Nate Diaz: "Everyone's on steroids." Then why are fighters like Jon Jones and Anderson Silva getting

There was one time when he said he was starting out rolling bjj. And he found that the grapplers would go for a burrito after they rolled. And he said he was so poor that he could afford food, so his incentive was to go to Bjj daily because he knew he'd eat (the grapplers would buy him his burrito).

Found that one hard to believe considering those schools are pretty expensive.

bjj schools are expensive? I guess you don't live in the Stockton area or know Stockton... I'm from that area. It's always been a complete shit hole. Nick and Nate have been doing this shit, for a long, long time. There's video of them on youtube, fighting in some gym in front of like 20 people... recorded on some old school VHS recorder, before digital came around (you can tell because the lines and shit in the video, it's old).

I'm a black belt, so I've been in that environment for quite a while... You see a kid coming around and wanting to take part in your class, and notice he shows any kind of interest in what you're teaching, where he's from... not everyone is gonna say "na kid, can't accept you unless you first buy this gi, all the pads, the belt and all this other shit". Na, you tell him to show up and whenever he does, he'll stay out of trouble and learn how to control his emotions... though I don't know how well it's helped with either of their emotions, they know how to sell a fight.
just like every other sport, some get caught some dont
Every fighter that is not Asian. Otherwise, asians would dominate MMA
He is exaggerating but not by much. Its getting silly. Every sport is inundated by them. EVEN Golf.
Also, just as there are "levels" to the MMA game there are "levels" to the PED game.
There are non athletes taking PEDs just because they want big arms when they go to the nightclub. Nobody is testing these boys, they are just fucking up their long term health. Like smokers I suppose.
But the higher you go, the more money that is on the line for a W, the more sophisticated and frequent the testing is.
Thus the more expensive the drugs, and the more disciplined you have to be in their use, not to get caught.
When USADA came in they easily caught fighters with a low-level PED game. They also caught the guys who did have the resources (money and gym) but are fucking idiots and didn't have the discipline.
But, some of these MMA fighters have been through Olympic programs which have the best PED game in the world.
If you are the kind of person who has the discipline to make the Olympic team of a large nation and thus have been educated by the best in the business. You are never getting caught.

The above is the best PED post on this forum.

When Diaz said what he said, substitute "PEDs" for "steroids" in his comment. I have said this before: EVERY ONE OF THEM TAKES AT LEAST ONE THING THEY AREN'T SUPPOSED TO. EVERY ONE. Some are caught, but most aren't. But they all do "stuff".
Nate Diaz dont do comedy.
Nate Diaz: "Everyone's on steroids." Then why are fighters like Jon Jones and Anderson Silva getting caught? Why not other fighters?

I don't understand. Was Nate Diaz joking when he said it?

1) Using cheap drugs (very unlikely in those two cases).
2) Too stupid to follow a pretty straightforward schedule (also very unlikely in either case - both are pretty smart).
3) Using such high dosages (in order to gain an advantage over people sticking to test-proof dosages) that it shows up.

My guess is number 3 - its the difference between trying to get ahead by driving 10 mph over the speed limit (which everyone does and rarely get ticketed for), or trying to get ahead by driving 30 mph over the speed limit, which will get you pulled over.
So he Nate is admitting that he's on steroids too? lol

Nate was simply telling the truth as he sees it, everyone (including him and his brother) use.

However, he's simply guessing. Fighters (and athletes in general) stopped telling teammates, and even coaches about using a decade ago, when congress started subpoenaing teammates and coaches. A much better reason for thinking almost all fighters (and high level athletes) are using is simply the increase in performances over the years (especially the combination of endurance and strength, its hard to maintain both at very high levels while simultaneously keeping weight down without using a cocktail of PED's). However, most athletes use at a level that goes undetected. Go above that level, for added advantages, and you get caught.
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It's kind of like speeding. 95% of people speed from time to time, but that does not mean that all of them get caught.
Exactly. Also brings up the point where people say fighters who are caught should have all their wins overturned. That's like giving a ticket to someone who has been caught for every day they have driven.
He is exaggerating but not by much. Its getting silly. Every sport is inundated by them. EVEN Golf.
Are you joking? Or do you know for a fact with inside info?

Are you saying a pot-bellied golfer with grey hair needs steroids to walk on the grass and putt?
Because they've had more fights to get tested on and they probably also get tested more often
So he Nate is admitting that he's on steroids too? lol

They might not take strength building stuff but I wouldn't be surprised if they take or have taken drugs like EPO.
Who cares what the Diaz bros say? You’ll get more valuable info from a toddler that just learned how to talk.
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Many fighters are smoking weed, why don't they fail the tests for it like Nick Diaz?

Everybody is on PEDS, cocaine, weed, alcohol, caffeine or another drug, but they're not equally addicted.

If these things play a major role in the way you function, chances are you're gonna get caught by a test, even if there are ways around it.
Are you joking? Or do you know for a fact with inside info?

Are you saying a pot-bellied golfer with grey hair needs steroids to walk on the grass and putt?

Beta blockers and various things for nerves actually - they're not steroids, but they're banned substances (PED's).