Nate Diaz: "Everyone's on steroids." Then why are fighters like Jon Jones and Anderson Silva getting

This doesn't mean everyone is using steroids. I think we're being unfair to Demetrious Johnson who weighs in at 125 pounds before fights. Do you know how easy it is to get 125 pounds worth of muscle and bone naturally? You don't need steroids for that. Are you saying none of you can naturally make 125 pounds by exercising at the gym?

Nate Diaz and you keyboard warriors are being unfair.
The problem is we don't know if someone's on steroids on not from appearance, especially for men until they get caught.

You don’t know but if someone like Romero looks like he does in his 40s, well, y’know...
A hell of a lot of guys have been caught actually, and big names too. Jones multiple, Anderson multiple, Werdum, Cro-Cop, Barnett, Mendes, Lesnar just to name a few. Multiple others have been a shell of their former selves since the strict testing has been implemented: Hendricks, Dos Santos, Overeem, etc... Bottom line it's working but there are still a lot of guys that think they can beat the system, still trying to get away with it. And, I'm sure many are, but it just takes 1 mistake to get busted.
Dos santos also got popped, I believe before his fight with Francis? another big name werdum.
How Jones in anyway could have put himself in position to get caught again is beyond me? You get off whatever you were taking, and maybe you lose to DC in the rematch. So what? You guys are 1-1 and you will fight again. Yes people like DC and others would talk shit about beating now that you are off the junk, But you still would have a career in front of you. Fights and options. Now he has been out for 1 year with still no word on any suspension. That can't be good..
What Nate Diaz actually meant was 'I use steroids because everyone uses'
He defeated McGregor with the help of steroids.
Because humans are different? The nerd to martial artists ratio is kinda strange on this martial art forum. So lets use math then..

You got a group of 200 people.

You split the group into two groups of 100 people.

Group A will not use any peds. They will train at a good mma gym for two years.

Group B will also train for two years at a good mma gym. But they will also use peds.

So what happens after two years? Will everybody in group B by better then group A?

No. And why is that?

Its because more factors also counts. Talent, fighting spirit, the will to train past pain, ect.

We have seen enough roid monkeys with sad fighting skills.

So if nobody was on the juice, the greats would still have been the greats. They just juice to keep up.


Is that why Anderson's gone 1-2 since USADA came into play?
Is that why Anderson's gone 1-2 since USADA came into play?

That, and age.
But I doubt clean Silva could have made Okami and Bonnar look THAT bad.

His ability to knock his opponent senseless with a quick, well timed, accurate punch/kick/knee is gone.
Is that why Anderson's gone 1-2 since USADA came into play?

Anderson is in his 40's and came off an injury that could have very well ended his career. Those losses are also to the LHW Champ on 1 days notice that he almost finished late and a controversial loss to Bisping, not that bad really.

He also had a style that is heavily dependent on reflexs, every legend who fought with that style eventually slowed just enough with age to go out the same way Anderson did, it always ends the same for these guys. Roy Jones jr. Pernell Whitaker, Anderson Silva and the list goes on....
Are you guys telling me that everyone on the UFC is on steroids? This is a disservice to Demetrious Johnson's belt in his weight class.

None of you can cut to 125 pounds while clean? Are you internet tough guys all skinny wimps in high school or something?
Some guys are 'smart' about it and use in like the off season, or randomly in small amounts here and there in the year. Nobody is straight up in the peak of a cycle when they are fighting unless they are using something they think cannot be detected (Jones, guys that used hGH etc.)
randomly in small amounts here and there in the year.
You have no proof that Demetrious Johnson is juicing.

Almost anyone can be just as strong as Demetrious after exercising naturally in the 125 pound weight class.

trust me its just the lighting.

You have no proof that Demetrious Johnson is juicing.

Almost anyone can be just as strong as Demetrious after exercising naturally in the 125 pound weight class.
I didn't say anything about DJ ... rofl.
bjj schools are expensive? I guess you don't live in the Stockton area or know Stockton... I'm from that area. It's always been a complete shit hole. Nick and Nate have been doing this shit, for a long, long time. There's video of them on youtube, fighting in some gym in front of like 20 people... recorded on some old school VHS recorder, before digital came around (you can tell because the lines and shit in the video, it's old).

I'm a black belt, so I've been in that environment for quite a while... You see a kid coming around and wanting to take part in your class, and notice he shows any kind of interest in what you're teaching, where he's from... not everyone is gonna say "na kid, can't accept you unless you first buy this gi, all the pads, the belt and all this other shit". Na, you tell him to show up and whenever he does, he'll stay out of trouble and learn how to control his emotions... though I don't know how well it's helped with either of their emotions, they know how to sell a fight.
Fair enough. I come from a rough area as well. From my experience there is always a point in time where students have to pay, regardless of where they come from or what their home life is. Since you're from Stockton i'll go with your statement due to personal experience with the area and it's people.
Why are PEDs banned by the way? Seems like a lot of grey hairs for no good reason.
At what point did Nate Diaz' word become fact?

Fuck me, if you're going to rely on truths from Nate Diaz then you need some serious help.
Wait a second. If Brock Lesnar cuts from 290 pounds to make weight at 265 pounds, then what is his real, natural weight then?

If you take away the steroids, wouldn't his natural weight be around 180 pounds then? That would mean it's possible for guys like GSP to be natural in size. You can't just accuse everyone of taking steroids.
because they didnt pay their dues and were made an example out of.
Fair enough. I come from a rough area as well. From my experience there is always a point in time where students have to pay, regardless of where they come is from or what their home life is. Since you're from Stockton i'll go with your statement due to personal experience with the area and it's people.

It's a farming community, north, south, east, and west of it as well. It's VERY Mexican, and with Mexicans you get a large family a lot of time. I'm white dude, and I went to school with more Mexicans than white people, I think they're half or quarter white... not sure because I don't really care. In areas like this, there's a lot of people that know one another. I wouldn't be surprised if one of their friends, or relatives went to the school and they found out that way and started going to it through them. They might've swept up and cleaned to "pay" for their way when they were kids... again there's not much over head in running a small bjj school, especially back then, in that area. Going and eating off a taco truck ain't expensive either... You think Gus charged Tyson to train him at 13? I know it's boxing and mma, but I'm telling you, there's people that are out there that just want to teach and make a difference, money isn't everybody's driving force in life. I know it isn't mine.

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