Newbie looking to GAIN 15-20 lbs, can anyone help me?


Green Belt
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Hi , i recently started weight training again, im wanting to pack on maybe 15-20 lbs

im 5-10, and around 155-160 lbs

heres my problems, i eat horrible and unhealthy, plus my knowledge of proper eating is very minimum at best

what should i be eating?

what supplements should i be taking?

when it comes to creatine and whey gain, are these products what i need? to help me gain the weight?

like i said before, ive never eaten healthy, but always stayed slim, so i need alot of help cleaning up my diet so i can make my workouts worthwile

i tried using the stickies but they wont work, so if some of you more knowledgeable members could help it would be appreciated

thanks in advance for any help you guys can give me
to sum up the entire forums into 3 sentences:

For everyone:
good brands of greens powder, fish oil (or flaxseed oil), fiber powder, multi-vitamin, and protein powder.. (i would say unrefined coconut oil as well, but it's really up to the buyer :wink: )

For gaining:
everything above plus eat more with more lifting

For weight loss:
everthing above but eat less and more cardio
sweet...that answers my supps question

how about eating?

what should my daily food intake consist of?

what types of food will provide me with the proper carbs,proteins,and so there a chart or something i can read

i know we learnt this when i was a kid...i guess i wasnt paying attention
ChUtEBoXWaNnAbE said:
sweet...that answers my supps question

how about eating?

what should my daily food intake consist of?

what types of food will provide me with the proper carbs,proteins,and so there a chart or something i can read

i know we learnt this when i was a kid...i guess i wasnt paying attention

to my knowledge.. it's best to eat nothing but foods "LOW (below 60)" on the glycemic index all day but post-workout to eat stuff "HIGH (above 60)"

do a search on the glycemic index
low glycemic index are considered "complex carbs" that sustain blood sugar levels..

and high GI are considered "simple carbs" that spike blood sugar levels..
this might be a very stupid question

but where do i do this search for glycemic index?

here at sherdog or just a internet search?

thanks for all your help eat food low in carbs all day


high in carbs directly after working out?

how many meals should i be eating? and im planning on subbing some protein shakes for meals aswell...this is ok?
ChUtEBoXWaNnAbE said: eat food low in carbs all day


high in carbs directly after working out?

how many meals should i be eating? and im planning on subbing some protein shakes for meals aswell...this is ok?

NO!!... low carbs and low glycemic index are 2 completely different things

NEVER go on low carb diet.. u just lose muscle mass and strength that way..

example: Brown rice (complex carb).. White rice (Simple carb)

eat more complex carbs thru-out the day.. and then simple after workout

so im about to start living off brown rice

what else?

ive heard eggs and ww bread are also good

how about pastas and other things that will help?

i cant thank you enough, youve been a tremendous help
ChUtEBoXWaNnAbE said:

so im about to start living off brown rice

what else?

ive heard eggs and ww bread are also good

how about pastas and other things that will help?

i cant thank you enough, youve been a tremendous help

u can find all that out with a chart of the glycemic index.. google it
chuteboxwannabe your best bet is to read this forum every day for a week. Before i started readint his forum a couple weeks ago i know jack shit about good diet, supps or anything like that. All it takes is one week and you will have alot more info than you could ever get in this one thread. Im not tryin to be a dick im serious, what was stated above is only a fraction of the info you need to know. Just keep reading this forum and do searchs for things you want to learn more about and you will be set. However with that said, lift 3 times a week and lift heavy, also eat a ton of chicken, beef, potatoes, veggies and things like that. Generaly the whole meat and potatoes diet is good for gaining weight. Start eating healthy and eat 5 or 6 times a day, start lifting as well. Once you learn a little bit more from reading on this board then look into some supplements.
well im actually looking for supps to make up for the loss of my eating habits

you see i dont eat i need to supp it with something else

i eat chicken,meat andlots of rice and eggs...but after that my healthy food intake isnt that good

i agree with reading this board...ive learned more in the last 2 days than i ever coulda imagined

thanks for the pointers guys
ChUtEBoXWaNnAbE said:
well im actually looking for supps to make up for the loss of my eating habits

you see i dont eat i need to supp it with something else

i eat chicken,meat andlots of rice and eggs...but after that my healthy food intake isnt that good

i agree with reading this board...ive learned more in the last 2 days than i ever coulda imagined

thanks for the pointers guys

dont eat veggies?... this'll help..

my friend is the same way.. he takes this in place of eating real veggies... plus this is one of the best greens powder formulas in pill form.. 2mo. supply.. Garden of Life is a very reputable brand and all their formulas are top-notch... however they're a bit pricey..
If you don't eat veggies, you should definately be getting something in place of them. Go to Puritan's Pride ( and order some of the "Life's Greens". It is a powder which is better than the tablets that you can get other places. Not only will this product give you what you are missing from not eating veggies, it is packed with anti-oxidants, something everyone needs but athletes need more of because of the stress they put on their bodies. Nothing is going to be as good as eating fresh vegetables, but its better than nothing.
This stuff tastes like ass, so you can mix it with your protien shake. The best protien shake ive found is ISOPURE. I like the isopure zero carb, it has 50 grams of very high quality whey protien, as well as tons of amino acids. ISOPURE can be quite expensive so you can either shop for it online or go to GNC and get a gold card. You can save 20% the first seven days of the month.
Most importantly, take a multivitamin. Not over the counter crap either, buy a high quality TIME RELEASED vitamin. GNC has a good vitamin, its called MegaMen. (Yes i know i am plugging GNC, not only because I work there, but because the vitamin is superior to others on the market.)
Long story short:
1) Eat a time relased multivitamin every day
2) Drink as much water as your body will hold
3) High quality Protien shake with amino acids
4) Drink green powder
5) Creatine and Nitric Oxide will come into play later, get used to the basics first. Once you get in the habit of doing the first 4, gradually add on. If you start everything at once (a) you will go broke very quickly (b) odd are you are going to quit because you are constantly eating something or drinking something
tylerfist said:
If you don't eat veggies, you should definately be getting something in place of them. Go to Puritan's Pride ( and order some of the "Life's Greens". It is a powder which is better than the tablets that you can get other places. Not only will this product give you what you are missing from not eating veggies, it is packed with anti-oxidants, something everyone needs but athletes need more of because of the stress they put on their bodies. Nothing is going to be as good as eating fresh vegetables, but its better than nothing.
This stuff tastes like ass, so you can mix it with your protien shake. The best protien shake ive found is ISOPURE. I like the isopure zero carb, it has 50 grams of very high quality whey protien, as well as tons of amino acids. ISOPURE can be quite expensive so you can either shop for it online or go to GNC and get a gold card. You can save 20% the first seven days of the month.
Most importantly, take a multivitamin. Not over the counter crap either, buy a high quality TIME RELEASED vitamin. GNC has a good vitamin, its called MegaMen. (Yes i know i am plugging GNC, not only because I work there, but because the vitamin is superior to others on the market.)
Long story short:
1) Eat a time relased multivitamin every day
2) Drink as much water as your body will hold
3) High quality Protien shake with amino acids
4) Drink green powder
5) Creatine and Nitric Oxide will come into play later, get used to the basics first. Once you get in the habit of doing the first 4, gradually add on. If you start everything at once (a) you will go broke very quickly (b) odd are you are going to quit because you are constantly eating something or drinking something

the thing i love about puritan's pride ( is there "GREEN SOURCE" multi-vitamin tablets.. however, their "LIFE's GREENS" is a very common formula.. exactly the same as

and yes.. that formula tastes like shit!.. that's why i'm looking into and trying out other formulas..

however, Garden of Life's Super Green Formula still stands as one of the best formulas out there IMO.. pill or powdered form..
codysweet02 said:
chuteboxwannabe your best bet is to read this forum every day for a week. Before i started readint his forum a couple weeks ago i know jack shit about good diet, supps or anything like that.

That's great advice. Also, the green superfoods will help out in the veggie department, but I would suggest that you just buckle down and start eating your veggies, too. Is there any particular reason you don't eat them, or is it just a matter of taste? Try mixing in some fresh vegetables in with some diced chicken and make a stir-fry to throw over your brown rice.

thanks for all the info guys

im gonna continue reading....see what i can leanr

once again...thanks
farmboy said:
That's great advice. Also, the green superfoods will help out in the veggie department, but I would suggest that you just buckle down and start eating your veggies, too. Is there any particular reason you don't eat them, or is it just a matter of taste? Try mixing in some fresh vegetables in with some diced chicken and make a stir-fry to throw over your brown rice.

you know what...there isnt a specific reason why i dont eat that i think of it

ive just never ate them, never was forced to

i wish my parents had been strict on me with that stuff

sidenote: how long does it take if i order something online from these sites you guys are plugging? around how long?

cause i need to get at this stuff time like the present

and im not concerned with quitting...ive always had a never give up attitude...thats prob what got me in so much trouble as a young fellow

not too mention im quitting smoking so i can become healthy there will be no QUITTING my weight training or diet

Guys i cant thank ya`ll enough, youve been very helpful
Is an anti oxidant the same or similar to the green formula stuff. i dont always eat my vegtables but i take anti oxidants. Also, would eating 5-6 meals opposed to 3 larger meals boost your metabolism, burn more calories, and cause you to lose weight?