NO2 and Antioxidants

Chad Hamilton

Amateur Fighter
Feb 17, 2005
Reaction score
With the hypothetical abundance of oxygen in the blood when taking NO supplements, would one have to worry about free radical damage?

Should you take an antioxidant while taking NO?

Should you be worried about cell damage if you've taken NO for a long time.

I've often pondered this.
Who knows the answer?
I think the only thing imperative to take with NO supplements is Lysine, for the fact that excess argining will deplete your lysine, and taking a lysine paired with it will balance out the nitrogen balance in your blood.

But it's always good to cycle supplements like NO2 and once every year or so do a complete cleanse to wipe the slate clean of free-radicals in my opinion. I'm doing a cleansing fast within the next two months here before turning Pro.
I am not as well versed in NO, but i"ll give this one a shot.

1) Why would you have more O2 in your blood? In NO2 itself there is no "oxygen" and free radicals are not just oxygen. They are oxygen with (I believe) one unpaired electron and therefore are very reactive because of that electron.

2) Antioxidants are always good, I wouldn't take anymore than you normally take though, I don't think more=better.

3) I don't think so. Oxygen radicals are created during cellular processes, and the body has its own mechanism for dealing with it. I don't think NO2 would increaes that at all. Free radicals always cause cellular damage, but that isn't a problem unless you are deficient with certain vitamins that act as antioxidants.

Kabookie, I don't think you can ever 'whipe the slate clean.' With increased exercise you have more free raidcals (as a by product of cellular "work"), so naturally as an athlete you will have more. I don't think that a fast would help. IMUO (im my uneducated opinion) I would think that it would be worse by possibly robbing yourself of antioxidants. I also think that free radicals cause acute damage, and chronic damage from an elongated state of lot of acute damage is what causes the real problem. This means that you don't "build up" free radicals, so taking a month to cleanse doesn't make sense.

Also, if I am wrong and you do build up free radicals, I think that a fast from supps also wouldn't help because supplements don't cause them. You would be better off not working out or causes your body any stress and taking anti-oxidants. Not good for someone just turning pro. I say don't sweat it.

Oh, KK, good luck turning PRO. You better wear the shirt we were talking about.
Also, if I am wrong and you do build up free radicals, I think that a fast from supps also wouldn't help because supplements don't cause them. You would be better off not working out or causes your body any stress and taking anti-oxidants. Not good for someone just turning pro. I say don't sweat it.

I respectfully disagree. Certain supplements are actually notorious for free-radical build-up as a result of the body's process of breaking down and filtering them.

Bye the way, a very thorough response but you didn't intake everything I posted:

CLEANSING Fast = three main components. 1) Taking a system cleanser, some of which are beyond thorough in utilizing anti-oxidant herbs. 2) Sticking mainly to whole-foood juices and very little solid food as is typical of both system cleansings and fasts when done properly. 3) Holding off from exercise.

This will last 7 days, not more. A week off is will not be detrimental to going Pro. Most Pro atheletes do this once per year anyway, just to get the many things they load their bodies with to be able to perform at very high stress/perfomance levels out of their system as much as possible in that week. I've done it before, and it does no harm. I find that I can even think more clearly afterwards.
I have read some issues on this, and though I didn't go thru everyones posts here I will say that I take ALOT of anti-oxidants and I bumped it up a little now I started taking AAKG. As with most supplements there is and isn't anecdotal evidence in regards to regarding any particular product.

I WOULD take anti-oxidants because, for one, most of them are inexpensive and they are good for you, and 2.) IF NO does increase free radical damage, then why take the risk?

my 2 cents.
Chad Hamilton said:
There are a lot here that need some education on fasting.

Haha, there are 4 people who posted in this thread. You are one, KK is the other (who just told me about fasting) and someone who contributed after you posted this.

Hmm... I wonder who you are talking about? :rolleyes:
Oh haha. I havent even clicked on that thread. Its ok if it was personal, i have given you some personal little jabs in the past and I expect them from you. Good times man, never any hard feelings.

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