My new routine!


Green Belt
Jul 27, 2005
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After 4 years of lifting, thanx to Sherdog I have just started my new routine. In the past I focused on isolation stuff and neglected deadlifts and strength wise it got me no where. So this is my routine, let me know if it's up to snuff.

note - I do 4 sets of each typically started out at 12 reps then working down to 3-6. Also rest one day between lifting days.

Day 1

Bench Press
Decline Press
Incline press (DB)
Towel hanging (grip)
Abs - bicycle's + side crunches

Day 2

Lunges (BB)
Calf raises
obliques - leg raises

Day 3

Overhead press (DB + BB)
Standing lateral raises
Skull crushers
Close grip bench

Day 4

Romanian DL
Good Mornings
Wrist curls
Towel hanging
abs - weighted situps, reverse curls
it looks good...but im a noob when it comes to weights

jeez...just go look at the god awful routine myself and a few people i know came up with...apparently its very bad

so what do i know
Your squat day is lacking.

Also, I would do squat for Day 1 and Dead lift for the last day.
for squat day, here's what i'd do:
one exercise for the weak point
hip extension exercise

for deadlift day: you don't need that much lower back work.
My weak part is my calves but I can't think of anything else to do for them besides raises. Should I add some SLDL's or are squats and lunges enough? And by hip extension excercies do you mean work my hip flexors?
I would do something like this

4-6 sets x 3-5 reps on everything


Decline Press
Towel hanging (grip)
Abs - bicycle's + side dumbell bends

Day 2

Squats\Lunges alternating every workout
Stiff legged deads
Calf raises
obliques - leg raises

Day 3

Standing Overhead presses (DB + BB)
Close grip benching

Day 4

Deadlifts/Good Mornings alternating every workout
Wrist curls
Towel hanging
abs - weighted situps, reverse curls
Mojorisin99 said:
My weak part is my calves but I can't think of anything else to do for them besides raises. Should I add some SLDL's or are squats and lunges enough? And by hip extension excercies do you mean work my hip flexors?

Just curious, but how are your calves your "weak part"?
Id take Ohp and closegrip bench and put them on day one, take shrugs and put them on day 4 and I'd make day 3 a rest day.

I also prefeered the first squat day you posted and say to hell with wrist curls: try plate pinches or farmer's walk, those actually work something. If you think your wrists need strength, buy a sledgehammer. plus it is sexy in a living room.
He's probably still using the bodybuilding mentality.

morganfreeman said:
Just curious, but how are your calves your "weak part"?
morganfreeman said:
Just curious, but how are your calves your "weak part"?

I have always had pretty thin calves and can't lift as much as I would like with them. They aren't as imporant at the other parts of the leg so thats why I neglected them a little more.
drag a sled, push a car or do some hill sprints... your calves will hate you for it, you will hate me for it, but you will get stronger (and more functional) calves. good lower body strength too.
duncon : y do u only have decline press? no incline or flat?

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