NAGA Tournaments are coming

Ill be at the one in March, I think that will be my last one for a long time. Going off to college in August so Im not going to be able to train any more once Im there since it is kinda far away from my gym. Im kinda disappointed but I have to do it. Im not going to sacrifice my college experience for jiu jitsu.
I'm thinking of going to that one as well. last naga tournament i went to i did pretty well. ive gotten much better since then.
I'll most likely participate. I fucking hate the feeling of competing though. I'm gonna have to up my training now. Sheeeet.
CoutureFan16 said:
Ill be at the one in March, I think that will be my last one for a long time. Going off to college in August so Im not going to be able to train any more once Im there since it is kinda far away from my gym. Im kinda disappointed but I have to do it. Im not going to sacrifice my college experience for jiu jitsu.
What division are you fighting at, and weight?
Ill be in teens intermediate, not sure what weight yet. Ive been fluctuating alot the past few months so Ill have to see where Im at in march. Prolly at 150-160, if not 160-170, but preferably the lower weight.
I will be competing in the one at Jersey City on March 11th...Either intermediate or advanced 149 and under
CoutureFan16 said:
What about yourself?
160 - 169.9 Teens Intermediate or maybe Advanced. Last tournament I went out-of-shape, and was embarrassed in the mist of all these muscular kids and hawt girls. I just gotta get in shape. Plus I don't wanna be in the 170+ division like last time.. especially being at 174 :(
I need to compete in 2006 and get ready for the PAN-AMS, I wanna do at least 3 tournaments before I do the PAN-AMS. So, I might do one of these...depends..
ill be at the jersey city belt and intermediate 160-170, or maybe ill get my ass into gear and drop a weight class.
i will probably be competing in the blue belt dev as well
Damn, no west coast events announced. Good luck whoever is competing!
GuardGame said:
I need to compete in 2006 and get ready for the PAN-AMS, I wanna do at least 3 tournaments before I do the PAN-AMS. So, I might do one of these...depends..

Thats all I have scheduled so far (with time off work!). GQ West 9 and Pan Ams!
94porkchop said:
yeah i hope i can maek it to the march will be my cherry breaker.

Haha dont tell anyone what division you're gonna be in after that cherry breaker comment haha, you'll prolly have someone gunning for ya.
I can't sit by these tournaments for 10 hours waiting for my devision to be called.