Negative Effects of Caffeine?

Sounds about right, caffeine is a diuretic causing the dehydration. You're probably just more sensitive to coffee than others. Drink in moderation?

Caffeine isn't a diuretic the way most people think it is. If you drank a 20oz diet soda that has caffeine, you won't lose any more water with the caffeine than you would without, realistically.

IMO the real thing to be careful of with excess stimulant use is more the frying of CNS receptors. Epinephrine is a wonderful thing, but when you lose receptor sensitivity it's not doing any good. This is how people build tolerances, and end up burning themselves out both literally and figuratively.
I think people react differently. I get really pumped up by coffee, and def hae to pooh after I drink it. I have a huge 3-4 hour energy rush, followed by a pretty good crash.
I never drink Caffeine at all in fear of messing with my natural energy levels.
I was a caffiene over user for 20 years. Literally would wake up in the middle of the night down a soda. About a year ago I quit cold turkey. By far one of the best decisions in my life. 10 times the energy and better control of emotions.
I was a caffiene over user for 20 years. Literally would wake up in the middle of the night down a soda. About a year ago I quit cold turkey. By far one of the best decisions in my life. 10 times the energy and better control of emotions.

Yeah it can get outa control. Had a friend that drank a double sized amp, and went to sleep. I think it was the eq of 8 cups of coffee.
I was a caffiene over user for 20 years. Literally would wake up in the middle of the night down a soda. About a year ago I quit cold turkey. By far one of the best decisions in my life. 10 times the energy and better control of emotions.

Yeah I used to have a really high tolerance for caffeine. Slowly that decreased over the years. Today I had a cup of decaf tea w/ my breakfast and I felt a little energy boost. I think a small cup of coffee is my tolerance limit. I remember I used to take redline(liquid) and hit the gym to do heavy back squats. Bad scenario. Some people out there think the back squat isn't enough to get the heart beating like cardio need to train harder. That day I was on the floor begging for mercy.
It's horrible. It's like a drug dude.

I do like 2-4 cups a day, and honestly, i can get 10 hours of sleep, but if i dont have that cup of coffee, im exhausted, and it's at terrible times like 8-10 pm. Your body just crashes because it's used to that fix.
For me the negative was not as obvious. It made my eczema flare up (theory is caffeine elevates stress hormones which cause eczema to flare). Used to take up to 600 mg of anhydrous caffeine a day and sometimes more, and now I don't have any whatsoever. There are many positives to caffeine, but the negatives have pushed me to toss it in the rubbish bin.
Im personally addicted to cappicino flavoured milk. Not sure how many cups of coffee this is worth, but I down about 2-3 litres of the stuff a day on average. I start freaking out If I dont have the stuff. I have a problem :(

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