My First BJJ class today


White Belt
May 29, 2005
Reaction score
It was my First BJJ class today. It was fun, I was excpecting to be tapped out a lot today but it wasn't the case. I'm in a class with only one guy my age. The rest are only tiny kids. The best part of the whole night was the little girl that thinks I'm cute came up to me and tells me that she wanted to spar with me at the end of class because she thought she could beat me up. I didn't want to say anything just in case she could.:D But overall it was a sweet class and I ended up signing up for it and thinking about signing up for his kickboxing class.
How old are you, son? If a little girl approached me because she thought she could whip me, I'd (a) consider her fully delusional or (b) consider myself not a very imposing physical specimen.
I'm 16 I just stated today. I thought it was funny for her to do that. I'm too strong for them to catch me in anything. But I had no clue what I was doing. The guy that's my age was wondering how I passed his guard so fast but that's all I can do is pass the guard, get into side control or mount but I havent gotten used to pulling off any of the subs yet.
(b) consider myself not a very imposing physical specimen.


How old is this girl? I mean we're not talking like a 9 year old girl right?
cb9fl said:

How old is this girl? I mean we're not talking like a 9 year old girl right?
if you are gonna train in a class full of kids you need to really stay away from using your strength otherwise you will build really bad habbits if you constantly power your way out of situations instead of using technique ... what do you think will happen when you go to compete against guys your size/strength

whenever i roll with people smaller then me (which is extremely rare considering like 160lb if that) i try to use technique only
I think she was 10 or 11. I see what your saying about the powering out of things but I wasn't really powering out of it. I tried to not let them get anything on me. As soon as they went for an arm or something I seemed to manage to pass pretty easily. I need to learn some more techniques to be able to submit them. As of right now the two best kids in the class I was training stuff with couldn't seem to catch me in anything and wondered how I get out of their guard.
I just to make sure I've got this straight. You're impressed that you were able to defend against a 10 year old girl?
No, I was training with 2 guys one my age and the other a little bit younger than me. The little girl came up to me before class was over and she told me that they do sparring right now. I was like oh, that's cool. So she asked me if I would spar with her because she said I looked weak and she thought she could beat me up.:D
Jeez lay off e-warriors. He is just telling you how his first day went. He is a kid himself.
I'm 16 as well. I'm a kid.

I'm glad you had a good time but try to move on up to classes with adults as you will learn to use more technique instead of your strength.
awesome, awesome. Though if it was your first class and no one tapped you (unless you've had previous training and are a natural phenom on the ground) I would recommend trying other places, if possible.. It's always good to have guys that can tap you.
I asked him about moving up into his adult classes and he told me he want's me to learn the basics first before I go up with the older guys and then I can join and train with them.

That's one of my problems is that I live in a small town In Ontario and there is no other classes around. I guarantee that once I get up into the older classes that tapping is all I'll be doing the whole time.
i also had my first day today. first time back on a mat in a few months. first real workout since..does sex count? if not, a few months lol.

rolled with 3 purple belts and one blue for 2 hours in the advanced class. my first time bjj ever and it was a whole new world lol. i still have the instinct to not go to my back and etc..wrestling instinct shit so i have to build up bjj instincs as to not leave my neck or arms open.

my positioning was okay except for when we roll for so long i end up giving an arm, but i cant expect to do much better against purples and blues. it's going to take a few to understand how i want to position my body in bjj. ex. in wrestling when i take someone down i know how i want my's a little different and a little the same. i got a lot of what the advanced guys were working on and it's my first day with someone in my guard so not to shabby.

cant wait to get back into shape so i can really give these guys a go. the problem is, in wrestling you can be good just by being a fantastic athlete but in bjj it's like those top rank wrestling matches where it's all about the mind game, thinking and it's a physical chess match. just have to train bjj until it's all instinct like wrestling--where i never have to think about rolling.

can't wait to go again. damn work schedual getting in the way. time to pick up running and the weights again. here we go, lol.
Jammyface said:
I asked him about moving up into his adult classes and he told me he want's me to learn the basics first before I go up with the older guys and then I can join and train with them.

That's one of my problems is that I live in a small town In Ontario and there is no other classes around. I guarantee that once I get up into the older classes that tapping is all I'll be doing the whole time.
i tapped my ass off today, lol, but it was purples and a blue. had to keep it in my head the whole time that even if the sub doesnt apply pain that's just because he's not going to jerk it 100%. i always hear bjjers complaining about the new guy who wont tap unless you hurt him so i'm trying to stay smart and really try to learn and not be that guy. you dont go to bjj to drop people on their heads either so all in all i think it was a good day.

also, one of the guys there i knew or my wrestling gym bag gave it away i was a wrestler so only one person wanted to do takedowns with me but i was fairly gassed after rolling and drilling a little. gotta whip that ass back into shape.
Interesting. Back to the original threadposter, I wasn't aware many 10 or 11 year old girls did Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I would imagine the warmup isn't half as bad as ours usually is...