my routine PLEASE help.


r i l e y

Can u just tell me if my routine i am doing for strength is ok.. i know im a white belt but whatever..

i got it off thissite its a push pull split routine or w.e.

Im 6,1. 150 pounds (was 140 but worked out laot and gained 10 pounds) now im switching my routines and this is what im currently doing

Day 1
Deadlifts 5 x 5
Chin ups 3 x 10
Bicep curls 3 x 10 lighter weight

Day 2
Squats 3 x 10

Day 3
Bench press 3 x 8
Skull crushers 3 x 8
Military press 5 x 5
Day 4 - rest

Day 5 -
shrugs 3 x 10
bentover rows 4 x 8
bicep curls 3 x 10 (lighter weight)

Day 6
Leg curls
ham curls

Day 7-
incline bench closer grip - 3 x 7
1 x 20 dumbell kick backs
side raises 3 x 10

ya only 1 day of rest... but it splits up the workouts so idk it seems good to me.

my goals are to get bigger and stronger. not like a solid physique or anything just strength.
Don't do curls and don't do kickbacks.

Look at my routine.
I know everything.
r i l e y said:
Can u just tell me if my routine i am doing for strength is ok.. i know im a white belt but whatever..

i got it off thissite its a push pull split routine or w.e.

Im 6,1. 150 pounds (was 140 but worked out laot and gained 10 pounds) now im switching my routines and this is what im currently doing

Day 1
Deadlifts 5 x 5
Chin ups 3 x 10
Bicep curls 3 x 10 lighter weight

Day 2
Squats 3 x 10

Day 3
Bench press 3 x 8
Skull crushers 3 x 8
Military press 5 x 5
Day 4 - rest

Day 5 -
shrugs 3 x 10
bentover rows 4 x 8
bicep curls 3 x 10 (lighter weight)

Day 6
Leg curls
ham curls

Day 7-
incline bench closer grip - 3 x 7
1 x 20 dumbell kick backs
side raises 3 x 10

ya only 1 day of rest... but it splits up the workouts so idk it seems good to me.

my goals are to get bigger and stronger. not like a solid physique or anything just strength.
This is just me, but I'd say it sucks. You're in the gym 6 days a week (way too much); there's leg curls, side raises and kick backs; and and you've got stuff like squats the day after deads (you're posterior chain is heavily loaded by both and will need way moree time to recover). I'd reccomend rereading Carnal's treatise (you have read it have'nt you?) and following a similar routine with a pull/push/squat split done on Mon/Weds/Fri. As a fairly inexperienced lifter you should be in the gym only three days a week.

Here's two excerpts from Carnal's work The first shows why I dislike your routine and the second is an example workout:
CarnalSalvation said:
Keep it simple. The most common mistake beginners make is wanting to do 50 sets on 100 different exercises six days a week. That's a quick way to accomplish absolutely nothing. Stick to the basics, and add in some assistance as you see fit. It's entirely possible to get strong doing 3 different lifts per session, three times a week. If you choose the right lifts and work them hard. Especially if you are new to lifting weights....

Day one: Deadlifts
Deadlifts 5X5
Stiff Legged Deadlifts 3-4X5-8
Bent Over Barbell Rows 4X6
Shrugs 3-4X6-12

Day Two: Bench
Bench Press 5X5
Skull Crushers 3-4X6-8
Overhead Press (seated, standing, dumbbells or barbells) 3-4X6-8
DB Bench Press 3X8-12
Add in an assistance lift for what you consider your weakest area

Day Three: SquatsSquats 5X5
Front Squats 3-4X6
Whatever ham/lowback/quad assistance you

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