Crime N. J. Mother beaten unconscious after confronting middle school bully who threatened her son

Do you reject all group labels, or just this one?

I agree that individuals should be judged as individuals, though I do think the philosophy behind toxic masculinity has plenty of logical and empirical merit. But I was responding to the poster who said this is an example of black bigotry. If he believes that, then he should definitely see this as highlighting toxic masculinity as well.

please expand on this logical and empirical merit.

(serious request, not trying to troll you, or setting you up for a "gotcha" moment).

I would like to hear what you have to say on this matter.
Yet, you have an OP making a baseless claim that this 13 year old boy was a "right winger", and you requested no sources on that one.
OP is a retard, I don't bother with people who are that dumb/trolling that hard. Idk if that 13 can spell conservative let alone support their political views. He's just a POS, simple. I'm sure you agree
please expand on this logical and empirical merit.

(serious request, not trying to troll you, or setting you up for a "gotcha" moment).

I would like to hear what you have to say on this matter.

The increased propensity for male antisocial behavior and violence is well documented. To deny that men are more likely to commit crimes under our legal system is about as unscientific as denying that males have an advantage in a footrace against women.

That propensity for male antisocial behavior isn't just biological, because criminal laws aren't biological. They are both heavily socialized. People suffer imensely due to how we socialize men and we devote a lot of resources to minimizing/undoing male damage.
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Yeah, saw this when it first trended.

Despicable. Try them as adults. I don't care for "hate crime" special allegations, but try them as felons for violence. Don't care if you're 13. If you're big enough to do something like that, you're big enough to do time.
I'd spin that to be if you're sick enough to do something like that then you're sick enough to be separated from society.
News flash, if democrats stopped rolling out the red carpet for illegals, this shit wouldn’t be an issue.
Assault and battery would no longer be an issue? Interdasting..
The increased propensity for male antisocial behavior and violence is well documented. To deny that men are more likely to commit crimes under our legal system is about as unscientific as denying that males have an advantage in a footrace against women.

That propensity for male antisocial behavior isn't just biological, because criminal laws aren't biological. They are both heavily socialized. People suffer imensely due to how we socialize men and we devote a lot of resources to minimizing/undoing male damage.

I agree with this.
Do you attribute this to biology and/or any other social factors?
The increased propensity for male antisocial behavior and violence is well documented. To deny that men are more likely to commit crimes under our legal system is about as unscientific as denying that males have an advantage in a footrace against women.

That propensity for male antisocial behavior isn't just biological, because criminal laws aren't biological. They are both heavily socialized. People suffer imensely due to how we socialize men and we devote a lot of resources to minimizing/undoing male damage.
What potential solutions have academics proposed?
I agree with this.
Do you attribute this to biology and/or any other social factors?

As with all things, it's both. But I think it's more social. In honor cultures, males are rather clearly expected to uphold honor, which is risky and often violent. But even in largely non-honor/dignity cultures like the US, men are expected to bear the brunt of risky work and uphold dignity. When a mass shooting breaks out, men protect their girlfriends, not the other way around.

The biological reasoning for this is obvious. Bigger, stronger, etc.

But the social reasoning is more complex, I think. Life is a competitive game with high stakes, and the sort of risk-taking behavior we ask of men often affects others. For example, men are more lilely to ask for raises at work. This is a very innocuous form of male risk taking, but even here, we can imagine the affetcs--not everyone can have a raise. The first person to ask is taking food off the table of the person who asks too late.

In a high stakes environment, the risky taking behavior becomes increasingly severe. Kids from poor areas may sell drugs to provide for their loved ones, risking long prison sentences for a bit of money. Men regularly take jobs in which they are more likely to die at work, less likely to be ensured stable income (in favor of high potential bonuses), etc.

This is where toxic masculinity comes in. Asking for a raise is a low impact risk. Other risks aren't so low impact. Initiating sex when you're drunk or not 100% sure she's down. Or even outright raping someone--risking life in prison for sexual satisfaction. Killing someone and risking the death penalty over money or social reputation or something else.

We live generally low stakes lives, so most male risking taking is low stakes and isn't really an issue. The toxic element comes when high risk is needed.

Socially, we need someone to take risks and it has traditionally ma de a lot of sense to give that responsibility to the people who can't bear kids. But as women gain reproductive control and life becomes increasingly low stakes, raising boys to be prepared for high risk behavior is doing a lot of harm--potentially more harm than good.
Where does it say that? I skimmed the article but they didn't have details?

That's becasue this is one of those biased articles that only tells the parts of the story that they want you to hear. I read about this story last night from a non-biased news source that had all of the information.
The ethnicity of the attacker wasn’t released so that usually means something...


Also, I’m not discounting the possibility that this lady started a fight and lost. Why is she approaching this kid in person alone anyway? Doesn’t make it okay, but definitely makes her less sympathetic.
It doesn't say it anywhere. They are just assuming because of the schools demographics.

No one assumed anything. Some of us knew who was responsible because we research the story before we jump the gun.

What cracks me up is that people act like no Democrats are for building the wall, so if someone talks positively it, then they must be a Trump supporter.
No one assumed anything. Some of us knew who was responsible because we research the story before we jump the gun.
You and nearly everyone else are assuming right has no blacks and that blacks living in a heavily populated Hispanic area can't be anti immigration. Way to present yourself lol right wing has no black people lol OP ur dumb
As with all things, it's both. But I think it's more social. In honor cultures, males are rather clearly expected to uphold honor, which is risky and often violent. But even in largely non-honor/dignity cultures like the US, men are expected to bear the brunt of risky work and uphold dignity. When a mass shooting breaks out, men protect their girlfriends, not the other way around.

The biological reasoning for this is obvious. Bigger, stronger, etc.

But the social reasoning is more complex, I think. Life is a competitive game with high stakes, and the sort of risk-taking behavior we ask of men often affects others. For example, men are more lilely to ask for raises at work. This is a very innocuous form of male risk taking, but even here, we can imagine the affetcs--not everyone can have a raise. The first person to ask is taking food off the table of the person who asks too late.

In a high stakes environment, the risky taking behavior becomes increasingly severe. Kids from poor areas may sell drugs to provide for their loved ones, risking long prison sentences for a bit of money. Men regularly take jobs in which they are more likely to die at work, less likely to be ensured stable income (in favor of high potential bonuses), etc.

This is where toxic masculinity comes in. Asking for a raise is a low impact risk. Other risks aren't so low impact. Initiating sex when you're drunk or not 100% sure she's down. Or even outright raping someone--risking life in prison for sexual satisfaction. Killing someone and risking the death penalty over money or social reputation or something else.

We live generally low stakes lives, so most male risking taking is low stakes and isn't really an issue. The toxic element comes when high risk is needed.

Socially, we need someone to take risks and it has traditionally ma de a lot of sense to give that responsibility to the people who can't bear kids. But as women gain reproductive control and life becomes increasingly low stakes, raising boys to be prepared for high risk behavior is doing a lot of harm--potentially more harm than good.

wow...what an in depth response.

I can't begin to tell you how many conflicts, stupid things I've done simply out of pride or "saving face."

I think another factor that should warrant further examination is how men are taught to "suppress" their emotions, or "having feelings" or being "Sensitve" is weak or "unmanly."

I'm not saying that men should have crying sessions, but I believe men react violently because of the pent up, suppressed emotions they have.
You and nearly everyone else are assuming right has no blacks and that blacks living in a heavily populated Hispanic area can't be anti immigration. Way to present yourself lol right wing has no black people lol OP ur dumb

Not sure if you are aware of this, but not every Democrat is against the wall. You're dumb. In fact, there was a time when Democrats were united with Republicans against illegal aliens.(That was back when it was perfectly acceptable to call them illegal aliens)

But Trump said illegal immigration is bad, so yeah, whatever he says you automatically have to go the opposite way.
What potential solutions have academics proposed?

I don't pretend to know more than I do. I studied this stuff only briefly years ago and only at the undergrad level. I don't know the current literature.

But many solutions already exist. It's not an accident that our prisons are full of men. One solution is to sequester them. Men die a lot, which also helps. There are plenty of efforts to recruit men into traditionally feminine, nurturing roles such as teaching and counseling. Sports, the outrageously rewarding kind in particular, have always been a great way to channel male aggression and rule-breaking away from criminal shit, though that often isn't sufficient.

It's a combination of things. But I think people aren't aware of how much time and money goes into preventing men from fucking everything up. If they did, I don't see how they could be mad at Feminists. If any other demographic were reslonsible for so much mayhem, men would call for their mass execution/deportation.
You and nearly everyone else are assuming right has no blacks and that blacks living in a heavily populated Hispanic area can't be anti immigration. Way to present yourself lol right wing has no black people lol OP ur dumb

I somehow doubt an 8th grader is politically engaged one way or the other.

Face it, you presumed the race/political identity of the kid based on a comment he allegedly made, and now look like a retard and are trying to save face. If you knew the kid was black, you wouldn't have made the thread.
Wow no way. Glad those three words triggered everyone so mightily

So you think that maybe the black kid that cracked that woman in the face was more than likely a Lefty? After all, statiscally, lefties are responsible for the majority of the crime in the country.

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