MW matches to make after tonight


Purple Belt
Jan 3, 2007
Reaction score
There were three fairly big mw fights tonight:

Costa defeated Boetsch
Okami defeated Belcher
Brunson defeated Leben

Who should they fight next?
Costa vs Boetsch rematch
Okami vs Lombard
Brunson vs palhares
Costa vs Lombard or Weidman

Okami vs loser of Bisping/Vitor or perhaps Shields

Brunson vs Dolloway or somebody. He didn't look that great, no need to throw him to the wolves just yet.
Costa vs Cung Le - Either could prove something with a win here and it would make a great match

Brunson vs Okami - Solid probable snoozefest gatekeeper match to get done with

Belcher vs Boestch - the timing works out, and their styles work for an exciting and unpredictable match-up, either would get a good boost in relevancy with a win in this situation

Leben vs Herman - I can't even remember how Herman's last fight went, but this just made sense to me for some reason
Costa vs Lombard or Weidman

Okami vs loser of Bisping/Vitor or perhaps Shields

Brunson vs Dolloway or somebody. He didn't look that great, no need to throw him to the wolves just yet.

I like Costa vs Lombard. I think that fight is fireworks either way and winner is a legitimate title contender.

Brunson may not have looked great, but he deserves a fairly big fight after beating leben. I think I would give him palhares and assume a leglock is coming.
I know I'm not the only one who went 0-3 on these picks.
I know I'm not the only one who went 0-3 on these picks.

Luckily I had costa and laid off leben even though he was tempting. I about broke even on the card overall, but only because cain came through as an underdog in the main event. Pickett and Lauzon couldnt quite get it done.
Costa vs Lombard is the most obvious to me. That would be an awesome brawl for however long it lasted.

Okami vs Shields II

Boetsch vs Belcher

Leben vs Franklin

Brunson vs Dollaway/Mutante winner
costa vs lombard
costa vs vitor
lombard vs vitor
Costa vs Lombard is the most obvious to me. That would be an awesome brawl for however long it lasted.

Okami vs Shields II

Boetsch vs Belcher

Leben vs Franklin

Brunson vs Dollaway/Mutante winner

Really like Leben/Franklin. Thats a fan friendly fight that could easily headline a fuel card.