Crime New poll show 49% of Independents think Trump should drop out

Its funny, it's almost as though you are hated for having independent thoughts and ideas, free from the playbook of a political party. I find that most people are insufferable line-toers that can't see nuance in a debate or issue. While I would agree that most people who claim "independent" skew one way or another to some degree (its almost impossible not to), a lot of people who aren't the lowest common denominator can legitimately be a moderate or align with a third party first and foremost.

But that's what happens when you are in a country that treats politics like a team sport, and cannot provide for and hate mor than two choices. It's always has to be black and white... you are either with us or against us, no gray area. It really just goes to show how shallow people's reasoning is.

Coke or Pepsi, Android or Apple, Republican and Democrat, dogs or cats.... and god forbid you don't draw a line in the sand choose... and go with a third or forth choice or like both or none.. and you are a fucking pariah that cannot be sized up. That pisses people off more than anything because you can't be put in a box.
There is another way… take the Orange Pill
Its funny, it's almost as though you are hated for having independent thoughts and ideas, free from the playbook of a political party. I find that most people are insufferable line-toers that can't see nuance in a debate or issue. While I would agree that most people who claim "independent" skew one way or another to some degree (its almost impossible not to), a lot of people who aren't the lowest common denominator can legitimately be a moderate or align with a third party first and foremost.

But that's what happens when you are in a country that treats politics like a team sport, and cannot provide for and hate mor than two choices. It's always has to be black and white... you are either with us or against us, no gray area. It really just goes to show how shallow people's reasoning is.

Coke or Pepsi, Android or Apple, Republican and Democrat, dogs or cats.... and god forbid you don't draw a line in the sand choose... and go with a third or forth choice or like both or none.. and you are a fucking pariah that cannot be sized up. That pisses people off more than anything because you can't be put in a box.
Thank you
Its hilarious you clowns have no response as to why everyone disapproves of such a great economy.
Why do you think? People know that their own situations are good. They mostly think their local economies are good. How would an ordinary person form any opinion about the national economy that differs from their personal situation? Obviously, it goes down to the media.
Trump should drop out. He won't but he should.

He also might still win.
All the heaping piles of BS over a Civil War is all hogwash at this point, however, I feel a sitting POTUS behind bars is certainly a catalyst in the wrong direction for a free society and both parties and their puppet masters seem oblivious to what the ramifications can be with that President Orange Wig behind bars scenario
Why do you think? People know that their own situations are good. They mostly think their local economies are good. How would an ordinary person form any opinion about the national economy that differs from their personal situation? Obviously, it goes down to the media.
The media isn't being fair to old Joe?? <lol>
It should also tell you how little we think of Biden to not even consider changing our vote.

I'd love to have two much better options. But here we are . . . we made this bed and now we must lay in it.

You could choose to vote for someone else entirely.
We've already seen this game play out before (and I posted evidence). We know that if Trump wins, on Day 1 Republicans and the MSM will be talking about how great the economy is, with no change in the numbers. Just like in 2017.

They're going to be bitterly disappointed when he doesn't magically "fix" gas prices. The stuff written on this forum about the oil and gas industry is absolutely painful and simultaneously hilarious to read. Biden doesn't really have a damn thing to do with it, and I'm a massive proponent of the American petroleum industry who hated the campaign rhetoric. I was half convinced the Admin was really going to try and kneecap it. Incredulous.

US oil production is the highest it's ever been in history and has led the world for the last six consecutive years. The problem aside from OPEC and Russia deliberately reducing global supply to drive the demand and price of crude up is the huge loss of our domestic refining capacity since 2020. A half dozen facilities went under during COVID demand destruction; another suffered an accidental explosion and was disabled for good; another was wiped out by Hurricane Ida. The existing refineries are running at virtually 100% capacity, and a new one hasn't been built since the 1970s.
They're going to be bitterly disappointed when he doesn't magically "fix" gas prices. The stuff written on this forum about the oil and gas industry is absolutely painful and simultaneously hilarious to read. Biden doesn't really have a damn thing to do with it, and I'm a massive proponent of the American petroleum industry who hated the campaign rhetoric. I was half convinced the Admin was really going to try and kneecap it. Incredulous.

US oil production is the highest it's ever been in history and has led the world for the last six consecutive years. The problem aside from OPEC and Russia deliberately reducing global supply to drive the demand and price of crude up is the huge loss of our domestic refining capacity since 2020. A half dozen facilities went under during COVID demand destruction; another suffered an accidental explosion and was disabled for good; another was wiped out by Hurricane Ida. The existing refineries are running at virtually 100% capacity, and a new one hasn't been built since the 1970s.
You're correct on gas, but if biden wants to take credit for it going down, then he invites himself to be blamed when it goes up.
Such a silly thing to post. I'm sure all the people struggling and can't afford a home just have their "facts" wrong.
Were supposed to tell the "minority" of people stuck in a rut to turn on MSNBC and CNN and stop whining about the their "feelings" surrounding thier personal finances (pull yourself up by the bootstraps?) because there are "facts" presented by saints with Ivy league diplomas and Einsteinian level IQs that state, at minimum, 51% of the country is doing better than when the greater of two evils was in charge and that
supersedes any bad "feelings" they might have about their financial situation
but if 49% think he should drop out what to the 51% think? Isn't it like saying 50% of people want to vote for Biden?
Living paycheck to paycheck and not being able to afford a house is just a feeling.
Yeah so I guess "feelings and Vibes" are what people are experiencing when every single thing from food to interest rates is much higher than 4 years ago...I see a lot of people putting those "feelings and vibes" back on the shelf on food they can't afford. Plus all those "feelings and vibes" were seeing when record number of unvetted illegals are breaking into our country every day.
No..its saying they want a new candidate instead of no one likes Biden anymore..the dudes Trash.
but 50% do and 50% don't. The polls for Biden and Trump are pretty much dead even.
You're correct on gas, but if biden wants to take credit for it going down, then he invites himself to be blamed when it goes up.

It sucks for the folks who feel the price in regards to their budget and finances. I have a general idea of where it's going to be a couple of months beforehand, but it's negligible on a personal level.
They're going to be bitterly disappointed when he doesn't magically "fix" gas prices. The stuff written on this forum about the oil and gas industry is absolutely painful and simultaneously hilarious to read. Biden doesn't really have a damn thing to do with it, and I'm a massive proponent of the American petroleum industry who hated the campaign rhetoric. I was half convinced the Admin was really going to try and kneecap it. Incredulous.

US oil production is the highest it's ever been in history and has led the world for the last six consecutive years. The problem aside from OPEC and Russia deliberately reducing global supply to drive the demand and price of crude up is the huge loss of our domestic refining capacity since 2020. A half dozen facilities went under during COVID demand destruction; another suffered an accidental explosion and was disabled for good; another was wiped out by Hurricane Ida. The existing refineries are running at virtually 100% capacity, and a new one hasn't been built since the 1970s.
The administration is (rightly, IMO) focused on addressing fossil-fuel issues on the demand side. We've already internationally reached a tipping point, where clean energy is more cost-effective in terms of new power capacity builds and to a lesser extent (but that is changing with advances in battery technology) actual generation builds.

For people who really believe presidents have a noticeable effect on gas prices, just try to calculate the impact yourself. What you want to look at is A) the *delta* in U.S. production relative to total world supply and then B) the portion of that change that is due to policy changes (and then think about the timing). Really doesn't require any deep knowledge of sophisticated analysis to see that it can't possibly be noticeable. And that's exactly why it would be pointless to try to reduce fossil fuel burning by restriction U.S. extraction (as some leftist idiots want to do). Also, higher costs with constant demand means higher prices, which incentivizes more production, which brings costs down (and vice versa--note that the pandemic caused prices to absolutely crater, which led to reduced production worldwide, which led down the road to higher prices).

On this and many other issues, there's just a huge gap between people making a serious attempt to understand the world and Holmes/Rob/Beast/Whippy/Cottage/Nintendo/Nostra types, who just want to wave the pompoms for their party.
You're correct on gas, but if biden wants to take credit for it going down, then he invites himself to be blamed when it goes up.
But it's the exact opposite. People irrationally blamed him for prices going up during the recovery, and so logically even if they were wrong, if they really believed what they were saying, they should have been giving him credit for them coming back down as markets responded. And the fact that no one did that just shows that you guys don't really believe your own claims.
All the heaping piles of BS over a Civil War is all hogwash at this point, however, I feel a sitting POTUS behind bars is certainly a catalyst in the wrong direction for a free society and both parties and their puppet masters seem oblivious to what the ramifications can be with that President Orange Wig behind bars scenario
Even if he avoids prison, I think it’s beyond embarrassing that a POTUS would need to get special permission to enter 38 different t countries because of his status as a felon. How embarrassing.
but if 49% think he should drop out what to the 51% think? Isn't it like saying 50% of people want to vote for Biden?
I'm pretty sure independents have been calling for both candidates to drop out for quite a while. Americans in general aren't to high on these two dinosaurs running.
But it's the exact opposite. People irrationally blamed him for prices going up during the recovery, and so logically even if they were wrong, if they really believed what they were saying, they should have been giving him credit for them coming back down as markets responded. And the fact that no one did that just shows that you guys don't really believe your own claims.
“That’s right, whatever meager benefit working families may have seen from Trump’s tax scam for the rich has been wiped out by the gas prices that President Trump is responsible for.”
- Chuck Schumer (D)