My Daily Workout

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Dragons lair

White Belt
May 8, 2008
Reaction score
Hello im new to the forums, but i would like to share some parts of my training. First, i do the kettlebell, i do about 6 sets of 10 on each arm, then i do about 20-30min of shadowboxing, then i run as much as i can around my neighborhood, then i do maybe 3 more sets of 10 on each arm with kettelbell, then finish it all with 20 min of shadow boxing. im trying to use this one workout that fedor does. where he uses a sledgehammer on a tire, to work the punching power.
Welcome friend, you should start a thread in the Training Logs section of the forum (hint: it is close by), and introduce yourself. Maybe a snappy title like Kettle till my bells fall off or I should be squatting or FUCK YEAH SHADOWBOXING etc. Also if you want some ideas on adding some assistance exercises to your kettlebell routine, you should check out the FAQ at the top of this forum section, its got all sorts of goodies like heavy compound lifts, olympic lifts, grip work etc- all sure to make your kettlebell workout just that little bit more intense. Because kettlebells are awesome! Have a nice day.
Welcome friend, you should start a thread in the Training Logs section of the forum (hint: it is close by), and introduce yourself. Maybe a snappy title like Kettle till my bells fall off or I should be squatting or FUCK YEAH SHADOWBOXING etc. Also if you want some ideas on adding some assistance exercises to your kettlebell routine, you should check out the FAQ at the top of this forum section, its got all sorts of goodies like heavy compound lifts, olympic lifts, grip work etc- all sure to make your kettlebell workout just that little bit more intense. Because kettlebells are awesome! Have a nice day.

Who are you? You seem like fun.
This thread will be remembered as the thread where we learned that Hollow is a funny motherfucker.
This thread has honestly made my morning...Hollow for president!
Yeah Hollow's response was pretty funny. I'm not sure I would put that much effort into a thread where the OP is either a troll or retarded or 7 years old.
Hollow should get modship for that one comment. I'd Follow Hollow.
Yeah Hollow's response was pretty funny. I'm not sure I would put that much effort into a thread where the OP is either a troll or retarded or 7 years old.

That's because you're a racist.
Yes I am, racist against retards.

What could you possibly have against pants-shitting, hockey-helmet-wearing, short-bus-ridin, window -lickers?

It's not like they killed Jeebus.
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