My best friend 11y son speaks like Conor

One of us. Whats his Sherdog account?
Those were my first initial thoughts. The kid either has an account here posting or its the sherdoggers own kid. They deflect and project things off on their friend etc as a defense mechanism if we all attack like savage ass holes.

If that's you TS or your kid that's perfectly OK. I didn't have as many role models back then.
I thought I was a ninja turtle and sometimes Rambo.
There was a thread a while back where this guy from Australia who was well into his 30s trying to be exactly like Conor. Tats and all

Sounds like most of the dudes you see watching the fights at buffalo wild wings
Imagine being a kid and having to go to school with a 11 year old Conor fanboy.
You're just jealous that in some 10 years he's gonna fuck the likes of Dee Devlin, while you yourself are hate-masturbating furiously while watching Conor defend his title at 185.
Guess I should have been Bill gates for Halloween when I was 10. Apparently, you actually adopt the lifestyle of whomever you impersonate...

Abandoning and saving

That stupid bitch is super hot.

1. Go outside and find a mexican kid three times bigger than your friend's son.
2. Pay him to go and beat the shit out of your friend's son.
3. You should be referee, so you can stop the fight when the mexican kid almost kills your friend's son.
4. Take the child back to his family.

If it doesn't work, try with a black midget.
That would be a pretty badass Halloween costume.
You're a f'king kids aren't allowed to play and pretend? or have pics of people on their walls...don't be a retard...

They can do that but if my kid wants to tell me "You'll do fookin nuttin" he can let me know how comas feel.
Better him looking to someone like mcgregor as an idol rather than one of those goofy rappers. Maybe he will be inspired to get into mma or Boxing?

He's 11, I don't see the problem with this at all...The Talking back at his dad like that isn't any good obviously but don't see a problem with an 11 year old seeing mcgregor as his idol at all
I can't be the only one that does not appreciate that backside...i say "backside" I mean the area where her arse should live.

Looks like plenty of ass to me

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