Why are you ignoring LW?
The 2 best divisions in MMA are easily LW and FW.
(Even 135 is heating up now)
There are simply billions more average sized men in the world so the talent pools at FW and LW are always going to be the largest and get the most elite of elite talents (because of those large talent pools)
This is the reason why 125 and LHW/HW are the absolute worst and most shallow divisions in MMA.
1. There arent that many men who are THAT SMALL (125)
2. And there aren't that many men who get that big (LHW/HW)
And an even tinier percentage of men that big even become cordinated or exceptionally skilled etc
Anyway, you are trying to use this thread to prove that Aldo is a GOAT
Well, what about Conor who beat both Aldo AND Holloway, AND who won the LW belt (the other best division in MMA)
This thread only proves how much of a real under rated GOAT Conor is
FW and LW are the 2 best divisions in MMA history and Conor is champ of both
Everyone "claims" Aldo and Holloway are the #1 and #2 FW GOATS...yet Conor who beat them both (the only one to do so) gets ignored. It's criminally sickening how under rated and under appreciated Conor is. Your thread only proves how Conor is A GOAT.
Btw, as for WW, WW is really hard to judge or pin point.
WW isn't as deep as I once thought. Thats why LWs are able to go up to WW and clean house
LW is vastly superior
But someone like Gsp was exceptional and is the TRUE GOAT
Gsp and Conor are the only true GOATS in my mind
And Conor is the undisputed GOAT of modern drug tested MMA. Conor is the only GOAT candidate who's best wins happened under USADA testing