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Obama Administration Will Cut Billions For North Carolina...Over A Bathroom Bill

People should use the bathrooms of their birth sex. This isn't tolerance, it is demanding deferment to a tiny minority of people's self-created definitions and expecting everyone else to go along.

That's going too far. While people have the right to be who they are and for the government to stay out of their bedrooms and their business, they shouldn't have the right to force their choices on others.

But with that said, funding isn't going to be cut off over it. And it isn't really even the main issue. It's just a more sensationalist way to dress it up. It's really about things like minimum wage and the overall idea that federal funding comes with strings attached.

I don't think this is going to open the door to abuse or other kinds of weird shit in bathrooms. If anything people will be more on alert if they see stuff like this happening. So I don't like the fear tactics used at times.

But bottom line is that it is just plain uncomfortable for a lot of people or particularly to have their children share bathrooms with someone who is clearly the other sex.

This is where the LBGT community overreaches. Yes you deserve respect and a life free of discrimination. You don't deserve to have a man in a wig going to the bathroom next to some girl. Or to be able to sue a business for not using some set term. And it make a people start to resent them instead of support them when they take it too far like this.
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Well Trump is the only one talking about the Trade deals and why they are so imbalanced so yea you're right. Trump supporters do confirm their superiority over other candidates. I mean have you seen the anti trump protesters? It's like they are living zombies. Dead stares. They are fat. They are un healthy. They are completely ignorant of everything.

"No border between Mexico!"
-Are you aware Mexico has a southern border to keep illegal immigrants out?

"Uhhhh. No but Trump is Racist!"
-Why is he racist
"He says thing that are hurtful, and he's, he's just racist."
Nah, he panders to people who seem to spend the majority of their life angry at some minority of another.

He hasn't offered any feasible solutions and rarely has the slightest clue what he is talking about. Anytime a reporter tries to get him to answer a question he just deflects or changes the subject to his poll numbers or how great he is.

His entire plan is just to hang on and hope nobody looks to deep into his platform. Which is easy to do because his supporters don't seem to care. They figure Trump is pro Whitey and that's good enough for them.

The ones who even think past that only do so to the extent that they figure the other issues will just work themselves out. Like you just demonstrated, where a POTUS candidate lands on transgender bathrooms is a huge selling point.
Nah, he panders to people who seem to spend the majority of their life angry at some minority of another.

He hasn't offered any feasible solutions and rarely has the slightest clue what he is talking about. Anytime a reporter tries to get him to answer a question he just deflects.

His entire plan is just to hang on and hope nobody looks to deep into his platform. Which is easy to do because his supporters don't seem to care. They figure Trump is pro Whitey and that's good enough for them.

That's why he got 45% of the hispanic vote in Nevada and has Farakan supporting his statements about keeping radical immigrants out of the U.S. because it makes the peaceful Muslims look bad.
That's why he got 45% of the hispanic vote in Nevada and has Farakan supporting his statements about keeping radical immigrants out of the U.S. because it makes the peaceful Muslims look bad.
What's his solution again to keeping radical Muslims out? Has he offered one that isn't batshit crazy? Because there is no litmus test for religious belief let alone people to conduct the tests or personnel to enforce a ban. And people aren't going to sign up on some government list to be banned so how does he plan on creating one?

Seriously, give me even one thing he had suggested that would actually work (that isn't already being done) to ensure we are keeping radical Muslims out of the country.

Nobody wants potential terrorists in the country. Its an easy fear to play to. But if there was a way to cut down on terrorism threats he certainly hasn't come up with it.
That will harm a lot of children--many of them black, it being North Carolina--a lot more than it will "harm" the handful of trans people that will have to piss in a certain bathroom.

Did it seriously take one of you fucking idiots less than 5 posts to bring black people into a completely unrelated thread?
It really has nothing to do with the trans population. As if the globalist power brokers care about them. It's about pushing a much larger social engineering project based around gender bending, gender roles, relationships, and identity, and the target is the masses. It's why you see the same sort of initiatives being rolled out in Canada and in Europe because it's an internationally coordinated project. It's the same with the big LGBT drive in general.

Would you say it is the government pushing out a one belief system-- a state religion? If the government can force the public to accept the delusions of a transgender, then the public can be forced to accept anything the government wants to push?
So because of one fundamental disagreement Obama wants to punish the public of North Carolina by withholding billions? Yup, seems completely rational and not petty at all.

That's like not liking the dilapidated appearance of one house in a neighborhood and bulldozing the entire town. It doesn't solve anything, and it's a drastic overreaction.
What's his solution again to keeping radical Muslims out? Has he offered one that isn't batshit crazy? Because there is no litmus test for religious belief let alone people to conduct the tests or personnel to enforce a ban. And people aren't going to sign up on some government list to be banned so how does he plan on creating one?

Seriously, give me even one thing he had suggested that would actually work (that isn't already being done) to ensure we are keeping radical Muslims out of the country.

Nobody wants potential terrorists in the country. Its an easy fear to play to. But if there was a way to cut down on terrorism threats he certainly hasn't come up with it.

Well we could at least have proper documentation of those coming into the country so we know they are who they say they are. Right now there is nothing.
Well we could at least have proper documentation of those coming into the country so we know they are who they say they are. Right now there is nothing.
I have no problem with that. I would have to read up to see why that isn't required now. Or what the requirements are. But I'm all for common sense changes.

But it isn't going to do much about terrorism. We don't know who many of them are and the ones we do certainly aren't coming and going under their own documentation.

If you have a link that explains what some of the current flaws are in our documentation check I'd be curious to read it. I'm not even sure what to Google as far as that. People would need IDs and passports right? What is the proper documentation that is not being required now?
Most trannies are gay. And all parties have an agenda to tear down traditional values in America. That is the ultimate goal. The lawsuits, fines and threats will never end.
I remember a couple of years ago that LGBT was saying that gay marriage would not effect heteros. That was incorrect. LGBT is getting out of control and they won't stop until they achieve their goals. Fundamentally change America.

People unconsciously associate homosexuality and transgenderism because of LGBT. But in reality sexual attraction and gender identity are two completely different phenomenons. Basically transgenders are trying to appropriate the sympathy people have for gays. Obviously you dislike both groups, but the distinction is important.
I agree.

It's probably gonna go a whole lot farther than we ever thought skom.
I gotta admit, I didn't think it would get to this. Maybe that was naive but I just naturally assumed people would be happy with becoming a protected class and being able to marry. That really should be the end of the discussion imo.

There is a big difference between equal rights and special rights. You don't just get to say "yeah I have a dick but I feel like a woman so I'm going into the woman's bathroom".

I'm not going to second guess defending what I think is fair as far as equal rights but at the same time I'm certainly not just going to roll over if someone is trying to force their choices into my situation.

Realistically it probably will never affect me but none of this stuff has. And if I had a young daughter who was old enough to go to the bathroom on her own but not so old that I wouldn't be outside waiting for her and some dude in a dress tried to walk in on her...well, it would be a bad day for him.

And I say that with no bravado or hate. It's just the facts. I have no problem what people do on their time. But I definitely have a say what they do on my time or shared time. And that's how I feel for others it will affect.
Would you say it is the government pushing out a one belief system-- a state religion? If the government can force the public to accept the delusions of a transgender, then the public can be forced to accept anything the government wants to push?

There is a sort of religious aspect to the 'new values' that are being pushed, but it isn't done simply for the sake of testing people. I think it has to do with changing values and perceptions, which leads to behavioral modification. Undermining the family unit is one of the end games. The whole (Man + women + marriage + kids) = family equation is being intentional confused and dysfunctioned. The trans and gender bathroom meddling is just a part of that.
There is a sort of religious aspect to the 'new values' that are being pushed, but it isn't done simply for the sake of testing people. I think it has to do with changing values and perceptions, which leads to behavioral modification. Undermining the family unit is one of the end games. The whole (Man + women + marriage + kids) = family equation is being intentional confused and dysfunctioned. The trans and gender bathroom meddling is just a part of that.

I think they are using gay/trans to attack religion. Once people lose their religion, that is one less thing in the way of government control. Once government has control they will try to do what the nazis did, where you worship the state.
I think they are using gay/trans to attack religion. Once people lose their religion, that is one less thing in the way of government control. Once government has control they will try to do what the nazis did, where you worship the state.

Undermining religion and traditions is a big part of it, yes.

It's more communist in spirit (through Marxism they wage war), but the concept is similar. End game is state becomes the parents and people are controlled more efficiently. For those who would control populations, they'd prefer people be a blank slate unhindered by family and tradition. Easier to program.
I think they are using gay/trans to attack religion. Once people lose their religion, that is one less thing in the way of government control. Once government has control they will try to do what the nazis did, where you worship the state.
People unconsciously associate homosexuality and transgenderism because of LGBT. But in reality sexual attraction and gender identity are two completely different phenomenons. Basically transgenders are trying to appropriate the sympathy people have for gays. Obviously you dislike both groups, but the distinction is important.
No, transgenders are not trying to co-opt the gay movement. They were aligned with the gay movement because the two faced similar issues and similar forms of discrimination. The movements continue to be aligned on most levels, even though many of the goals for the LGB part have been achieved. Learn some history before spouting off.
No, transgenders are not trying to co-opt the gay movement. They were aligned with the gay movement because the two faced similar issues and similar forms of discrimination. The movements continue to be aligned on most levels, even though many of the goals for the LGB part have been achieved. Learn some history before spouting off.

I'm not talking about history. Do you think sexual attraction and gender identity is the same thing? People are propping up transgender acceptance as some kind of milestone in civil rights, even though there are no scientific facts whatsoever to support the idea that a person can be trapped in the body of the opposite sex, or that butchering someone with artificial hormones and surgeries is the correct way of dealing with that problem. People mindlessly accept that idea because they consider themselves "liberals" and like a tribe, they go along with whatever their peer group tells them.
I'm not talking about history. Do you think sexual attraction and gender identity is the same thing? People are propping up transgender acceptance as some kind of milestone in civil rights, even though there are no scientific facts whatsoever to support the idea that a person can be trapped in the body of the opposite sex, or that butchering someone with artificial hormones and surgeries is the correct way of dealing with that problem. People mindlessly accept that idea because they consider themselves "liberals" and like a tribe, they go along with whatever their peer group tells them.
You're talking about history without even realizing it. You're making assertions about why the two groups support eachother, and the answer is in the history of those two groups, not the tribalism you're asserting is the case. The rest of your post is babble about medical procedures you plainly don't understand (ie, you're referring to it as "butchery" and "artificial hormones"), so I really don't see the need to address it.