Nose Problem to be Fixed; will I see a Major Difference?

I too had a septoplasty and turbinate reductions to treat the same problem. Can breath much better through the nose, although the throat drip hasn't gone away.

It's been 3 months now and my nose is still a tad sensitive and does get sore if I move it around or knock it, so you should definitely keep away from sparring for as long as you can.

Like others have said keep away from training for a solid month. You also wanna try not to breath through your nose for a week, or at the very least don't breath out through your nose. So cardio aint a great idea.
Just less than 2 weeks ago I had surgery to fix a deviated septum(I also have asthma). After the surgery the doctor said I have a severe deviated septum on one side and another deviated septum on the other side plus my nose was already broken so he fixed all that. First couple days are pretty rough, but I'm feeling so much better now. Nose is still a little sore and I have these dried up boogers stuck to my skin inside my nose that I can't get out and thats just annoying. My nose is still kinda clogged up since it's still recovering, but I can't wait to see the full result and breath normal.
Yeah, 20 years ago had a deviated septum from nose breaks from rough housing as kids growing up.

Basically, you need to take some time off, like weeks and not do anything. First 3-5 days suck, and then taking the gauze out is lots of fun too.

You will be swollen for a month or more.

Till this day, if I hit my nose and move it the wrong way, I feel a sharp pain from the original surgery.

Just take some time off and slowly work back up over the next few months is all I can suggest.

Breathing and sinus problems have been reduce somewhat since that time for me personally.

Good luck.
Hi all.

I had a septoplasty and turbinate reduction surgery exactly a month ago.

I absolutely feel a tremendous difference. Now I can breathe through both nostrils and I can sleep a lot better. I am pretty confident that this will improve my cardio, as I will not have to breathe through my mouth instantly.

I was very eager to train again but after reading this thread I realize I have to wait some more time still. Some blood and clogged mucus still forms in my nostrils.

I can say the surgery is well worth it and it will improve your quality of life big time.

I think it is important not to be too impatient and just wait as long as you have to until the nose isn't bleeding and you can go back to training. I for once am giving two more weeks to recover.

Good luck and keep us posted.

i have a deviated septum (and a crooked nose) from a broken nose I received while training and never got it fixed because i was stupid enough to believe my instructor when he said that it wasn't broken. Damn him.
I got my nose fucking fractured last night shit is all the way on the left side of my face..shit sucks
From what your talking about I don't believe breathe right strips would do shit.

Last summer I had a septoplasty done for the same thing as Knicker, had my Cartilage septum at almost a complete right angle and the deeper bone septum also broke, the strips didn't do shit.

Took about 6 weeks for me to get back to normal, I also had part of my Uber-Italian nose fixed, so it took a little longer then those with just a septoplasty.

Worse part of the whole thing is when they take the packing out, after that everything is cake.

I find training with a mouthgaurd in alot easier now. Being able to take air in both nostrils instead of just one feels so much better in not only training, but day to day life.

I never did ask my doctor about full contact from standup, I'd assume it holds up as good as a nose you were born with, but broken noses seem so damn common now I doubt it means much.
Some doctors are now using a gel solution that coats the inner surfaces of the nose to stop any bleeding resulting from surgery. This gel solution makes old fashion packing obsolete, the only downside is having to use nasal saline solution in excess.

edit- So if you're looking to have nasal surgery done, and the packing previously prevented you from doing so, now is the time to act.
I had my deviated septum fixed about 2 years ago. Honestly it was one of the best things I have ever done. I suffered from severe sinus infections and all around constant colds/cough. It will definitely improve your breathing and your sleeping.

However keep in mind that if you do break your nose after the surgery you may have to get it all done over again. So my surgeon kinda laughed when he found out I do stand-up and repeatedly asked me if I was sure that I wanted to do it now. My instructor has a severe deviated septum but won't get it fixed because he is not done fighting and has broken his nose a few times in the past. ::knock on wood:: I have never broken my nose and the surgery was really life changing as far as comfort and function is concerned.

if your healthy recovery would take 4-5 days but give an extra week before training because it will be really sore. I would do very light stand up until for about 3-4 weeks. You would have paid a lot for your "new nose" and don't want to mess it up.
I messed my nose up sparring about a month ago, took two weeks off while it healed, it was fine and started sparring again.

Sparred for two weeks with no pain/swelling etc, until last thursday when I took a few shots on the nose and a couple hours later I couldn't breathe through my nose at all. Now the left nostril is a little bit blocked, but the right one is totally blocked. Went to my doctor today and he's sending me to a ear/nose/throat doctor to get me checked out before surgery.

People on here have said that they were back to training in a month, six weeks etc. but what kind of training? I imagine you could be back to training BJJ quicker than you could boxing or muay thai.

I box, so how long can I expect to wait until I can do cardio (running, skipping, shadow boxing, bag work etc)? And how long before I can start sparring again?

I know it varies from person to person as everyone heals differently, just looking for what other people have had to go through.

Thanks for a good thread guys.
do i have deviated septum if my nose keep switching nostril? like if you can smell through one hole than later you smell through the other hole while the other hole is plugged up.
Yeah, pretty much what everyone else has said:

After you're packed full of gauze, you'll notice a difference in the first week and able to train a month later.

However, with standup - you're probably gonna get popped in the nose again, the cartilage will build up again, and you're gonna need the surgery again (little brother had that done - with the same result). Several guys from the gym had the same procedure done - and now spar with a full facemask, if at all.

Just realize that you may have to undergo surgery again, depending on if you get hit in the nose again or with relapse. However, a plugged nose becoming unplugged will not make a mediocre fighter into a great fighter.

As for snoring - there's different methods of thought with that... nosestrips are very minor. There's also a plasty procedure of the soft palate to open up the airway, or, night appliances you wear in your mouth that's made to bring your bottom jaw forward and open (since lying back your bottom jaw slacks back to your throat - very minor). Costly to diagnose and the appliance is a pain in the arse too.
do i have deviated septum if my nose keep switching nostril? like if you can smell through one hole than later you smell through the other hole while the other hole is plugged up.

Sounds like you're playing snot tennis....

Sinusitis/mucositis - where the mucus from the sinuses on one side shift to the other as you lie down to the other side......

Deviated septum - if you block one nostril and can't breathe out the other at all times.
Forgot about this thread since my nose has been fine for like a month.

It was swollen badly and I couldn't breathe through either nostril. After a couple days the swelling went down and it's only the one nostril that's blocked.

For a week or so it didn't hurt, but would bleed whenever I got hit. I'm just starting out, so my defense wasn't very good. Now it's gotten a lot better which gave my nose time to completely heal since I am not getting hit in the face every five seconds, lol. Hasn't bled in several weeks.

My cardio tanked at first because I couldn't get enough air, but I got one of those top and bottom mouth guards with a hole int he middle that lets me breathe through my mouth while keeping my jaw clenched. Took some time getting used to breathing through my mouth all the time during sparring but it's no problem now.

No surgery for me thankfully. :)

Had the surgery two weeks ago. Most of that day was a blur, with all the meds. Nose was swollen and tender for a week. Breathing through my mouth was easier than I thought. Still agonizingly boring to sit around all day. I can't get it bumped for a while either and it's eating me inside, I want to train so bad.

My nose is much better. My once closed nostril is now totally open. My nose even looks straighter. I can feel improvement, but I'm still stuffy and there is a bit of pain; there are still stitches in my nose and I assume my breathing will improve as it heals.

Right now im using a nasal spray every two hours and I'll continue to do it for another week along with an antibiotic ointment.

All in all it was a worthwhile experience, even though not training sucks hard. Thanks guys.

Had the surgery two weeks ago. Most of that day was a blur, with all the meds. Nose was swollen and tender for a week. Breathing through my mouth was easier than I thought. Still agonizingly boring to sit around all day. I can't get it bumped for a while either and it's eating me inside, I want to train so bad.

My nose is much better. My once closed nostril is now totally open. My nose even looks straighter. I can feel improvement, but I'm still stuffy and there is a bit of pain; there are still stitches in my nose and I assume my breathing will improve as it heals.

Right now im using a nasal spray every two hours and I'll continue to do it for another week along with an antibiotic ointment.

All in all it was a worthwhile experience, even though not training sucks hard. Thanks guys.

Well since it's already been bumped... I've always had a problem with having one blocked nostril all the time. But I think I have sinusitis as opposed to a deviated septum, as the blocked nostril constantly switches sides throughout the day. This thread convinced me of the benefits of getting it fixed, so I'm starting off with nasal irrigation. If that doesn't help, I'll probably go see an ENT to discuss more advanced treatment.

Thanks everyone for all the great info.