to increase. The sheer reality of global economics - not to mention progressively worsening global climate change - are going to steadily increase migration pressures. The challenge is not to learn new ways to resist and deflect this immigration, but to make it work better for all of us. To create inroads and methods of cultural integration.

And, to circle back to your point, to address the absolute insanity of the fact that life in Haiti is so goddamned terrible for many people there. In a fair assesment of this situation, that should really be the thing most worthy of concern and cogitation - not that a goose in a park was allegedly eaten, but that in Haiti there are literal canibal gangs roaming the streets. To throw a fit about a goose, with the background understanding that meanwhile, in Haiti, there exists something like a literal hell on earth, seems a bit silly.
Not their fault that the geese are so damn tasty.
Good post, mate. I agree with much of it. I worry that the rot of global corporate capitalism runs a few levels deeper than the outsourcing of American jobs. For example, American interventionism and corporate market domination is directly related to the shitty state of Haiti in the first place.

Following this, I don't think the solution to these kinds of issues is to encourage some sort of cultural resistance to migrating out of your shitty town if you're American. All western countries need immigration because of demographic trends.

It's maybe a bit pie-eyed and a bit fanciful sounding but I really believe the answer to many of todays current and coming-down-the-pike problems relates more to supporting and bettering other countries more so than building walls and defensive cultural dictates internally. It's only going to increase. The sheer reality of global economics - not to mention progressively worsening global climate change - are going to steadily increase migration pressures. The challenge is not to learn new ways to resist and deflect this immigration, but to make it work better for all of us. To create inroads and methods of cultural integration.

And, to circle back to your point, to address the absolute insanity of the fact that life in Haiti is so goddamned terrible for many people there. In a fair assesment of this situation, that should really be the thing most worthy of concern and cogitation - not that a goose in a park was allegedly eaten, but that in Haiti there are literal canibal gangs roaming the streets. To throw a fit about a goose, with the background understanding that meanwhile, in Haiti, there exists something like a literal hell on earth, seems a bit silly.
The US could afford to be more selective, i am not talking about credentials but culture and cutural fit.

How many people from Congo or Sierra Leone do you want? Them being a good cultural fit is irrelevant?
I'm as cynical about the values of Haitians as they come, am fully willing to call that country a shithole, and think our leaders need to stop importing mass migrants to solve "labor crisises", but this is a lot of unfair hate directed at that community.

They saved the town. It was dying. Yes, there are a lot of problems that come with suddenly importing a labor force that changes a town's demographics to effectively 1/3rd foreigner. But what do you expect? Domestic Americans weren't solving their own problem. They were leaving. They were abandoning Springfield.

So yes, with a bunch of poor migrant labor, you have overburdened hospitals, medical centers, schools, and social services. Everything is made worse because none of them speak our language, and not enough of us speak theirs. But a ton of what is being reported is apparently baseless. They are trying. They are working. They are legitimately asylum seekers who just didn't want to get eaten by the cannibal gangs. Is that not a valid reason to ask for help-- for shelter? Fucking cannibal gangs marauding the streets? A corrupt U.N. doing nothing to help you? For the love of God, they're sending Kenyan troops to stabilize the country. Kenyans! Does that sound like they're serious about imposing martial dominance to control the situation? The UN is utterly useless. We all know this.

The ire should be directed at the leaders who consistently resort to cheap migrant labor. Who does it help? I'm sure it helps the business owner of a large steel company that employs hundreds of people, yes, LOL. Isn't that the point? Isn't that why Bernie Sanders himself was calling the immigration strategies of both major parties a "Koch Brothers policy" over a decade ago before his party whipped him, told him to get in line, and that the angle was to impugn Republicans as "racist" for resisting mass southwestern border illegal immigration?

If they don't import cheap labor, the labor market must correct, and offer higher wages to attract domestic workers. If the wages required to attract those workers is too high to be feasible, in order for the business to run, then why aren't those workers taking the jobs? Are we so rich with jobs? Perhaps the solution is to allow another self-correcting force from the opposite side, and alleviate welfare services that enable those without jobs to throw up their nose at the only jobs available because they don't actually need them to subsist.

Just food for thought.

Good post.

Bit of carrot, bit of stick sprinkled with bootstraps.

Every country is struggling at the moment with cost of living pressures, inflation, and the desire to pay a liveable wage.

Unfortunately it's probably going to take a recession to reset inflation and that's going to be even worse than where we are now.
Yes, and the article I shared there is a direct quote suggesting that these stories don't seem to be massively factual. I'd infer this narrative might be a bit hysterical, though like with any good urban myth, there might be a grain of truth or a particular incident behind it all.

It's an election year, the xenophobic bullshit stories are going to be everywhere.
The shit that happens in Hati makes me believe this 100 percent. Liberals will defend these savages though

A bit of cannibalism among all the chaos and slaughtering and people immediately judges you. Shameful.
I'm as cynical about the values of Haitians as they come, am fully willing to call that country a shithole, and think our leaders need to stop importing mass migrants to solve "labor crisises", but this is a lot of unfair hate directed at that community.

They saved the town. It was dying. Yes, there are a lot of problems that come with suddenly importing a labor force that changes a town's demographics to effectively 1/3rd foreigner. But what do you expect? Domestic Americans weren't solving their own problem. They were leaving. They were abandoning Springfield.

So yes, with a bunch of poor migrant labor, you have overburdened hospitals, medical centers, schools, and social services. Everything is made worse because none of them speak our language, and not enough of us speak theirs. But a ton of what is being reported is apparently baseless. They are trying. They are working. They are legitimately asylum seekers who just didn't want to get eaten by the cannibal gangs. Is that not a valid reason to ask for help-- for shelter? Fucking cannibal gangs marauding the streets? A corrupt U.N. doing nothing to help you? For the love of God, they're sending Kenyan troops to stabilize the country. Kenyans! Does that sound like they're serious about imposing martial dominance to control the situation? The UN is utterly useless. We all know this.

The ire should be directed at the leaders who consistently resort to cheap migrant labor. Who does it help? I'm sure it helps the business owner of a large steel company that employs hundreds of people, yes, LOL. Isn't that the point? Isn't that why Bernie Sanders himself was calling the immigration strategies of both major parties a "Koch Brothers policy" over a decade ago before his party whipped him, told him to get in line, and that the angle was to impugn Republicans as "racist" for resisting mass southwestern border illegal immigration?

If they don't import cheap labor, the labor market must correct, and offer higher wages to attract domestic workers. If the wages required to attract those workers is too high to be feasible, in order for the business to run, then why aren't those workers taking the jobs? Are we so rich with jobs? Perhaps the solution is to allow another self-correcting force from the opposite side, and alleviate welfare services that enable those without jobs to throw up their nose at the only jobs available because they don't actually need them to subsist.

Just food for thought.

As all things in life communities and little towns come and go. The solution to import thousands of third worlders in each declining little town is basically insane.
The ire should be directed at the leaders who consistently resort to cheap migrant labor. Who does it help? I'm sure it helps the business owner of a large steel company that employs hundreds of people, yes, LOL. Isn't that the point? Isn't that why Bernie Sanders himself was calling the immigration strategies of both major parties a "Koch Brothers policy" over a decade ago before his party whipped him, told him to get in line, and that the angle was to impugn Republicans as "racist" for resisting mass southwestern border illegal immigration?
It's a wealth class privilege. The wealth class is not american in any meaningful understanding of the concept - it is protean, it's already an intermingled mess of partnerships and marriages and interests that form a weave stretching from Connecticut to London to Paris to Berlin, to Athens, Rome and Moscow. It's at the very least euro-atlantic-mediterranean. It holds not nationalistic loyalties. For this class, it just happens to be profitable now to destroy american culture and spirit as an earnings amplifier through diminishing costs. Nothing personal.