No-gi chokes from the top?


Clever user title
Feb 28, 2005
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I was just reading this on inside fighting.

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
"Fickett beats foes by manhandling them with his wrestling before submitting them from the top, most often with chokes. "

[/font] Maybe somebody can refresh my memory. What no-gi chokes from the top can you think of?
MMh...Kata gatame(arm triangle)?a guillotine from the top ?I know another from the mount that looks like a "reverse mata leao"but don't know the name and my bad english does'nt allow me to explain it so well...
There is a tricky choke that many don't expect. You take your hand and grab the throat. Push down and up into their head (sorry hard to explain in detail) and it's a 1 handed blood choke. You do need your other arm to stabilize his head though. Leozinho put someone down with this one once in a no gi event I seen. It was the tourney in North Carolina that Serra, Lister and Laimon all fought in also.
yo can triangle from the top. also, the paper slicer choke (ive heard it called the basebell bat choke with a gi).
When you say top to you reffer just at the mount? Cause there are: forearm choke, arm-trianlge, ezeiquel, paper slicer etc.
Green Whale said:
There is a tricky choke that many don't expect. You take your hand and grab the throat. Push down and up into their head (sorry hard to explain in detail) and it's a 1 handed blood choke. You do need your other arm to stabilize his head though. Leozinho put someone down with this one once in a no gi event I seen. It was the tourney in North Carolina that Serra, Lister and Laimon all fought in also.

What prvents you from getting arm barred doing this?
TapDG said:
What prvents you from getting arm barred doing this?

I assume he ment that Leozinho had mounted the guy
This isn't really a choke, but if I get mount on someone who clams up and I can't get under an arm, I like to cup their shoulder with my opposite arm and use it to press firmly on their throat until they give me something. You could tap to that I guess, if you were really green.
thaiboxgrappler said:
This isn't really a choke, but if I get mount on someone who clams up and I can't get under an arm, I like to cup their shoulder with my opposite arm and use it to press firmly on their throat until they give me something. You could tap to that I guess, if you were really green.

thats the beginnings of an arm triangle choke . you might not know that i guess, if you were really green.
Thanks guys. I forgot about the mounted triangle even though I've hit that one. I didn't think of the arm triangle either.

I'm not sure how to do an Ezekiel without using my own sleeve.
You can use one arm to reach around his head. Then with that arm grab the elbow of your other arm and then use that arms forearm to sink straight in to his neck.

this explanation sucks, but it is an effective choke.
dutchmasterj3 said:
You can use one arm to reach around his head. Then with that arm grab the elbow of your other arm and then use that arms forearm to sink straight in to his neck.

this explanation sucks, but it is an effective choke.
I get it. Maybe next time I get full mount on figh_song I'll give it a try. :)
parallax86 said:
thats the beginnings of an arm triangle choke . you might not know that i guess, if you were really green.
He isn't using the bottom person's shoulder to choke them, he is using his own elbow/forearm to choke them. The reason it is cupped on the opposite should is for stabilizing it and allowing you to use more force. Sorry to throw a wet towel on your joke.
parallax86 said:
thats the beginnings of an arm triangle choke . you might not know that i guess, if you were really green.

youd have to be strong like bob sapp to finish an arm triangle while being mounted. i have used it like once to roll someone though