Mystery movies where the “mystery” was too easy

Titanic. I just knew the boat was gonna sink.
The prestige. I got Christian Bale' s twist/life-long trick almost immediately.
I figured out UNBREAKABLE when the one character talks about comic book depictions of villains, about how their eyes are exaggeratedly drawn to suggest a different perspective on the world. It might be coincidental, but even so that's tremendously good writing.

The Usual Suspects.
I got that pretty early on myself but not due to the movie itself.

Previous I'd seen the first MISSION IMPOSSIBLE, where Kittridge talks about figuring out whom the culprit is from who is left standing.

The prestige. I got Christian Bale' s twist/life-long trick almost immediately.
We all did. Wait, I do know a person who not only didn't get that, but also didn't catch the second twist either. Not sure what she was watching, but she said she loved the movie.
What was the 2nd twist?
Caldlow simultaneously dies and survives every performance for real.

I guess it's not so much a twist, but it was hard for a lot of people to get on board with. For some reason people like to argue the machine is another ruse, but one played on the audience. Like how people think the reality of the MATRIX is still the Matrix.
Star Wars. I knew who Luke’s father and sister were.
Shutter Island

Love the movie, and it is more than it's twist, but yeah, I'm pretty sure we all knew Leo was the crazy one.


Perhaps this is unfair, as I already knew it going in, but I don't think many didn't suspect Adrien Veidt of being behind it all, considering he was just missing a mustache to twirl, to spell out that he was the villain of the movie.
Usual Suspects.
The Shawshank Redemption.

I knew Andy was innocent.