#NerdBash2018 #MakeWelterweightGreatAgain

Man i really dont want to see Colby challenge for the title but he just got the best matchup from the top 4, he will wrestlefuck RDA easily it will be 50-46 UD, no damage just control, but oh well, at least i will get to see Tyron have another KO on his record, RDA is great but if he has a weakness its Wrestling and now fighting the larger Colby i dont see how RDA wins this. But if Colby wins he deserves the shot no matter how lame i find his fights but he wont go through Tyron, he wont be able to take him down even if he wont hold him there long and if Colby is forced to stand with Woodley its gonna be a quick night.
>AV of another man

>Worships another man in post

>Expresses his hate for women in the same post.

You're such a creepy feminine little weirdo with these women bashing/homoerotic posts you make daily lmao
You have a wmma fighter as your avatar, your opinions are invalid manlet
You have a wmma fighter as your avatar, your opinions are invalid manlet
"You like women haha loser!"

Keep homoerotically worshiping men on the internet you creepy fucking weirdo.

"You like women haha loser!"

Keep homoerotically worshiping men on the internet you creepy fucking weirdo.

You like watching ugly women beat each other up for whatever weird reason.

Keep calling strangers on the internet weird to make yourself feel better. Whatever helps you sleep at night little man.
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Colby is going to watch throu RDA with ease... Could still get screwed by Judges in Brazil if he doesn't finish it though.
Nerdbash2018 is about to kick off finally! Let’s go! Colby either TKOs RDA from back mount or RNC in round 4.

In all seriousness, let’s ignore Colby’s antics and be thankful we have an amazing fight and real main event instead of garbage WMMA.

I would rather watch 10000 WMMA fights than Colby "fight" by trying to get a dude pregnant.
Not buying it. Yall try too hard. Shit just doesn't do it for me. First it was Cringe Perry. Now it's this guy. McGregor and Ronda got some big wins before i cared to watch them lose. This guy is fake and meh. Doesn't even trigger me. Just seems too tryhardish along with you guys cheering for him just because "he triggers people". I clicked on this thread to see what was about... Im disappoint, son...
Usman would completely destroy him, and everybody knows.

Nerdbash2018 is about to kick off finally! Let’s go! Colby either TKOs RDA from back mount or RNC in round 4.

In all seriousness, let’s ignore Colby’s antics and be thankful we have an amazing fight and real main event instead of garbage WMMA.

For all of the talk and bullshit hype that followed Kevin Lee and Mike Perry, at least they fought like they were trying to back it up. Win or lose, the sons of bitches brought it. Covington talks more trash and classless crap than those two combined yet he fights like a watered down version of GSP in his "lay-n-pray" days. I know they all need the self-promotion to help sell tickets but these can't even be considered "wolf tickets".... more like buying tickets to a chess match at the special olympics. I have to give it up to him, though, on his victory over Maia. Who knew the way to "destroy" Maia was to break his fists with your face and then take him down and hold on for dear life with your eyes closed.
yeah let's make WW great again with the cringiest dude in MMA who's even more boring than woodley, at least woodley has the power to hurt guys.
>AV of another man

>Worships another man in post

>Expresses his hate for women in the same post.

You're such a creepy feminine little weirdo with these women bashing/homoerotic posts you make daily lmao
I would rather watch 10000 WMMA fights than Colby "fight" by trying to get a dude pregnant.
Colby has an 8-1 ufc record with 4 finishes, he’s far from a decision fighter as you’re implying.
Elite reflexes. That boomerang was heading straight for Colby’s left eye and probably would’ve blinded him.

He dodged it though. With those reflexes it’s no wonder he’s never been dropped or rocked.