Media No love lost between Dan Henderson and Michael Bisping

Tell me you’re a newb without telling me. Aside from your join date, it’s obvious. Ask yourself, young man, did Hendo and Bisping fight the same Anderson? Then ask yourself while setting aside your zoomer hot take about the level of Pride competition, did Bisping ever fight at HW? Bisping was a paper champ. You weren’t around then, but everyone on this forum acknowledged that he was ducking the legitimate MW contenders. Luke absolutely styled on him in their first match. He was a career journeyman. The premise of your argument is, “BuT WaS He A UfC ChAmP?!” You know who else was a UFC champ? Nicco Montano and Jamahal Hill. I guess their legacies are better than Hendo’s too, right?
You are an angry little man
towed the company line and made the most of an undeserving title shot (Dustin and Chito)
This is why fighters cite him an inspiration

The bitterness is absolutely reeking out of some of you guys posts

Even when pretending to be "fair", your bias is laid bare for all to see
No love lost? Those who saw that TUF season know why, Bisping was a total dick.
You can't even compare there careers. Hendo is arguably an all time great that reached heights that not many can compare to over multiple organisations and through multiple stages of evolution in the sport. He had a level of longevity and success they will most probably never be replicated.
Bisping while a good fighter(I was always a fan) could never break through that ceiling to the upper echelon and was turned around at the gate multiple times. Bisping biggest strength was his belief in him self and when gifted the opportunity he grabbed it. The old saying "even a blind squirrel finds a nut" fits what he did perfectly.

Didn't bother to respond earlier, great summary made of facts, not opinion.

Hendo's career was fire, Bisping's had a faint glow. No Question who the true warrior is. Not slamming Mike, but his level of fights and the hour or so he held a ufc belt pales with the duration, quality of opponents, and all-time wars Hendo had. Fighting in several weight class, always taking on all available killers IN OPEN WEIGHT Tournaments even when hurt. Dan was NEVER ufc protected and NEVER avoided anyone one for any reason whatsoever.

Remember UFC 157 - when the LHW "champion" was ufc-protected after having a Full Camp In (scheduled to fight Hendo) and was too much of a coward to fight Chael Sonnen on a 10 day notice ?

We remember the PPV being cancelled, because we were there.

Hard to believe any comparison is even being made from any older fans, shills and Dana-paid-parrots excluded. Their 2nd fight in no way evened up the real score. The painful first fight KO damage and pain inflicted was still there, but was now tied with Hendo getting the questionable "loss" in the record books. Their first fight is a classic war where imho The Better Man Won - NO ufc refs or judges were needed at all for that one.

Never disliked Bisping before TUF, but his time-after-time insulting of Dan made me lose a lot of respect that I had for Mike as a fellow fighter.
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The UFC's anti-doping testing information is now controlled entirely in-house, just like the NFL does... which is basically the equivalent of not having an anti-doping policy.

Dan could be on TRT all he wants if the UFC was fine with it.
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This is why fighters cite him an inspiration

The bitterness is absolutely reeking out of some of you guys posts

Even when pretending to be "fair", your bias is laid bare for all to see
What's biased. Bisping is an inspiration to alot of fighters and fans, (I admire his resilience, toughness never die attitude) it was this attitude that led him to his biggest moment. These same qualities that both Dustin and Chitto have.

I'm not bias I'm a realist and when comparing Hendo and Bisping there not equal.

As they day there's levels to this shit
Henderson is a wonderful man

He put Ping in his place when he was at his most annoying. (Young, shaven, loudmouth irritating Ping)

I liked Ping as he matured later though, but still somewhat of a dick at times
Just because some of you have only been watching for 3-5 years, that doesn't invalidate the entire history of the sport lmao. Imagine thinking that fucking Michael Bisping had a better career than Hendo.

The way your saying tho makes it seem like he was holding two UFC belts simultaneously

He was a double champ in Pride, but in the UFC he was champion of nothing

read what I typed.. Its a little known fact about Hendo but it is in fact true .. and once i tell you im 100% certain you will cry wolf and use excuses etc to make ot not true

Dan Hendo was the first true simultaneous double champ in the UFC ..

you and others just having a hard time comprehending what Im saying
Hendo has the best resume ever tbh sir.
Double pride champ. KO of the HW goat, decision win over the #2 all time HW. Most iconic ko in the history of the sport. UFC tournament winner. Wins from 1997 to 2016 over the likes of:

Carlos Newton
Hector Lombard
Rich Franklin
Vitor Belfort
Wanderlei Silva
Murilo Bustamante x2
Fedor Emilianenko
Gilbert Yvel
Antonio rodrigo Nogueira
Murilo Hua
Michael Bisping
Renato Sobral x2
Mauricio Hua x2
Tim Boetsch
Rousimar Palhares
Rafael Calvacante
Kazuo Misaki
Allan Goes
Renzo Gracie

These people need to show some respect. Just because they didn't watch the fights and don't know who any fighters are before 2014, that doesn't erase the facts and the history of the sport.

Double pride champ. KO of the HW goat, decision win over the #2 all time HW. Most iconic ko in the history of the sport. UFC tournament winner. Wins from 1997 to 2016 over the likes of:

Carlos Newton
Hector Lombard
Rich Franklin
Vitor Belfort
Wanderlei Silva
Murilo Bustamante x2
Fedor Emilianenko
Gilbert Yvel
Antonio rodrigo Nogueira
Murilo Hua
Michael Bisping
Renato Sobral x2
Mauricio Hua x2
Tim Boetsch
Rousimar Palhares
Rafael Calvacante
Kazuo Misaki
Allan Goes
Renzo Gracie

These people need to show some respect. Just because they didn't watch the fights and don't know who any fighters are before 2014, that doesn't erase the facts and the history of the sport.


That's exactly why I have a hard time talking to some of these dolts sir lol.
read what I typed.. Its a little known fact about Hendo but it is in fact true .. and once i tell you im 100% certain you will cry wolf and use excuses etc to make ot not true

Dan Hendo was the first true simultaneous double champ in the UFC ..

you and others just having a hard time comprehending what Im saying
Nobodies crying wolf or using excuses

We know what ur saying, but the way u say makes it seem like he was holding two UFC belts simultaneously. He did not. It's not some little known fact, everyone knows he was a double champ in pride

Double pride champ yes, but again he was champion of nothing during his UFC career
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