New equipment at my gym!


Red Belt
Aug 4, 2006
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I'm so excited! My gym just got TWO of these:

We already have one squat rack, so I'm pleased they didn't get another one of those. And since we have a squat rack, there's no need for a power rack. I'm glad my gym doesn't waste money on lousy equipment. Now, excuse me, I'm off to get my six pack.

Dude that looks fucking awesome, you get to throw a ball at a target! And theres probably gonna be hawt chicks all over it so you can be all like "Hey bitch, check out my cawk!"

Better than all the crusty shit thats in my gym.
that is cool!

will there be more than one in your gym like in the photo? so you can do ab races... can you use different weights?

*reads article in shape magazine*

*by read i mean look at bakini photos in shape*
My gym actually got one of those a month or so back. When I first saw that, I thought all the metros and chicks would be standing in line just to use it. Surprisingly, I've never seen anyone use it.
Is there a basketball hoop at the other end?
My gym actually got one of those a month or so back. When I first saw that, I thought all the metros and chicks would be standing in line just to use it. Surprisingly, I've never seen anyone use it.

No surprise. If a ball bounces back it could ruin your hair! And as you go to the gym to get an awesome pump before you start your crazy clubbing marathon for this weekend, ruined hair would be like fucking 9/11 or even worse!

This apparatus is another demonstartion on how "the industry" gheys up valuable exercises.
I actually think that looks cool. However, I don't think they'd like how hard I would want to throw that ball back in there.
No surprise. If a ball bounces back it could ruin your hair! And as you go to the gym to get an awesome pump before you start your crazy clubbing marathon for this weekend, ruined hair would be like fucking 9/11 or even worse!

This apparatus is another demonstartion on how "the industry" gheys up valuable exercises.

Good point.
They took a decent exercise and made it seem gay :(

I'm sorry I watched the vid.
I like them, we have one at our rec. I usually add a Russian twist before throwing each one. Haven't used it in a while, though. One of the few equipments here that's popular with everyone from cardio bunnies to athletes.
I wonder if it could actually stand up to slams....
Where's the hoop?

I'm so excited! My gym just got TWO of these:

We already have one squat rack, so I'm pleased they didn't get another one of those. And since we have a squat rack, there's no need for a power rack. I'm glad my gym doesn't waste money on lousy equipment. Now, excuse me, I'm off to get my six pack.


We just stole a bunch of em from Sears.

Walked right out.
Does it give you tickets for hitting the mark! I wanna save up for the stuffed unicorn! :|
Bwahahahaha! At my old gym, I would basically show up, throw my bag in the squat rack, pull up an adjustable bench, and cordone the whole area off for my whole workout. Not that it mattered, because most people referred to the squat rack as the "Ab Rack", which led me having to take off those arm slings and throw them somewhere else so I didn't have 3 guys doing leg raises when I came back from a piss break.