No Matter How Many Ways I Look At It, Circumcision is Wrong

At the end of the day, we were created the way we are for a reason imo. Unless it is truly, medically required/life or death, I don't see why you would have to chop something off.
And yet, I bet you cut your hair quite regularly. So much for the whole "I was made this way" shit, eh?

When people en masse start complaining about having it done, you got a case. Until then, this is just jealous anteater rage. Nobody who had a circumcision as a baby is complaining, nor are their sexual partners. In fact, the majority look at it as a plus on both ends. You're fighting an unwinnable war here bud. You don't even know who the actual enemy is in this war. I'll tell you right now, it ain't the circumcised folks. We love our smooth mushroom cocks, and so do the ladies.

Good luck with your crusade, anteater.
Lol... try again . Must be fun being clueless ;)

Circumcision is prevalent among 92% of men in North Africa and around 62% in Sub-Saharan Africa. In western and northern parts of Africa it is mainly performed for religious reasons, whereas in southern parts of Africa it rarely performed in neonates, instead being a rite of passage into manhood.

The rate of circumcision in Muslim nations is between 90 and 100 percent. This includes the Christians who form a significant part of some Arab states.

I mean the very first people to do it were ancient Egyptians. Ethiopians . Aboriginals etc.

It's a white man thing to do <lmao>
And it's under 20% in alot of countries in Latin Central and South America.

91% of White Americans are circumcised.
76% of Black Americans are circumcised.
44% of Mexican Americans are circumcised.

It's a white man thing.
And yet, I bet you cut your hair quite regularly. So much for the whole "I was made this way" shit, eh?

When people en masse start complaining about having it done, you got a case. Until then, this is just jealous anteater rage. Nobody who had a circumcision as a baby is complaining, nor are their sexual partners. In fact, the majority look at it as a plus on both ends. You're fighting an unwinnable war here bud. You don't even know who the actual enemy is in this war. I'll tell you right now, it ain't the circumcised folks. We love our smooth mushroom cocks, and so do the ladies.

Good luck with your crusade, anteater.

You are actually comparing cutting something that grows back like hair to cutting foreskin. Tells me enough.
You are actually comparing cutting something that grows back like hair to cutting foreskin. Tells me enough.
Doesn't matter if it grows back. It's the way God made you. Who are you to mess with that?

PS: Nobody is complaining about their missing foreskin, and I mean nobody. This is a YOU issue. Sorry you have that disgusting skin hood to deal with, and all your women look at it like an alien space worm. Leave us happy and proud mushroom cocks out of your insecurities.
Doesn't matter if it grows back. It's the way God made you. Who are you to mess with that?

PS: Nobody is complaining about their missing foreskin, and I mean nobody. This is a YOU issue. Sorry you have that disgusting skin hood to deal with, and all your women look at it like an alien space worm.

Thats your arrogant and naive murican mentallity weighing you down. Stay brainwashed simp.
Thats your arrogant and naive murican mentallity weighing you down. Stay brainwashed simp.
What am I brainwashed about? Shit, you guys barely get any work in porn because your penises are disgusting and off putting.

I'm Canadian BTW. Same rules apply. Women don't like the anteater, and you poor hooded souls are just jealous.
What am I brainwashed about? Shit, you guys barely get any work in porn because your penises are disgusting and off putting.

I'm Canadian BTW. Same rules apply. Women don't like the anteater, and you poor hooded souls are just jealous.
Canadian...fuck, just as bad. Same follow the leader mentallity.
Canadian...fuck, just as bad. Same follow the leader mentallity.
In terms of circumcision? LOL. The only leaders there are our parents, and we thank them for not leaving us with a disgusting alien worm penis.
I actually successfully sued my parents because of my circumcision (that I had no choice in). The judge forced them to pay for a synthetic foreskin to be grown in a lab from elephant trunk stem cells. Soon I will reclaim my birthright of a pig in a blanket.
You’re attempting to rationalize crazy, with crazy.

All Abrahamic tradition is lunacy. Man will be free of the shackles of insanity when he tosses the last vestiges of this oppressive fairytale to the dustbin of history.

And it's under 20% in alot of countries in Latin Central and South America.

91% of White Americans are circumcised.
76% of Black Americans are circumcised.
44% of Mexican Americans are circumcised.

It's a white man thing.


The world isnt America mate. 99% of White countries have far lower rates of circumcision than Africa and the Middle East.

It literally originated in Africa and is still the predominant practice there.

It also is the predominant practice for Muslims.....

Honestly it being a white man thing is one of the more hilarious interpretations I've ever seen lol

Here's a list of nations globally with above 80% circumcision. See if you notice something

More than 80% africa

Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo (Dem Rep), Cote d'Ivoire Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Togo

America's above 80%


Nations in Asia over 80%

Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh,Bahrain, Brunei, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Oman, Palestine, the Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, the United Arab Emirates, Philippines and Yemen[/COLOR]

Nations Europe Over 80%​

Kosovo (91.7%), Azerbaijan (98.5%) and Turkey (98.6%).[13]

Australia new Zealand
Under 20%

It's a white man thing lol
You are actually comparing cutting something that grows back like hair to cutting foreskin. Tells me enough.
I've seen quite a few silly examples itt. Such as eyelids which is foolish.

The best analogy I can think of would be removal of ear lobes.
I have no point of reference to compare but I have 0 problems with sensitivity. I don't need no added sensitivity as I'm trying my best not to bust within a minute anyway! lmao

A girl being reluctant to stick your dick cheese in their mouths also sounds like reduced pleasure.

Have you ever gone down on a girl? I promise you a vag is much dirtier than a sheathed peen.

Drying your peen is important when your uncut. If you're encountering dick cheese as an adult, something is terribly wrong.
And yet, I bet you cut your hair quite regularly. So much for the whole "I was made this way" shit, eh?

When people en masse start complaining about having it done, you got a case. Until then, this is just jealous anteater rage. Nobody who had a circumcision as a baby is complaining, nor are their sexual partners. In fact, the majority look at it as a plus on both ends. You're fighting an unwinnable war here bud. You don't even know who the actual enemy is in this war. I'll tell you right now, it ain't the circumcised folks. We love our smooth mushroom cocks, and so do the ladies.

Good luck with your crusade, anteater.

Lol your vociferous and aggressive defense of circumcisions says more about you dude.

You do realize any intact guys can get a circumcision any time we want. It's not even an expensive procedure. There's a reason we don't.

You're saying no one circumcised are complaining - well yea they don't know any better.

And then the last gasp defense "Girls prefer it!"

That's like the most beta thing ever.

"I'm going to cut off part of my dick because I think girls prefer it!"
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I wish it had been done because it makes your sex life inconvienant in a bunch of ways besides women not liking it. I get the whole consent moral issue but its a perfectly reasonable decision.
Just how many ways you been looking at circumcisions and why ya freak.

Comes from Abrahamic tradition. Or at least the modern promotion of it relates to it. May have learned the idea from some other culture but generally thought to have originated in Egypt area.

Abraham was commanded by God at the age of 80 to cut off his own foreskin and that of his sons.

Cuckoo shit, regardless.

shat, and Abraham also freed the slaves in the American civil war too! And wasn't he also a vampire hunter? dude did it all! *sarcasm*