Movies Movies that are your "Guilty Pleasures"?

Zeke's Chaingun

Gold Belt
Feb 12, 2003
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Can you name a movie that you like, but would describe as a "Guilty Pleasure."

It can be because the movie is poorly made, low budget, bad dialogue, ridiculous action scenes, or whatever flaws the movie has. Or, it could be something that is completely outside of your genre of movie.

The latter is mine; a movie completely outside of the genre of movies that I traditionally like. I am a bit embarrassed to admit I like this movie, but I do. Why? Probably because in this genre of movie (Romantic Comedy/Chick Flick) we are consistently blasted with bumbling idiot male leads who trip over their own feet, say and do retarded things for the woman, have zero self-respect, chase, plead, and beg for the woman... and then somehow they end up with the woman in the end when she has an epiphany that she likes him too. That is typically how these movies in this genre go, and I find that absolutely disgusting, pathetic, and unrealistic.

However, in this movie it's different. The male lead isn't a weak and pathetic bumbling idiot who chases desperately after the girl. He doesn't make a fool of himself, degrade himself, beg or plead... in fact, the male lead is the one being chased. He is the guy who moved on from his first crush and found someone else because the female lead never was serious about him in the past. This in turn leads to the female lead being the one making a fool of herself and behaving in a ridiculous way to win him from the girl she lost him to.

This just doesn't happen often in this genre of movie. Every time my wife puts one of these movies on, I'm relentlessly eye-rolling and taking the piss out of the behavior of the characters, particularly the male characters. They're always spineless and never put the girl in her place for being a total bitch the entire movie. That is why this movie is my choice for a movie that I am embarrassed to admit I like.

What's yours?

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Why would I be ashamed of liking something?

Technically, you shouldn't be.

There are many reasons why someone might be a little embarrassed to admit something, though. Maybe you like the taste of boogers and don't want to admit it because you know that it's weird. Shame is a perfectly normal human emotion, and perhaps we need a little bit more of it these days.

The sappy love story and music, the total glamorization of WWII America, the Michal Bay-ness of it all, that absoutley cheese of the "how you like it when someone is shooting back at ya" line. I love it! Hell, I might watch it tonight as a late 4th of July comfort movie now that I think about it
Can you name a movie that you like, but would be a bit embarrassed to admit that you like?

It can be because the movie is poorly made, low budget, bad dialogue, ridiculous action scenes, or whatever flaws the movie has. Or, it could be something that is completely outside of your genre of movie.

The latter is mine; a movie completely outside of the genre of movies that I traditionally like. I am a bit embarrassed to admit I like this movie, but I do. Why? Probably because in this genre of movie (Romantic Comedy/Chick Flick) we are consistently blasted with bumbling idiot male leads who trip over their own feet, say and do retarded things for the woman, have zero self-respect, chase, plead, and beg for the woman... and then somehow they end up with the woman in the end when she has an epiphany that she likes him too. That is typically how these movies in this genre go, and I find that absolutely disgusting, pathetic, and unrealistic.

However, in this movie it's different. The male lead isn't a weak and pathetic bumbling idiot who chases desperately after the girl. He doesn't make a fool of himself, degrade himself, beg or plead... in fact, the male lead is the one being chased. He is the guy who moved on from his first crush and found someone else because the female lead never was serious about him in the past. This in turn leads to the female lead being the one making a fool of herself and behaving in a ridiculous way to win him from the girl she lost him to.

This just doesn't happen often in this genre of movie. Every time my wife puts one of these movies on, I'm relentlessly eye-rolling and taking the piss out of the behavior of the characters, particularly the male characters. They're always spineless and never put the girl in her place for being a total bitch the entire movie. That is why this movie is my choice for a movie that I am embarrassed to admit I like.

What's yours?

That's a good movie imo. Your points are spot on.
I will go with 500 days of summer. We've all been there and it sucks. It goes through all of the complex emotions of that situation.
I aint embarrassed to admit shit, ole Pete fucks wit rom-coms and chick flicks all day long, Steel Magnolias is one of my all time favorite movies, what!
Steel Magnolias is a good flick.
Nothing I can think of.

I'm past the whole being embarrassed thing .

Rephrase the question as: "Is there a movie you like that if the guy friends came over to watch a movie that you would not put on, even if they hadn't seen it?"