Social Mukbanger dies during 10 hour live stream after her stomach ripped open

That sounds like such a horribly agonizing way to go, that I don't genuinely even feel like making the obvious jokes about it. Not only the enormous physical pain of having your stomach ripped apart, but the mental anguish of knowing that you did it to yourself and that you'll die at 24, while a bunch of random people are watching your last moments.
Yup, sad days sir.
That chick must've been in so much pain, and they just continued to watch her like it was another Saturday night smh.
Yup, sad days sir.
That chick must've been in so much pain, and they just continued to watch her like it was another Saturday night smh.
A few years ago I saved a drowning kid at the pool. Nobody did anything. His own family just stood at the edge screaming for someone to save him. They sure as shit all had their phones though. I had to yell for someone to call 911 after I'd already started CPR

If you are ever, ever in trouble--- nobody is going to help you. Nobody even knows how
Her stomach couldn't grind the food inside it so it burst and acid went out to the vital parts. This is the first incident I read.

All for the audience.
A few years ago I saved a drowning kid at the pool. Nobody did anything. His own family just stood at the edge screaming for someone to save him. They sure as shit all had their phones though. I had to yell for someone to call 911 after I'd already started CPR

If you are ever, ever in trouble--- nobody is going to help you. Nobody even knows how

Well at least you were there to save that fuckin kid sir, I can certainly say that I'm proud of you and mean it.

That kid knows that you're a good man, a better man than his parents/family.
Im surprised they didn't say you assaulted the boy for giving him CPR lol.
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Uplifting gold! Now don't take this as insensitive but what if your username was @yellow whale ts?
I have never understood the fascination with something less than I do with mukbangs.
"Viewers reportedly tried to provide remote help, but it wasn’t enough"

Probably sent a bunch of emojis and thought that would make the difference

Di yute deez dayz fam smdh 🤦
I'm surprised stuff like this doesn't happen more often.
This 'mukbang' shit disgusts me. I am bewildered how people can sit and just watch another person eat.

It'll be interesting to see these people's health records a couple years from now, because gorging a bunch of sweet, salty, fatty food like this has got to absolutely be wrecking their body.
So I’m guessing China is Communist In Name Only now for such an event to take place on their soil?

What would Mao think of an able bodied young women having enough food to become obese and eat herself to death in one sit?
Now, I'm not one to encourage fat shaming, do unto others and whatnot.

But the idea that morbidly obese people should be celebrated for their bravery, or that they're "beautiful" is something that really grinds my gears.

Drug addicts aren't applauded for their self destructive habits so why do the obese get a pass? Drug addiction has a much stronger correlation to a person's genes than obesity does, and both incur millions of dollars in tax payer money to support.