New Terminator is Liberal Propaganda and I am mad

Haven't seen a term movie since bale and that smurfs dude....and that was complete garbage
Am I the only person that just looks at fictional movies for entertainment and not to see as some sort of learning device or something meant to influence my personal opinions and thoughts? If a movie about future robots traveling through space and time somehow influences your thoughts on politics you're a fucking moron.

Movies do assist in shaping culture. I'm not worried about myself being influenced, but it's more about young people or those not aware at what they are looking at.
Movies do assist in shaping culture. I'm not worried about myself being influenced, but it's more about young people or those not aware at what they are looking at.
Correct, you'd prefer that the brainwashing come from films that you approve of, as opposed to films approved of by others. I think that's natural.
Correct, you'd prefer that the brainwashing come from films that you approve of, as opposed to films approved of by others. I think that's natural.

The influencing should be a non-partisan message of decency, when the goal is a message. You know, like it was for the first 90 years of movie making.
So you didn't get the hint from T3? with that female liquid terminator?
I knew it was only a matter of time....
The influencing should be a non-partisan message of decency, when the goal is a message. You know, like it was for the first 90 years of movie making.
I'm 100% certain that's not true. But I'm 50/50 on if you know that.
Any series of movies that goes past a trilogy is bound to be bullshit.

At this point you're almost forced to make some kind of a whacky "spinoff", gender-swapping bullshit or whatever, and try to sell it to a new audience, because what can you do with the old Terminator template that hasn't already been done?

To be honest it's not a good look for feminist causes to re-make old franchises like this with female leads. When they began to have major movies with black actors in them, they were original, and many went onto become top-selling franchises.

That's the only real way to stake your claim and prove your worth, copying what's already been done just makes you look like a cheap knock-off.
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I'm 100% certain that's not true. But I'm 50/50 on if you know that.
Driving Ms. Daisy didn't come off like political pandering. It had a message, and was tastefully done at a time close enough to segregation that it drove home a relevant point..

I guess you had movies like 'Cry Freedom,' but most were in agreement that it was worth a shot ending apartheid.

The politics wasn't politics for politics sake like now, it represented actual issues that were worth standing up for. Now that there is equal rights, with a couple exceptions, you just get identity garbage.

Women have been leading in sci-fi movies since the 70s. THE 70'S. There is no battle there, and this is no push for something that is needed. It's pretending, pandering, and just forced bs. None of it flows organically.

I'm 70/30 against you realizing this due to a belief system confirmation bias. Modern belief systems based on political thinking cause some serious bias. Hard for the people seeing things for how they are.
The franchise died after TII

Most films are terrible, not even kidding, most films made today are fucking shit.
Driving Ms. Daisy didn't come off like political pandering. It had a message, and was tastefully done at a time close enough to segregation that it drove home a relevant point..

I guess you had movies like 'Cry Freedom,' but most were in agreement that it was worth a shot ending apartheid.

The politics wasn't politics for politics sake like now, it represented actual issues that were worth standing up for. Now that there is equal rights, with a couple exceptions, you just get identity garbage.Z

Remember all those films in the 50's and 60's where blacks and Native Americans were the heros and not the bad guys?
T3 and Salvation aren't even THAT bad. They're meh, perhaps kinda bad, and certainly not worthy sequels to two great films, but they're not unwatchable garbage. They're just dull and uninspired.

Genysis is legit poopoo though.
looked crappy in the trailers

bunch of reasons to let it flop by its own merits
had a bad feeling this was going to be the case.... race and gender swap everything already and be done with it.
Not as mad as producers will be when this tanks just like the last three movies did. Got nothing to do with any Liberal agenda either. The franchise is fucking dead and has been for quite some time. It's laughable at this point.

these people do not learn they are idealogues that pick up trends from tumblr rather than the real world.

One shining moment was in 3 where you very briefly see the evil terminator chick's rack

i thought the armageddon scene was awesome.

but ya the rest of the movie was meh. The female terminator was a gimmick. I never bought her look or impressed at all (other than how hot she was). Honestly though she was still more terminator than the new Latte sipping Apple Genius bar employee that is the new terminator.
If the purpose of a movie is to send an heavy subliminal message for reshaping the way to thinking of the audience the final risult cannot be other than pure fecal whatsoever is the idea: liberal, communist, fascist, conservative. The new series of star trek is so offensive in his attempt of veicolate its suggestion that beats even the older series with the dumb captain that resembled Bush Jr.