Newb/intermediate question about 20 rep squat


Blue Belt
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score

I got a lot stronger from doing the Bill Starr 5x5, until Phase 2, the 3x3s. I've tried to do the 5x5 over again after a week off or so, but it seems as if I'm not gaining strength as before.

Is the "20-rep squat" program or "Squat and Milk" program something that would help? If not, what other things would you suggest?

I feel like after 6 weeks of 20rep squats, i would be overall stronger and could deadlift more as well.

Please correct me if i'm wrong. Also I guess another option is to do the 3xWeek pull/push/squat routine.
I feel like after 6 weeks of 20rep squats, i would be overall stronger and could deadlift more as well.

Please correct me if i'm wrong. Also I guess another option is to do the 3xWeek pull/push/squat routine.
I feel like after 6 weeks of 20rep squats, i would be overall stronger and could deadlift more as well.

Please correct me if i'm wrong. Also I guess another option is to do the 3xWeek pull/push/squat routine.
I feel like after 6 weeks of 20rep squats, i would be overall stronger and could deadlift more as well.

Please correct me if i'm wrong. Also I guess another option is to do the 3xWeek pull/push/squat routine.
I feel like after 6 weeks of 20rep squats, i would be overall stronger and could deadlift more as well.

Please correct me if i'm wrong. Also I guess another option is to do the 3xWeek pull/push/squat routine.
Really Sorry About All The Same Posts
i was doing the 5x5 with 135 military press, 225 bench, 265 squats, 285 deadlift.

I feel like my bench is too close to my squats. And I want my DL to be better.
the general rule is you are still in the noob area so i believe whatever you do will yeild great results.

i would do the p/p/s, imo.

then try out the 20 repper plan.
or... you can try something like timed total tonnage, edt gvt or even the texas method.
the general rule is you are still in the noob area so i believe whatever you do will yeild great results.

Pretty much. Squat/push/pull heavy in whatever fashion strikes your fancy, eat a lot, and will make gains.