My eating log

1205-Juice, milk x2. Salad with mixed veggies, potatoes, swiss steak, garlic toast. Lucky charms.

1600-Milk x2, water, NuMix. 24 oz made.

1925-Swiss steak, potatoes, salad, steamed broccoli, piece of bread.
1115-Mini pretzels

1205-Doner salad. Mezzo mix.

1310-Honig Salz Mandal Ritter

1420-Dunkle Voll nuss Ritter

1440-Half n half iced tea/lemonade

1955-Craftwerk Hop head ipa 7, bender basket and fries. Shirley temple and chili cheese chips

2150-Cornflakes Ritter.

Pigged out today in preparation for Thanksgiving fast. I am blessed to have this much while many go hungry in the world. I will give thanks by trying to fast for more than 48 hours. I believe my current record is 48 hours. Let's see if I can break that record. The perfect scenario would be from now(Wed Evening) to (Sun Night), or (Mon Lunch) at the very latest. Gonna be gigantic test of willpower.
At the time of this post, 24 hours and 40 minutes in the extended fast.

Feeling really good, no hunger pangs. Stayed in, did some class work, started playing Homefront, and began Season 10 of Supernatural. Homefront has a great plot so far, but the mechanics seem clunky. COD is more fluid in terms of mechanics, but that is to be expected since the developers have more experiences developing shooters.

Drank water and my mind is mentally sharp now. Continuing this as far as I can. Let's see how far I can go.
At the time of this writing, just over 48 hours of fasting. All I could think about is food when otherwise not occupied. Started around hour 40, not hunger pangs, just creeping thoughts. I'll most likely end this around hour 60 or so. Feel like this has been a really productive thing to do.

Gonna grocery shop tomorrow, hopefully turkey is discounted!
Finished the fast at 60 hours and 10 minutes. Very lethargic and low energy when I woke up this morning. It wasn't hunger that I was feeling, just a lack of energy.

1000-Bacon, eggs x2, bagel, hashbrown x2. Juice, watermelon, cookie x3

1500-Half and half iced tea/lemonade. Rest of baguette.

1745-Steak and potato campbell soup, noodles. Half n half.
1115-Eggs x2, bagel, bacon, hashbrowns x2. Chips, juice x2, watermelon.

1430-Haselnuss Schnitter.

1735-Steak, salad, juice x2, chips.

1800-Milk x2
1200-Rice, broccoli, carrots, chicken, piece of bread.

1250-16 oz milk.

1650-16 oz milk, rum, water, 1 scoop of NuMix. 24 oz shake.

1745-Rice, chi ken, carrots, broccoli. Shot of Tito's vodka.

Weight was 142 with clothes when I weighed in for the Wall of Fitness, so I'm about 140 without clothes. Did the meal prep sunday stuff but didn't have enough tupperware to store it all in. So, I'm going to have to cook on Wednesday with the rest of the material I bought.

Total cost of food itself rings in at just under 26 dollars. I had to buy cooking oils and sauces as well.

Can't wait to see how this cooking thing works.
1215- Rice, broccoli, steamed chicken, carrots. Banana.

1445-Rice krispy x2. Flavors were Smores n Rainbow

1510-16 oz milk, water, 1 scoop of The Blend. 24 oz made.

1830- 16 oz milk, water. NuMix scoop, 24 oz made.

2105-Rice, broccoli, chicken, carrots, bread. Redd Apple Ale.
1140-5 lumpia rolls

1210-Salted Peanuts

1430-Monster Energy Ultra Sunrise


1840-16 oz milk

2055-Bender basket, Delirum Tremens. Maximus Stout 8, fries.
1220-Rice, broccoli, carrots, chicken, bread.


1310-Vanilla Caramel nut

1330-16 oz milk, water, 1 scoop of The Blend. 30 oz made.

2025-Rice, carrots, broccoli, chicken liver.

2105-16 oz milk, water, vodka, scoop of NuMix. 24 oz made. Banana.

Note to self, never buy chicken liver again. I suppose there is a reason as to why it was so cheap. Smelled awful, tasted, rubbery. Hard to describe why liver was bad, only that it was bad. Nulled my taste buds and had to eat the carrots and broccoli to cover up the taste.
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1130-Banana and bratwurst

1415-Candy cane

1610-Bread, half n half with vodka.

1740-Ribs and fried chicken. Sprite n vodka, screwdriver.

1850-Tokyo tea, fries. Fullers Winter Ale.

1905-Schoko Reis

2100-Coffee blend shake and 7-Up with blueberry flavor. Tasted really good, both of them.
1510-16 oz milk and Tito's Vodka. 3 pieces of this week's bread. Finished off so I have room for this weeks.

1545-16 oz milk, rum, NuMix scoop, water. 30 oz made.

1815-Rice, red beans, broccoli, carrots. Chicken liver and Chicken breast. 16 oz milk.

1845-24 oz milk

1940-8 oz milk

2005- Shot of Tito's.

Drank so much milk today as to make room for the new milk I just bought.
1455-Chocolate kisses, lots of them. Doritos, Kinder Happy Hippos. Lays, Cheetos, and Cherry Coke. Curse the USO and their sweets.

1655-Watermelon juice and vodka.

1740-Potato o'brien, bread. Healthy choice chicken with rice soup.
1150-4 Lumpia
2025-Rice, beans, mixed veggies, chicken gizzards. 16 oz milk and bread.

2050-BBQ Pringles.

1430-Cheese n bean burrito. Chex mix

1600-Monster Ultra Black

1905- 20 oz milk.

1930-Rice, chicken gizzard, mixed veggies, beans. 8 oz milk, banana, watermelon juice.

2000-BBQ pringles.
1305-Metrx protein plus, chocolate roasted peanuts with caramel bar.

1500-Monster Zero Ultra.

1930-Rice, gizzard, mixed veggies, beans. Banana, 16 oz milk, bbq chips.

2000-Maneblusser Lente, fries, wings.

1405-Cookies, chips, hershey kisses

1430-24 oz milk, banana.

1510-24 oz milk and NuMix scoop.

1745-BBQ chips.

1820-Rice, gizzard, mixed veggies, beans.

1910-Bread, 12 oz milk.
1205-Banana, bbq chips, cookies, bread. 6 oz milk.


1645-16 oz milk, water, NuMix scoop. 24 oz made.

1830-Fanta, Pizza, Stella Artois.

1250-24 oz milk, NuMix scoop.

1325-Rest of the loaf of bread, potato o'brien, turkey bratwurst.

1415-12 oz milk.

1510-Rice Krispy.

1630-10 oz milk

1800-Half n half. Rice, mixed veggies, beans, gizzard, potato o'brien. The potato o'brien made the rice mix taste absolutely heavenly.
1305-Cookies, 12 oz milk.


1710-Noodles, potato o'brien, chicken, 12 oz milk.