need help with my workout??

Mako Victim

May 21, 2005
Reaction score
Hi.. I've been working out on and off for the past two months, I've lost about 17 pounds but i still feel like shit, I'm not very strong in my arms and my cardio couldn't be worse... I just recently took some time off my MMA training to weight lift but the problem is that I can't get a membership to a gym right now and I really don't have any weights at my house.. I been lifting center bricks for the past few days but I was wondering if any of you guys could give my some tips for weight lifting without any weights... Anything will help, I have really strong legs so all I need to worry about is my upper body... I'm 5'11 and weigh 259 pounds, my goal weight is 220... Thanks again
You lose weight by burning more calories then you put in. As far as weightlifting without weights try doing bodyweight excercises try doing push ups and pull ups. Get some sandbags and look up information on sandbag training.
Prison workout: do one burpee*, rest thirty seconds, do two burpees, rest thirty seconds, etc. all the way up to 20-30. then work on your grip so you don't drop the soap.

*all burpees include a pushup and jump (tuckjump is prefered) IMO, or they simply aren't burpees.
I might be able to in a few weeks.... But I wanna fight soon, so I'm not sure if I can wait that long...
Another thing that I should have said is that I have a hard time doing push up's, I'm not very strong in my arms and I weigh 260..
if you do pushups I promise you will get better at doing pushups.
Urban said:
if you do pushups I promise you will get better at doing pushups.

Exactly! I've noticed that people tend to run away from the exercises that they are bad at when they should be doing the exact opposite. On Mako's case he'd be best served by learning to do pushups and arm exercises. When I find a muscle weakness I focus in to get it up to par... just noticed my hamstring is holding me back on power wheels, so time for good mornings (have to shy from heavy knee bendings, so learn to adapt).

Mako - Go pony up a couple of bucks and make a sandbag to train with. You'll get stronger and the "I have no weights" excuse is gone. All you need is a douffle bag, some zip locks, duct tape and sand... And if you are creative there is always sand to be found. Check out for more ideas...
datadog said:
Exactly! I've noticed that people tend to run away from the exercises that they are bad at when they should be doing the exact opposite. On Mako's case he'd be best served by learning to do pushups and arm exercises. When I find a muscle weakness I focus in to get it up to par... just noticed my hamstring is holding me back on power wheels, so time for good mornings (have to shy from heavy knee bendings, so learn to adapt).

Mako - Go pony up a couple of bucks and make a sandbag to train with. You'll get stronger and the "I have no weights" excuse is gone. All you need is a douffle bag, some zip locks, duct tape and sand... And if you are creative there is always sand to be found. Check out for more ideas...

Thanks bro, I'll try it out and see how it works.. Thanks for the link to man