Hi there again!
This is the topic i started a while back
So i just had my 3rd pro fight, I won via decision.
First round went quite bad, I coudn't wake up again, although immediatly I started with hard combination
Let me show you.
2h 2m 51s timestamp
I'm the taller dude. I was 1-1 going into the fight he had 3-6 [although I was not going to take him lightly, as he had NINE pro fights].
I managed to get him a few times in the first round, but most of the time I just kinda... watched? And got hit quite a few times...
Hard to tell. It just looks like was standing in front of him. I want to start my fights same as I fought rounds 2 and 3.
All in all I am not super-pleased with my performance. I know I can do much much better.
Thanks for all the constructive criticism!
BTW. Thank you sherdog for being with me through my whole career so far [some of you maybe remember my first topics when I just stated ammy tournaments].
This is the topic i started a while back
So i just had my 3rd pro fight, I won via decision.
First round went quite bad, I coudn't wake up again, although immediatly I started with hard combination
Let me show you.
2h 2m 51s timestamp
I'm the taller dude. I was 1-1 going into the fight he had 3-6 [although I was not going to take him lightly, as he had NINE pro fights].
I managed to get him a few times in the first round, but most of the time I just kinda... watched? And got hit quite a few times...
Hard to tell. It just looks like was standing in front of him. I want to start my fights same as I fought rounds 2 and 3.
All in all I am not super-pleased with my performance. I know I can do much much better.
Thanks for all the constructive criticism!
BTW. Thank you sherdog for being with me through my whole career so far [some of you maybe remember my first topics when I just stated ammy tournaments].