No energy for workout


Jul 28, 2006
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When I go workout, I feel fine, but not energetic. So I start working out and after a little while, I start feeling tired. I yawn a lot and just don't feel like working out. It's like my energy level is really low. And if I try to force it, like forcing pull ups for example, my arms kinda feel like they're shaking. Like when I pull up it's not a smooth motion, it's kinda jerky feeling.
Anyone know what causes this? And how can I get more energetic for my workouts?
Maybe doing some running before lifting?
Eat more

Make sure your supplement profile is ok (not mineral or vitamin deficient)
When do you have your pre-workout meal? Like has been already echoed, perhaps your not eating enough, or getting enough sleep.
I'm getting 8 hours of sleep. I'm eating lots of food, getting plenty of protein and taking a multivitamin every day. I eat before I go to the gym. Sometimes a sandwich or oatmeal. I started drinking my PWO shake during my workout and that doesn't change anything.
I don't get it. I'm 24. Shouldn't I have a lot of energy?
I'm getting 8 hours of sleep. I'm eating lots of food, getting plenty of protein and taking a multivitamin every day. I eat before I go to the gym. Sometimes a sandwich or oatmeal. I started drinking my PWO shake during my workout and that doesn't change anything.
I don't get it. I'm 24. Shouldn't I have a lot of energy?

I'm 25 and the answer is no :redface:
I'm getting 8 hours of sleep. I'm eating lots of food, getting plenty of protein and taking a multivitamin every day. I eat before I go to the gym. Sometimes a sandwich or oatmeal. I started drinking my PWO shake during my workout and that doesn't change anything.
I don't get it. I'm 24. Shouldn't I have a lot of energy?

Try more sleep, if that doesn't help, see a doctor, because thats all we can tell you.
Try a prework supplement.

Right now i'm taking Black Powder by MRI which gives me a great boost right before I work out. My workouts have been more intense, longer, and my recovery time is amazing, just an idea.
You could also just be getting burned out. Have you tried mixing things up or even taking a break?
how long has it been since you deloaded? i usually take a week off anything heavy once every 6-8 weeks. i remember reading in a westside article to take your 5 rep max and do 3 reps with it during deload weeks, with the expception of deadlifts and backsquats since they are so intensive on the CNS. works good for me, since it keeps the mind/muscle memory fresh so you can jump into the big weight again after you've rested up. also gives you a chance to focus on other things you may have been neglecting. i dont give olympic lifts nearly the attention they deserve, and deload weeks are a good time to focus on technique since im not worried about moving big weight.
Well today I had a friend with me at the gym and I didn't have this problem. I had a pretty good amount of energy. My muscles weren't jerky and I could've done more but I kinda got tired of being there and figured I'd need to rest enough as it is.

Instead of peanut butter and honey sandwich pre-workout, I ate a ham sandwich with mustard and lots of raw spinach on it.
I don't know if it was just the boredom of being there alone or what, but today I had a lot better day than yesterday.
Try a prework supplement.

Right now i'm taking Black Powder by MRI which gives me a great boost right before I work out. My workouts have been more intense, longer, and my recovery time is amazing, just an idea.
A supplement website I get stuff from says that was discontinued. Any idea why?
You could also just be getting burned out. Have you tried mixing things up or even taking a break?
Yeah I need to mix things up. Here's a list of exercises I do. These are basically the only ones I do.
Military press
Jumping ( just jumping as long and as high as I can)
And this exercise where I put the end of a bar in a corner, add weights to the end and swing it side to side
And various ab exercises. Should I mix it up more or is that enough different things to do?
how long has it been since you deloaded? i usually take a week off anything heavy once every 6-8 weeks. i remember reading in a westside article to take your 5 rep max and do 3 reps with it during deload weeks, with the expception of deadlifts and backsquats since they are so intensive on the CNS. works good for me, since it keeps the mind/muscle memory fresh so you can jump into the big weight again after you've rested up. also gives you a chance to focus on other things you may have been neglecting. i dont give olympic lifts nearly the attention they deserve, and deload weeks are a good time to focus on technique since im not worried about moving big weight.
I've been going to the gym for about 2 or 3 times a week for over a year. Haven't stopped any weeks.

I'd like to go to a kickboxing gym and practice kicking and punching techniques. I'd also like to join a BJJ school. But right now the only thing I can afford is a gym membership and just to get stronger.
What's your diet look like?
Pretty simple.

Lots of beans, vegetables, spinach a lot with sandwiches and I'll pour some on my tuna and just eat tuna with raw spinach leaves. A peanut butter and honey sandwich almost every day. Cereal when I get home from work. Various fruits at work, like banana and apple. Salmon when I can, cottage cheese sometimes before bed. That's about it. Nothing fancy.
I've been going to the gym for about 2 or 3 times a week for over a year. Haven't stopped any weeks.

doesnt seem like you have been going to the gym TOO much, but in all reality going 2-3 times a week for over a year your body just might be getting use to the same old cycle. Id take a week off and give your body a rest, or like you said maybe try something else for a week instead of the same old grind. Change is good for your body, as far as i understand the same thing over and over actualy becomes not so great for your body. Plus a week off never hurts, just keep your deit clean.
doesn't seem like you have been going to the gym TOO much, but in all reality going 2-3 times a week for over a year your body just might be getting use to the same old cycle. Id take a week off and give your body a rest, or like you said maybe try something else for a week instead of the same old grind. Change is good for your body, as far as i understand the same thing over and over actually becomes not so great for your body. Plus a week off never hurts, just keep your diet clean.

I agree with this. It's not only your muscles, but your CNS needs a break. Take a week off, come back with a different routine. Keep the main lifts: Squats, DL, Bench, etc, but throw in some variety. Do front squats one day, zercher DL's, etc. Of course the S&P is the place for this kind of advice (and a lot of more knowledgeable posters than me) but if your diet is decent, then routine probably your problem.
Are you a vegetarian? I don't see any chicken, eggs or beef on there?
That's a good idea guys, thanks. Yeah I should really improve the number of different exercises I do. And maybe take off a week and just do kick boxing on my bag outside.

I'm not a vegetarian, I eat chicken and beef when I can and I eat at least 1 hard boiled egg every day.
Take a quick nap before working out- that does it for me. About 15 minutes before or something.