Nvidia Crazy 2 Petaflop GPU Box 150,000 dollars


Sunflower in support of Ukraine
Platinum Member
Jan 20, 2004
Reaction score

16 T100 GPU's combined with 32 gigs X 16 for a total of 512 gig of fastest bus memory to create a monster GPU.
So GSNYC monitor instead of FREESYNC yes?... ok.
That's a cryptomine you can carry like a suitcase.
Wow old news... my pc already has 3 petraflops
That's a well-oiled machine.
Its not cheap to run, to keep it that well oiled I often go through 8 bottles of industrial motor oil a week.
This demo was run on their 60,000 4 GPU box. Realtime raytracing at 60 frames per second 4K video. No doubt you should be able to handle 8k realtime video with 4 times as many GPU''s running as one.

Update 400,000 dollars not 150,000 sorry.
I can't stand that kid and his click bait over dramatized b.s videos.
Agreed but he was one of the first to talk about the system.
