Not sure how to ask this


Brown Belt
Aug 28, 2004
Reaction score
Should i seperate shoulder workouts and triceps

like this- Monday, Bench press, incline bench, dumbell bench, JandM's and pushdowns. Should i do shoulder work on this day, or on another day.
that was just an example

monday- chins, rows, deads, hammer curls

tuesday- heavy abs, try to run sometimes

wednesday- bench, incline, dumbell bench, jandm, tri pushdowns, military press and dumbell shoulder press?

thursday- squat, jumping squat, side to side hops over and object, jump up the stairs to my apt 2 at a time (stadium step jumps)

friday- maybe run, maybe just fuck (usually just fucking)
I see you have lower body plyos and no upper body ones

whats the aim of the training?
I have upper body plyos, i pause every single one of my flat benches (not dumbells, but barbells) I would say my overall goal is not just strength but athletic ability, that's why i do all the lower body plyo's
salboski said:
that was just an example

monday- chins, rows, deads, hammer curls

tuesday- heavy abs, try to run sometimes

wednesday- bench, incline, dumbell bench, jandm, tri pushdowns, military press and dumbell shoulder press?

thursday- squat, jumping squat, side to side hops over and object, jump up the stairs to my apt 2 at a time (stadium step jumps)

friday- maybe run, maybe just fuck (usually just fucking)

first off...switch thursday with friday. Of course you can still fuck on Friday.

for wednesday...drop either military press or dumbell shoulder press, you don't need both. And I would also drop either incline or dumbell bench. Just do two benches.

Then again, three benches might be ok if lifting is all you do and you are still making progress.
So which is better: Go heavier on the military press with the bar or go for the dumbells and get the stabilizer muscle working?
farmboy said:
So which is better: Go heavier on the military press with the bar or go for the dumbells and get the stabilizer muscle working?

Both are good. maybe switch every 6 weeks or so.
salboski said:
friday- maybe run, maybe just fuck (usually just fucking)

Well it's good you get some kind of forearm workout during the week.

Also, maybe I'm missing something but how does pause benching = plyometrics?
Main Entry: plyometrics
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: a type of exercise using explosive movements to develop muscular power, esp. bounding, hopping, and jumping

Benching is not an explosive movement regardless of whether you do it explosively.
Benching not explosive? do you pause your benches? ever heard of compensentory acceleration?
Sorry about 3 questions in a row
Compensatory acceleration doesn't make the movement an explosive one.

But it doesn't matter. It's your program.
Yeah it's my routine, but if someone knows more than me, I am open minded. if bench isn't explosive then why pause it? you pause at the bottom, and then bam, explode up. This has to be somewhat ployometric in nature. kinda like a plyo push up, come up as hard as you can.
Aaron Howard said:
There was a mod there years ago with the same avatar as you. Just curious.

It's kind of a popular picture. I'm for sure not the first to use it.
salboski said:
Yeah it's my routine, but if someone knows more than me, I am open minded. if bench isn't explosive then why pause it? you pause at the bottom, and then bam, explode up. This has to be somewhat ployometric in nature. kinda like a plyo push up, come up as hard as you can.

Eh as far as I remember, plyometrics deals with, for example, going down fast to come up fast. Pausing is defeating the purpose and therefore no longer plyometics.
I've been reading up on plyometrics, and most of the books and articles have mentioned something about "elastic" energy. While doing a plyometric exercise, the muscle first stretches before immediately contracting, i.e. clap push-ups, where after the body comes off the ground, then lands, the chest and tricep muscle are pushed against enough to stretch them beyond a normal point then are contracted again as the push-up movement is repeated. This is what will, in effect, lead to the explosive strength.

The clapping push-up is only one example. There are several plyometric execises out there, for both the upper and lower body.