my new kettlebell - what to expect


Orange Belt
Mar 5, 2010
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hey guys,

i went out the other day (yesterday, actually) and purchased a kettlebell (35 lb). i have already downloaded a few instructionals and workouts as well as tried this:

i feel some soreness and definitely get my heart and muscles going during the workouts i've tried, but i have a few questions:

1. most of the workouts i've seen are all under 15 minutes long. should i think about doing two or three different workouts back to back in order to get a good work out, or should i stick to one kb training session a day plus other activities?
2. what sorts of gains should i expect from kb training? i would imagine that i won't get 'bodybuilder big' with this, but i will inevitably gain mass. perhaps this is a stupid question as i guess it's probably relative to the intensity of my workouts and size of my kb.
3. does anybody have some suggestions on good videos/books/workouts to follow or tips on how to design workouts of my own?

and as a last question: i'm in socal for work right now. i have to fly home at the end of the summer and i'm thinking of buying another bell since they are hard to come by at home and i will eventually have to go up in weight. does anybody have a suggestion for taking these on a plane (i'll probably be able to keep the one in my carry-on as they aren't weighed...check the other) or advice on if i should get a bigger 'bell or maybe one of the same size for 2-arm workouts? is there a benefit to 2-arm workouts vs. one?
Expect people to make fun of you for buying a kettlebell. What did you expect it to do? It's just weight in a slightly different form than a dumbbell but more expensive.
You should buy a barbell and weight plates. And either buy or make a squat rack. Cover the basics before worrying about other stuff.

Don't get me wrong, kettlebells can be useful in supplementing the main lifts, and I use them myself. But you get much more use out of a barbell and squat rack, Additionally I only get as much use out of kettlebells as I do because my gym has them in 4kg (mostly) increments.
i already have a bench/squat rack. i'm asking about kettlebells specifically. i have very little free time for the gym since i'm basically 'at work' all day (summer camp).
You can expect that it could be as useful as any other well chosen assistance exercise, or potentially work well as a conditioning circuit. Do the main lifts first (squat, deadlift, bench press etc)
thanks, tosa. since i'm not able to get a good lifting workout in while i'm here, i was concentrating on my conditioning this summer and thought kbs would be a good way to also work on my muscular endurance as well as maintain some strength by keeping the muscle groups active.
For conditioning a KB mixed with body weight exercises at a blistering pace works great. Don't expect any sarcoplasmic or myofibrillar hypertrophy from this training (unless you were a bean pole who did not work at and then started consuming more calories).

IMO, for conditioning, it is better to do as much as you possibly can in 15-20 minutes than it is to drag out a long work out over 45-60 minutes. has some good sample work outs that you can do, just switch the prescribed DB exercise with your KB.

If you are having trouble finding KB's you can order them at they are more expensive that the crappy ones at sporting goods stores, but much better. Dragon Doors KB's always have an even handle, rarley found in other brands which tear up your hands.
You will grow to 7 feet tall, shboot fire from your eyes and lighrning from your ass!
Pay no attention MHS. You should see huge gains with kettlebells, and build lots of functional strength.
check out Pavel Tsatouline's product "Enter the Kettlebell" for a good instructional on how to clean, swing, and snatch properly.
Everyone can benefit from a regular kettlebell workout, from those who just want to look and feel good, to elite athletes of all kinds. Primarily a kettlebell workout is for and will develop your core