my newest pencil drawing of chuck Lidell's iconic celebration

Should shade inside his mouth darker and then it’s perfect
I really appreciate how you gave him bear paws. Truly picasso level stuff.
belly too lean but other than that is pure art
captuers the beauty of such a savage warrior in the prime of his life brings a tear to my eye
Looks like a drunk Jack Hermansson laying on the ground with straws behind his head and a slug on his face. Perspective is all wrong, too. No shading, no clear light source, no line weights. Anatomy is wonky altogether. At the very least - if he's leaning back - shouldn't the head be drawn smaller? When it's big like that, he looks like a forward leaning alien.

And it's Iceman - where is his mohawk? Where is the chin beard? People giving you props have no clue what they're talking about. Just zoom in on his stomach - what is that? A belly button? If you look closely, its not even in line with the abdominal muscles.

I printed out this silly image and measured the calves - THEY ARE NOT PROPORTIONAL. This just isn't good art. I'm sorry. 6/10 at best and mainly cause the elbows aren't pointy, otherwise it be closer to 4/10.
the lack of ice printed on his shorts is unsettling.

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