Posting this here as well... since I may be able to steal some SherDog visitors... which would classify being mean to Sherdog... lol.
Hey everyone, Just a friendly post to get some visitors to my new site... not much up yet... couple articles... some pictures... a few videos... I'll be moving to California soon to start training again and will get alot more content for the site.
If you have any pictures, videos or anything you'd like to see on the site, please let me know. I want to have the visitors to the site to be a big part of the site. Right now I'm redesigning the layout... I apologize for the half-assed layout that's up right now.
Also, if you'd like to write an article to be posted on the site, again, please let me know and once you get the article done I'll be happy to post it for everyone to see.
Thanks to everyone who visits and contributes to the site's development.
P.S. If you'd like to be a part of the www.StreetFighting.cc staff, by helping with site design, programming, articles, news, getting pictures, videos, doing technique explainations, etc... like I said, let me know. Right now the staff consists of myself alone, and an article written by a friend. Currently the site gets it's fair share of traffic: 100 unique visitors daily
Hey everyone, Just a friendly post to get some visitors to my new site... not much up yet... couple articles... some pictures... a few videos... I'll be moving to California soon to start training again and will get alot more content for the site.
If you have any pictures, videos or anything you'd like to see on the site, please let me know. I want to have the visitors to the site to be a big part of the site. Right now I'm redesigning the layout... I apologize for the half-assed layout that's up right now.
Also, if you'd like to write an article to be posted on the site, again, please let me know and once you get the article done I'll be happy to post it for everyone to see.
Thanks to everyone who visits and contributes to the site's development.
P.S. If you'd like to be a part of the www.StreetFighting.cc staff, by helping with site design, programming, articles, news, getting pictures, videos, doing technique explainations, etc... like I said, let me know. Right now the staff consists of myself alone, and an article written by a friend. Currently the site gets it's fair share of traffic: 100 unique visitors daily