New Year New Goals


Yellow Belt
Sep 8, 2011
Reaction score

Having finished university early last year, 3 years of non-stop drinking and recovery takeaways caused a big change in body composition. I've experimented with Keto a few times and always seen decent results so I plan to not just do it for 3-4 weeks and stop due to parties and birthdays, I liked the feeling and confidence that came with looking good and plan to make it a permanent goal.

With no big plans until April and no peer-pressure to go out drinking now is the perfect time for me to stick to a routine and reinforce the benefits of long term vs short term mentality.

Today I am fasting and drinking nothing but some lemon tea and will start Ketosis Diet tomorrow.

Current Stats:
Age 24
Height: 6.1
Weight: 248lbs

14 Weeks
Target Weight: 220lbs
Which equates to a loss of 28lbs in 14 weeks.

With the initial water weight loss I hope this is achieveable, some input on this would be nice. I'm not phased by losing some muscle, I have god damn tree trunk legs and a barrel chest from on and off lifting for years with a shitty diet, I got my bench to 155kg and my deadlifts to 200kg when I was eating like a pig so I had obvious size gains there. I don't plan to focus on increasing lifts and setting records in that sense, my workouts are to purely help me lose weight and kill time in the evenings.

Multi-Vitamin Tablet morning and night
Psyllium husks Husk Tablets
OxyElite Pro (got a free pack of 90 tabs so may as well use it, if it helps the slightest then beats nothing)

I'll post my workouts after I have done them and can hopefully get some input. I'm unsure whether to weigh myself daily, once every 3 days or once a week. Leaning towards once a week.
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Its more then acheiveable especially with dedication. Higher the weight, quicker you can lose it but, once cutting low, it gets hard again to drop it. 176 now. Trimming 6lbs of fat and then, recomp from then. I don't want to lose too much muscle. Cutting is tricky. I'll help as much as I can. The log I made I hope inspires.
Its more then acheiveable especially with dedication. Higher the weight, quicker you can lose it but, once cutting low, it gets hard again to drop it. 176 now. Trimming 6lbs of fat and then, recomp from then. I don't want to lose too much muscle. Cutting is tricky. I'll help as much as I can. The log I made I hope inspires.

Before when in keto my energy levels are always high and I rarely feed tired or hungry, the only reason I stopped was due to life events and drinking on weekends. I figure i'd rather do what I need to do then once thats done reintroduce nights out etc but in moderation and maintain a weight then lose more.

220 is my goal and until then nothing will stop me, gotta think of the long run!
Only food I've had today was a bowl of sprouts, broccoli and green beans as there was plenty left over from Sunday roast and I love veg. Pre cooked 3 boiled eggs and some turkey breast to take to work for lunch tomorrow.

For breakfast I find I am never hungry normally on keto and I'd get bored having eggs for breakfast and lunch (eggs easiest to take to work) so could do with some ideas, I think I may just have some smoked sausage as its pre cooked, no carbs and cheap from Asda.

Just got back from a 12 mile cycle, felt good. Looking forward to the weeks ahead.
First day, feel bit sluggish but as I remember I felt tired and hungry for first 2-3 days then go into god mode after that.

2 cups of lemon tea

2 boiled eggs
Strips of turkey breast

10oz steak topped with cheese, mushrooms and bacon
Portion of green beans and some broccoli

Not huge on the calorie side but i'll up that when i'm in my rhythm properly.

4 mile cycle and 50 minutes of machine weights. This won't be my normal routine, just getting used to going to the gym again so doing a bro'ish workout for few days then back to doing isolated workouts each day etc
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Day #2

2 boiled eggs, 1/3 of a smoked sausage

1/3 smoked sausage
chicken breast strips and turkey breast strips

4 sausages, 3 bacon, green beans, mushrooms and 3tbps of mayo

4 mile cycle, 50 minutes on machine weights, 10 minute on cross trainer
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If you stick to your diet and work out at least 5 times a week you will drop the weight quickly just because you're taking OEP. Good luck.
If you stick to your diet and work out at least 5 times a week you will drop the weight quickly just because you're taking OEP. Good luck.

You have any experience with it yourself? I know from past experience calorie deficit + keto with no workout minus a few bro curls in my room shed weight, now i'm cycling to the gym and doing proper workouts (as i can afford a good gym) i'm hoping to shed this weight fast.
Day #3

2 sausages, 2 bacon

1/3 smoked sausage, 2 pepperoni sticks, 25g wassabi nuts

gammon with mushrooms, green beans and 1 egg and mayo

4 mile cycle to gym
35 mins chest exercises
15 mins cross trainer
Checked my keto-sticks this morning, I am in keto which is good.
Weighed myself just to see what weight I'm at at the start and was sitting at 244lbs.
24 left to go! Today not going gym, will just have a cycle tonight, back on it again tomorrow.
Checked my keto-sticks this morning, I am in keto which is good.
Weighed myself just to see what weight I'm at at the start and was sitting at 244lbs.
24 left to go! Today not going gym, will just have a cycle tonight, back on it again tomorrow.

Great stuff man. I tried keto too before. I took awhile to find that range that put me into ketosis. The keto strips i bought from the local pharmacy were a great help. There were times i thought i was in keto due to my eating habits but, the strips dont lie. Congratulations on this rewarding decision you've made. Stick the course. You wont regret it.
Great stuff man. I tried keto too before. I took awhile to find that range that put me into ketosis. The keto strips i bought from the local pharmacy were a great help. There were times i thought i was in keto due to my eating habits but, the strips dont lie. Congratulations on this rewarding decision you've made. Stick the course. You wont regret it.

Cheers dude. Yeah when I first tried keto over a year back I had awful stomach and it took a week (no exercise really) to get into keto. Few months later I tried again the bad stomach went and it took 3 days. This time with exercise it took pretty much a day, body seems to adapt which is great. Gonna do a cycle after and hit gym hard tomorrow.
Day #4

3 sausages + some spinach

3 sausages, 1 egg, mushrooms and spinach

Diced chicken, peppers, onions, spinach, cheese and mayo

Past the lethargic first day or 2 of keto, my body takes to it very well, don't yawn in the afternoon at work, never hungry and wake up not feeling sluggish and tired. Game on.
Cheers dude. Yeah when I first tried keto over a year back I had awful stomach and it took a week (no exercise really) to get into keto. Few months later I tried again the bad stomach went and it took 3 days. This time with exercise it took pretty much a day, body seems to adapt which is great. Gonna do a cycle after and hit gym hard tomorrow.

Good stuff man. Just watch out for stagnating. Even my martial arts routine, I am switching it up a bit, adding yoga, adding more martial arts, and compensating for a current injury which is definitely a set back. You just make things work for yourself. Its amazing how much this effects my whole life from confidence, dating, my work life, martial arts, how I feel, and pretty much everything in my life.
Good stuff man. Just watch out for stagnating. Even my martial arts routine, I am switching it up a bit, adding yoga, adding more martial arts, and compensating for a current injury which is definitely a set back. You just make things work for yourself. Its amazing how much this effects my whole life from confidence, dating, my work life, martial arts, how I feel, and pretty much everything in my life.

Stagnating is one problem I don't actually encounter. I can eat clean all week on any diet even if its the same food/gym routine. It's just after working all week me and my friends go out Friday and don't get home to Sunday, even with good intentions 5 beers turns into doubles, shots, downing competitions then you crave a pizza etc
If I do go out i'll only be having say 2 single whiskeys, doesn't knock me out of ketosis tried before. But these 12-14 weeks, nothings deterring me :cool:
Hello friends, in the new year I want to overcome my fear and anxiety because of this I had to face lots of problems even I missed some fine opportunity of my life because of hesitation I am working on it and during this I found a video and I want to share it with you its really nice:
Day #5

Half a smoked sausage with cheese and spinach

3 sausages and mushrooms

2 pork chops, cheese, peppers, mushrooms, spinach, mayo
Stagnating is one problem I don't actually encounter. I can eat clean all week on any diet even if its the same food/gym routine. It's just after working all week me and my friends go out Friday and don't get home to Sunday, even with good intentions 5 beers turns into doubles, shots, downing competitions then you crave a pizza etc
If I do go out i'll only be having say 2 single whiskeys, doesn't knock me out of ketosis tried before. But these 12-14 weeks, nothings deterring me :cool:

Good stuff. My confidence has superseded anything I've experienced. With this comes the love.