Nate calls boxers "one-dimensional f**ks"

nate will have a pro boxing match soon
While they are one-dimensional in MMA, that's kind of the point in boxing. It sounds like Nate was sparring and couldn't hang with someone.
Super...seems like Nate only has 2 dimensions, but maybe that's me
Yep, getting his name in the convo - get himself a boxing match. Why not?

He may be wrong on "fucks" but he's right on the number of dimensions in their fight game. That's pretty obvious.
Isnt he friends with boxers tho? One of their main coaches is his boxing coach, trying to get a fight?
He's simply pointing towards all the jealous bitter bums who don't like Conor simply because he is fighting Floyd- he is saying that mcgregor would kick all their asses lol and it's true. Boxing is a sport that imitates fighting under a limited rule set. Kinda like Greco Roman wrestling. Mma is the fastest growing sport in the world and it wouldn't be surprising if 50-100 years from now mma fighters have way better boxing than they do now. Nate is just making a point and it was well said
He's simply pointing towards all the jealous bitter bums who don't like Conor simply because he is fighting Floyd- he is saying that mcgregor would kick all their asses lol and it's true. Boxing is a sport that imitates fighting under a limited rule set. Kinda like Greco Roman wrestling. Mma is the fastest growing sport in the world and it wouldn't be surprising if 50-100 years from now mma fighters have way better boxing than they do now. Nate is just making a point and it was well said

maybe back then (still it wasnt), but no .. esport >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MMA when it comes to growing "sport" - i acutally dont give a fuck whats bigger, but MMA fans are <Lmaoo>
maybe back then (still it wasnt), but no .. esport >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MMA when it comes to growing "sport" - i acutally dont give a fuck whats bigger, but MMA fans are <Lmaoo>
Well you lived up to your name lol your English might as well be pepperoni

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