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Nose Problem to be Fixed; will I see a Major Difference?

I Shoot Doubles

Blue Belt
Feb 27, 2008
Reaction score
Alright, so I went to the doctor the other day to sort out a bad cough I've had for a few months. Now I have asthma and all that, so I have breathing troubles in training. Now, the doctor informs me that I have a severely deviated septum, or simply, the inside of my nose is angled to the point where I can only breath through one nostril, causing a drip in the back of my throat and hindered breathing. Now, I was pretty much aware of that since I've been like that since birth, but no doctor has ever really brought it up and I never really think about it. He's sending me to a nose and throat doctor in a few weeks to set up a date to fix this.

I'm just wondering, will being able to breath heavier and better through my other nostril as well increase my stamina? How are people with broken noses from fighting affected in their everyday breathing and does the break cause a hinderance from then on in their training? Hopefully this can add a bit more gas to my tank.
Yes, it will improve your cardio.

normally it doesnt effect their training because they get them fixed after they break.
Alright, so I went to the doctor the other day to sort out a bad cough I've had for a few months. Now I have asthma and all that, so I have breathing troubles in training. Now, the doctor informs me that I have a severely deviated septum, or simply, the inside of my nose is angled to the point where I can only breath through one nostril, causing a drip in the back of my throat and hindered breathing. Now, I was pretty much aware of that since I've been like that since birth, but no doctor has ever really brought it up and I never really think about it. He's sending me to a nose and throat doctor in a few weeks to set up a date to fix this.

I'm just wondering, will being able to breath heavier and better through my other nostril as well increase my stamina? How are people with broken noses from fighting affected in their everyday breathing and does the break cause a hinderance from then on in their training? Hopefully this can add a bit more gas to my tank.

You may get fewer sinus infections and have an easier time keeping your mouth shut while fighting also. Good luck and let us know how it works out.
I dont post here much... or at all, but i felt i could help out here. I broke my nose rolling (accidental headbutt as i tried to take his back) and had a septoplasty done. Ive broken my nose twice before and never had it fixed. basically ive been breathing from one nostril since the age of 7.

I had 2 deviations, a bone deviation and a cartilage deviation. Long story short, the surgery sucks, but youll see a MAJOR improvement in breathing. from the break to the end of recovery was 3 months for me (I didnt get it done right away, i tried to train through it... bad idea) and my cardio was exponentially better after the surgery alone. Its amazing being able to breathe like these normal people!
Thanks guys, and thanks for the responses.

How much downtime should I expect before my face heals? I won't be a hermit for a prolonged period of time, will I?

And how long before I can train again?
youre down for 5 days untill they take the guaze out. I was able to go to class soon after the guaze was out. youll be fine a day or two after. Its a month total after the surgery before you can start training again.
im wondering if those breathe right strips might help and if it is worth using them when you train. I have been starting to think myself i have a deviated septum. I have a very hard time breathing out one of my nostrils.
I've had a septoplasty done twice (first one was fucked up), surgery isn't bad depending on how much gauze they pack in there. The first time I had 3 pieces in each nostril which was just a pain, the second time hardly any.

As TheKnicker said, it'll be about a month before you can train again.

The problem with breathe right strips are that most of them are made of crap and fall off with the first bead of sweat.
I dont post here much... or at all, but i felt i could help out here. I broke my nose rolling (accidental headbutt as i tried to take his back) and had a septoplasty done. Ive broken my nose twice before and never had it fixed. basically ive been breathing from one nostril since the age of 7.

I had 2 deviations, a bone deviation and a cartilage deviation. Long story short, the surgery sucks, but youll see a MAJOR improvement in breathing. from the break to the end of recovery was 3 months for me (I didnt get it done right away, i tried to train through it... bad idea) and my cardio was exponentially better after the surgery alone. Its amazing being able to breathe like these normal people!

Hmmm you've made me consider getting the surgery now even though I still intend to fight standup.:icon_conf
God I don't wanna sound like a noob, but since you can all see my join date and post count...Didn't the wrestler Booker T wear breathe right strips back in the day? He certainly moved around a lot and sweat quite a bit. Maybe there's something like that you could wear?
The thing is with the good breathright strips that don't fall off, is that they help only to a certain point. Trust me, I broke my nose training for NAGA and tried EVERYTHING there is to continue to the tournament. The strips are a temporary fix, but if the deviated septum is bad enough, it will make a minimal difference. They aren't meant to fix a deviated septum, which is a damn shame in my opinion.

In my opinion, its fully worth taking the time off to fix it if its that bad. I don't know how i trained without breathing anymore.
I had sinus infection related asthma also...the surgery cured me 80-90%...well worth it. I sleep better too!
Same thing with me, deviated septum, throat drip, also some part of the nose is inflamed inside. Getting surgery soon, will it only affect stand up because you might get in the nose? Because I dont want to take a month off.
If you get the surgery, you will take a month off... trust me. You cant get your heart rate up for atleast 2 weeks bc of bleeding, and you really wont be so happy to get popped in the nose while the stitches are still in. I tried to rush back asap, but even getting bumped in the nose before its ready SUCKS!
I had polyps removed a couple of years ago, but didn't use my nasal steroids, so they grew back.
you will probably be out for 4-6 weeks from what i've read. i have a deviated septum as well and haven't fixed it yet. without it being fixed, sleeping is a bitch. i often wake up in the middle of the night from unable to breathe right, and i can only sleep on one side because the nostril on the bottom is more likely to get congested. good luck and keep us informed
Sorry to bump this old thread, but rather then begin a new one I figure I would share my own experiences.

I had surgery on my deviated septum, and it was unsuccessful, I was quite bummed out. I am not able to go right back and get surgery done again so I unfortunately have to tough through it for the time being.

I have gone my entire life with a deviated septum, always breathing out of my right nostril. I recently tried the breatheright strips, and it is flipping amazing. I can run around for as long as my legs can take it. I never open my mouth to take breaths. If this is what it is like having two functioning nostrils, you people have no excuse for gassing out :P
Sorry to bump this old thread, but rather then begin a new one I figure I would share my own experiences.

I had surgery on my deviated septum, and it was unsuccessful, I was quite bummed out. I am not able to go right back and get surgery done again so I unfortunately have to tough through it for the time being.

I have gone my entire life with a deviated septum, always breathing out of my right nostril. I recently tried the breatheright strips, and it is flipping amazing. I can run around for as long as my legs can take it. I never open my mouth to take breaths. If this is what it is like having two functioning nostrils, you people have no excuse for gassing out :P

yeah, I am pretty amazed by the nose strips - too bad they are kinda expensive to wear everyday...
If this is what it is like having two functioning nostrils, you people have no excuse for gassing out :P

Really though. After this surgery I'm going to run nonstop for like 4 days. Imagine all the non-nostril conditioning I have built up, now with added nostril action!