Movies Movies that hit you right in the feels

So I caught a head and chest cold. Was feeling pretty bad so I ate an edible. Being high makes me enjoy animated things more than I normally do. As I like the idea of watching animated films and tv shows, but really have no desire to start them for some reason.

Anyway I decided to watch Up and was not prepared for that movie. Jesus. The opening scene is so sad. And then when the old man finally gets his house to the falls, opens up the adventure book, and realizes he didn’t break his promise and fail his wife before she died, because she filled out the adventure book with a bunch of photographs of their time together just living every day life. Solid movie.

I can’t remember the last time I got so sad from an animated movie. Maybe the fox and the hound.

Anyways that was a good watch. I also enjoyed the movie About Time. It starts off about time traveling and romance and blah blah blah, but it ends up being about something very different and meaningful, really an unexpected route they went with that movie.
Rachael Mcadams is in it too. Puts on a good performance and looks good.

Anyways those are my top movies I can think of. If you liked anime I think Your Name was pretty touching. Idk I watched it this year but I forget already.

But yeah what movies had an emotional impact on you. I don’t tear up much or at all, but movies seem to give me an emotional release for some reason. Weird

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
god what a masterpiece that i will never watch again
Raging Bull
Good Will Hunting
Macross DYRL movie where Hikaru and Misa are stranded inside the ruins of ancient something and Hikaru realizes Misa is the one since Minmei is an immature shit.
I watched plague dogs last night. None of it surprised me but it was good in the way of not being flimsy with reality although it's animated. Pizza dog had trouble more than me. I had to keep em out of the room so he would stop bugging me. I put this along side movies like water ship down. I hate drowning. Shit sucks. Being able to hear and kind of see makes it rough.
What’s funny to me is I wasn’t really moved by grave of fireflies, and I actually didn’t really like that movie. IIRC the protagonists actions didn’t really make sense to me and idk I just didn’t feel it.
A few people have this reaction, they get annoyed/confused with the why of it all and the protagonists actions. I think it's important to frame the movie in the right light, which is that people aren't always rational. Especially kids, and especially under the circumstances. It's largely based on the authors own experience during WW2 in Japan and was written in part as a way to deal with his own guilt,
hence why he dies at the end as well.

Maybe give it another go at some point with that in mind and definitely watch the Japanese version with subtitles. It has real children voicing the leads.

Holy shit. I just read the synopsis and that shit had me tearing up. No chance I will watch that movie.
It's an important film, similar to a movie like Schindler's List. I would watch it once just because of that.

Manchester by the sea. Most fitting movie of a broken man I've ever seen. Casey Affleck can fucking act
Great movie that isn't talked about enough. That scene where he's at the police station gave me chills. His performance in this movie and in 'The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford' puts him up there. He's one of the best actors of his generation and it's unfortunate that he doesn't get that recognition. The whole metoo thing derailed him as he was coming into his own.
Warrior with Tom Hardy. It could easily have been a by- the- numbers action film, but it has real heart and gripping drama.