NBA To Allow Teams To Sell Ad-Space On Jerseys

Those tall guys have no takedown defense so they need sponsors with threatening logos to keep them safe.
The UFC isn't a sports league.
So down for a "Condom Depot" ad on my Lakers jersey
Those tall guys have no takedown defense so they need sponsors with threatening logos to keep them safe.

Dwyne Wad would take the HW strap with 2-3 mos prep time
The UFC isn't a sports league.
a lot of people used to make the argument, when the reebok deal first came around, that controlling their ad space and taking the revenues from it is typical of all major sports organizations. of course you cant make a exact comparison between the ufc and nba, but they are similar in their respective sports.

no way can condom depot afford the lakers. maybe the bucks or something lol.

yeah thats more of a fram motor oil spot
Wait, can you buy ads on your opponents' jerseys ??
Dwyne Wad would take the HW strap with 2-3 mos prep time

my vote goes to boozer
Those tall guys have no takedown defense so they need sponsors with threatening logos to keep them safe.
Lemme guess, you saw that no one had responded yet, so you rushed to say something you thought would be clever or funny? How'd that work out?
Man I bet these UFC fighters wished they worked on their jumpshots more often. Being an NBA player is much better than an mma fighter. More money, less punches to the face, more groupies.
I should sponsor someone. My company is called "Giblert" and the only spot I'll take is on the back, over their name.
NBA players get half of that sponsorship money.

UFC fighters get peanuts.
lol i was joking too. the bucks are just known as the lowest revenue team in the NBA.

and they are still top 3 in revenue at minimum top 5.
I know, I was just joking...They'd be a god fit for the Knicks as well this year. 2 huge market teams that were terrible.