NFL Discussion: We’re all drunk

2 weeks in

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Crosby has the same injury as HerbGOAT. They should both be shut down for the season.

High ankles dont go away by playing on them. Just leads to achilles tears or lisfrancs.

IR Cosby, trade Adams and tank the season. Get a real OC in the offseason and draft a Qb with the first pick….oh and take Mark out to the desert and bury him up to his retarded hairline
I got this one the other day. Made me think our main man fican was right.
LMAO that's tremendous
Get a real head coach, your compton culture is the whitest shit I've seen since Friends.

Them not giving Kingsbury a 3 year deal (they would only offer 2 years) is one of the dumbest things Ive ever seen this franchise do. And that says a fucking lot. They had the chance for Kubiak also and the jerkoffs let him walk to the Saints.

Just a terrible job of trying to play hardball as if these guys werent insanely highly sought after elsewhere